Xxxx Periods. If an employee has worked for eight hours or more (including straight time and overtime) during the 16-hour period immediately preceding the beginning of the employee's regular work hours on a workday, such employee shall be entitled to a rest period of eight consecutive hours on the completion of such overtime work.
Xxxx Periods. In addition to the meal period, a rest period of not less than fifteen (15) minutes shall be given employees covered hereunder, without deduction of pay, for every four
Xxxx Periods. Pursuant to RCW 49.12.187, as amended by SSB 6054, Laws of 2003 c. 401, laws of 2003 the parties agree to waive the rules and policies adopted by the Department of Labor and Industries in WAC 000-000-000 under the Industrial Welfare Act with respect to meal periods. In consideration for the ability to work a total shift that may be up to a ten (10) hour assignment, CSR’s scheduled to work on weekends are entitled to eat any time during their shift as work duties may permit. The work schedule will not require an unpaid meal break as part of the assigned shift. Such employees are not entitled to relief from duty while they eat and must remain available to perform all of the essential functions of a CSR.
Xxxx Periods. Two (2) 15-minute rest periods will be authorized during each regular eight (8) hours shift at a time designated by the supervisor, depending upon the needs of the department. One (1) 30-minute meal period will be authorized during each regular eight (8) hour shift at a time designated by the supervisor, depending upon the needs of the department. Employees are required to notify their supervisor or designee on leaving for their meal or rest periods.
Xxxx Periods. The Employer may schedule an employee up to one ( l ) hour fo r lunch, or one-half Ci) hour fo r lunch and on x-x xxx Ci) hour fo r supper per day, No employee sh all work more than f iv e (5 ) hours without a meal p eriod ,
1. In the event o f any temporary tra n sfer o f any employee from one sto re to an other re s u ltin g in a d d itio n a l tra v e lin g fa r e over the regu lar fa re paid by such employee, such employee s h a ll continue to pay the regu lar fa re and the Employer agrees to pay one a d d itio n a l fa re up to a maximum o f f i f t y cents (£0>;) per t r ip or one d o lla r ($ 1 ,00 ) per round t r ip fo r any one (1 ) day. A l l further a d d ition a l fares to be paid fo r by the employee,
SECTION 2. No employee s h a ll be required to take a tra n sfer to a sto re outside the ju r is d ic tio n o f the d is t r ic t manager’ s area, except by mutual consent o f the em ployee and the Employer w ith a copy to the Union,
Xxxx Periods. It is mandatory that all employees shall be given a full uninterrupted one half (1/2) hour meal period. The meal period may be staggered between the fourth (4th) and fifth (5th) consecutive hours. When employees work over five (5) hours without being provided with a one-half (1/2) hour meal period, they shall receive one-half (1/2) hour pay at the double (2) time rate. In addition to the minimum pay requirements, Article XVI, Section H, when they are required to work overtime after 6:30 P.M., they shall be allowed one-half (1/2) hour meal period for every five (5) hours thereafter they are required to remain on the job. Meal periods may be staggered so to meet job requirements. When employees working under this agreement are required to work through the meal periods on Saturdays, Sundays, and/or holidays, the employee shall receive an additional one-half (1/2) hour pay at the applicable wage rate for each meal period that is missed as defined H.2 of this article.
Xxxx Periods. Employees are entitled to two paid 15-minute rest breaks each day.
Xxxx Periods. 17.1. Employees engaged on work to which this Agreement applies where they are working Monday to Friday inclusive or a Saturday or Sunday, shall be entitled to one (1) rest period of twenty (20) minutes each morning
17.2. These rest periods shall be without deduction of pay.
17.3. When an employee is required to work two and a half hours or more overtime after the normal ceasing time for ordinary hours on any day Monday to Friday, the following shall apply:
(a) A rest period of 20 minutes duration shall apply which may be worked out
(b) If the rest period is taken in the 20 minutes immediately following the ordinary hours it shall be paid at ordinary rates
(c) If the rest period is taken or paid out at any other time it shall be paid at the equivalent overtime rate.
(d) If overtime is worked for another four hours (in total 5.5.hours of overtime) then another rest period of 20 minutes duration will be allowed and will be paid at the appropriate overtime rate.
Xxxx Periods. Any employee who has worked a regular full day shift and is required to work overtime during a regular scheduled night operation shall be entitled to a twenty (20) minute supper period paid for by the Employer. No employee who is entitled to a paid supper period shall be required to take such supper period earlier than three and one-half (3t) hours after conclusion of the employee’s noon lunch hour. Any part-time employee who is employed at least six (6) hours in a workday shall be entitled to up to thirty (30) minutes for a lunch period without pay.
Xxxx Periods. Rest periods shall be administered consistent with section 9.1 of the MOU.