Introduction and Purpose Sample Clauses

Introduction and Purpose. Introduction • Neighbourhood Development Plans • Neighbourhood Development Orders
Introduction and Purpose. The Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) and the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) mutually support the attainment of dual credit coursework for high school students. This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) underscores the dedication of both agencies to improving the educational attainment of Kentucky citizens and reinforces the collaboration necessary to achieve this level of success. Improving the educational attainment of Kentucky citizens is key to ensuring the State’s long-term success. The State commits significant resources across the educational spectrum to develop and implement strategies to address this critical issue. Providing secondary students dual credit opportunities is a proven educational strategy with the capacity to complement and maximize the chances of success of our educational initiatives. Effective dual credit systems have impacts both at the secondary and postsecondary levels and provide the opportunity for collaboration. Participants are expected to know and follow current and future versions of Dual Credit Policies established by the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education found at: xxxx:// Should policies change during the academic year, KCTCS may request support in meeting those changes outside the scope of this document.
Introduction and Purpose. Pheasants Forever, Inc (PF) and the Northeast Nebraska Prescribed Burn Association (Burn Association) enter into an agreement to manage prescribed burn equipment for the establishment, improvement and management of wildlife habitat in Nebraska. The Mobile Prescribed Burn Unit (MPBU) and its equipment will be managed in the manner described in this Use Agreement.
Introduction and Purpose. 1.1 The establishment of the universal deferred payment scheme means that people should not be forced to sell their home in their lifetime to pay for their care. Deferring payment of care fees can help people to delay the need to sell their home and provide peace of mind during a time that can be challenging for them and their loved ones as they make the transition into care. 1.2 Sections 34 to 36 of the Care Act 2014 defines the requirement for councils to offer a Deferred Payment Agreement (DPA) enabling people to defer the sale of their main or only home where it is needed to fund and pay care fees. 1.3 The Care and Support (Deferred Payment) Regulations 2014, as amended by the Care and Support (Deferred Payment) (Amendment) Regulation(s) 2017 and the Care and Support Statutory Guidance, set out the legal framework and the Council’s responsibilities in greater detail. 1.4 The Council has a duty to offer a DPA to people who have Council arranged care and support, and also to people who arrange and pay for their own care. The person must have liquid assets less than, or equal to, the upper capital limit of £23,250. 1.5 A DPA can provide additional flexibility for when and how a person pays for their care and support. However, it must be made clear at the outset that the deferred amount is not written off and will have to be repaid by the individual, or a third party on their behalf, at a later date. The Council’s debt is secured by way of a legal charge on the property in question. 1.6 The deferral can last until death or may be used as a bridging loan to give time and flexibility to sell the home. 1.7 The Council has a duty to provide clear and easy to understand information and advice explaining how a DPA works enabling people to make well-informed choices and the options for paying for care. 1.8 This policy sets out the Council’s Deferred Payment scheme (for the administration and implementation of DPAs), including type of DPA, eligibility for a DPA, and the Council’s obligations in terms of the administration. 1.9 The policy should be read with the Council’s Residential Care Charging Policy.
Introduction and Purpose. This document sets out the terms of reference for the Modern Slavery Regional Transformation Teams, comprising 10 Regional Strategic Analyst and 10 Regional Coordinators, based in each of the ROCUs and the MPS, managed by a National Delivery Coordinator and a National Analyst Manager. It is an integral part of the Modern Slavery Police Transformation Unit, and the wider Modern Slavery Police Transformation Programme, funded via the Police Reform and Transformation Fund Board. The purpose of the Regional Transformation Teams is to work alongside ROCUs, Forces, partnerships and safeguarding boards to improve the collective response.
Introduction and Purpose. The Service Provider is engaged in the business of providing an internet cloud based security system facilitating live alarm handling allowing alarms and video to be received and handled from any internet based computer tablet or smart device.
Introduction and Purpose. 1.1 This annex is designed to provide customers of the London Metal Exchange (LME) with an overview of the structure of the LME, market terminology, and order execution. It is not a comprehensive trading guide, nor a complete guide to market terminology. Customers should always ensure that their requirements are explained in detail to the member responsible for order execution.
Introduction and Purpose. 1.1 These Variable Compensation Plan Rules (the Plan Rules) are intended to provide for Variable Compensation in the form of cash and / or Shares to eligible Executive Board members of AEGON N.V. to strengthen their commitment to the Company’s business strategy, risk tolerance and long-term performance, as further set out in the Remuneration Framework or any other arrangements applicable to Participants. 1.2 These Plan Rules are subject to the terms and conditions of the Remuneration Framework and the Remuneration policy and/or other arrangements regarding variable compensation that may apply to the Participant. 1.3 In the event of any discrepancies or inconsistencies between these Plan Rules and the Remuneration Framework, including the Remuneration Policy, the latter shall prevail. 1.4 In these Plan Rules, unless the context otherwise requires, the capitalized words and expressions shall have the meaning as set forth in the list of Definitions.
Introduction and Purpose. Teacher evaluation is a collaborative, reflective process, whose primary purpose is to help all unit members improve. As set forth in the Xxxxx Act, evaluation will additionally promote and document the accountability of District unit members. The District will use rubrics based on the California Standards for the Teaching Profession as its evaluation tool. The purpose of the evaluation process is fivefold: 1. To assess the quality of teaching and/or the performance of non-classroom unit members; 2. To give recognition for effective teaching and/or professional performance; 3. To reinforce good teaching and/or professional practices; 4. To allow for a positive and logical process of remediation--in line with Peer Assistance and Review legislation for unit members who need improvement or receive unsatisfactory evaluations; and 5. To meet the mandates of law and due process which require that personnel shall not be subject to dismissal who have not been systematically evaluated.
Introduction and Purpose. Drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace is detrimental to the health and safety of the user, other employees, and residents of the County. It also contributes to increased absenteeism, tardiness, medical costs, and decreased productivity, as well as resulting in danger to or loss of equipment and property. The Court is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for all Court employees free from alcohol and illegal drugs and ensuring that employees and independent contractors are not impaired due to the effects of drug or alcohol use. The Court will also provide information to employees concerning rehabilitation from the adverse effects of alcohol or drugs. This article is implemented to meet these commitments, increase the awareness of personnel concerning the hazards of substance abuse and inform personnel regarding the consequences of substance abuse in the workplace. Al l applicants hired by the Court will be provided with a copy of the Policy at the time of hire, or prior to hire upon the applicant's request.