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LEAVE PAY Sample Clauses

LEAVE PAY. A. Teachers shall be credited eight (8) days sick leave per year at the beginning of the school year accumulative to one hundred (100) days. Sick leave shall be earned at the rate of one (1) day per month from September through April. If an employee fails to complete a full school year, sick days taken in excess of the earned one (1) day per month shall be deducted from the teacher's final paycheck. 1. The Board may request a physician's report if the teacher is absent for three (3) or more consecutive days or there is a pattern of absences. 2. A teacher on unpaid leave shall not accrue additional paid leave days. 3. If school is canceled due to inclement weather or acts of God and the teacher is not required to work, the teacher will not be charged a sick or business day. B. Teachers may use paid sick leave in case of death or serious illness in the immediate family (spouse, children, parents, parents-in-law, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother). This leave may also be available in case of death or serious illness of any other person designated by a committee of three (3) composed of the Superintendent, building principal and teacher involved. C. All teachers will be credited three (3) paid leave days per year for personal business. These days will be earned at a rate of one and a half (1.5) days per semester. A teacher who leaves prior to the end of the school year will have their leave days prorated. The teacher will notify the building principal or Superintendent at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of using leave. Personal business days may be accumulated to a maximum of five (5) days, but no more than four (4) days may be taken in any school year. Personal business day or days cannot be used the last day prior to or the first day subsequent to a regular school vacation, break or holiday such as Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, spring break, Good Friday or Memorial Day. Teachers may not request personal business leave for a time when the teacher is scheduled for fall or spring conferences. Any violation of the foregoing provisions may subject the teacher to disciplinary action. If an employee has four (4) or more personal business days accumulated at the end of a school year, two (2) days shall be transferred to their accumulated sick leave. The days shall be converted automatically to sick leave unless the teacher provides written notice by June 1st of each school year that they do not desire such a conversion. D. A teacher absent from...
LEAVE PAYA teacher shall not be eligible to receive pay for any leave unless he or she has left with the principal or designee, acceptable lesson plans for a substitute teacher.
LEAVE PAY. A. Teachers absent from duty because of illness, personal business, disability or because of illness in the family shall be allowed full pay for a total of twelve (12) leave days in any school year plus as many days as the individual teacher may have accumulated. Seven days of the twelve (12) leave days shall be designated as sick leave, and five (5) days of the twelve (12) leave days shall be designated as non-reviewed personal business. First year teachers shall have six (6) days placed at their disposal at the beginning of the first semester and six (6) days placed at their disposal at the beginning of second semester. Should a teacher use sick leave days to which the teacher is not entitled, the teacher shall reimburse the District for those days. Each teacher shall be entitled to an accumulation of the unused portion of each year’s leave to a maximum accumulation of two hundred and ten (210). B. Non-Reviewed personal business days are to be arranged for at least three (3) days in advance except for emergency situations. Days immediately preceding and following any vacation period may not be used as personal business days. (Except for funerals or by approval of the Superintendent). The number of members approved for non-reviewed personal business days shall be limited to five (5) per day. After five (5) consecutive days or if a pattern of absences is determined, medical documentation must be provided if requested. C. A sick leave bank shall be established and maintained for the use of teachers. (As defined in Sick Leave Policy – Article XVI). D. A yearly audit of the number of leave days used by the teacher shall be taken. One copy shall be issued to the teacher and the other placed in the teacher’s permanent file. This audit shall be performed by the first day of the succeeding school year. E. No teacher shall be granted a personal leave day to earn money at another job. The Memphis Education Association and the Board will not tolerate abuse of leave policy. In cases where abuse is suspected, an investigation will be made by the Board and the Association. F. Upon retirement, a teacher shall receive substitute’s wages at the time of such retirement for all accumulated leave days in his account Upon termination of employment for reasons other than retirement, a teacher shall be eligible to receive fifty percent (50%) reimbursement for any accumulated leave days accredited to him at time of employment termination. This shall be in effect only upon comple...
LEAVE PAY. Leave pay for employees detailed to a higher level position will be administered in accordance with the following: Employees working short term on a higher level assignment or detail will be entitled to approved sick and annual paid leave at the higher level rate for a period not to exceed three days. Short term shall mean an employee has been on an assignment or detail to a higher level for a period of 29 consecutive work days or less at the time leave is taken and such assignment or detail to the higher level position is resumed upon return to work. All short term assignments or details will be automatically canceled if replace- ments are required for absent detailed employees. Long term shall mean an employee has been on an assignment or detail to the higher level position for a period of 30 consecutive workdays or longer at the time leave is taken and such assignment or detail to the higher level position is resumed upon return to work. Terminal leave payments resulting from death will be paid at the higher level for all employees who are assigned or detailed to high- er level assignments on their last workday.
LEAVE PAY. ‌ An employee who retires and submits proof of eligibility from the Florida Retirement System or whose employment is terminated by death shall receive payment for accrued sick leave days. Such compensation shall be the daily rate of pay at retirement or death of the employee multiplied by the maximum percentage provided for by Florida Statute times the number of accumulated sick leave days. In the event service is terminated by death, benefits shall be paid to the beneficiary as identified on the employee's group life insurance form.
LEAVE PAY. A. At the beginning of each school year each administrator shall be credited with ten (10) days of sick leave, the unused portion of which shall accumulate from year to year, not to exceed sixty-five (65) days. An administrator may be compensated for up to five (5) unused sick or personal days at the his/her daily per diem rate. The administrator must have at least 50 unused days in his/her bank to qualify and may not fall below 50 days as a result. The leave days may be taken by an administrator for the following reasons and subject to the following conditions. 1. Personal illness or disability, the administrator may use all or any portion of the leave to recover from the administrator's own illness or disability, which shall include childbirth and complications of pregnancy. In case of excessive absences, the Board of Education shall have the right to have an examination by an agreed to physician. Effective July 1, 1996, for all sick days that an administrator would have accumulated, the district shall credit the administrator with a $25.00 credit per sick day. The $25.00 shall be paid to an administrator upon retirement or resignation from the Xxxxxxxx Schools B. Each administrator is entitled to five (5) personal leave days per contract year. Personal days are not accumulative as personal days, however, they will not be deducted from sick leave. A personal day will be granted for a full or half day when approved. At the end of each school year, an administrator's unused personal days shall be added to his/her accumulated sick days. If an administrator, after using his/her five (5) personal business days stated above, needs up to three (3) additional personal days due to an emergency or a personal situation that can only be addressed during work time, these additional personal days may be granted by the Superintendent. Any additional days will be deducted from the administrator’s sick days. If an administrator is required or mandated to attend a workshop or meeting on Saturday then they will be allowed 1 discretionary day to replace that day with pre approval of the Superintendent of Schools. The discretionary day must be taken within six weeks and will not accumulate from year to year.
LEAVE PAY. A. Catastrophic leave pay may be available to an employee as set forth herein pursuant to the provisions of Education Code section 87045. Catastrophic leave pay shall consist of the amount of sick leave credit, vacation time, or compensatory time off credits that are donated to the affected employee by other employees. 1. Donations of sick leave credit shall be made in blocks that are equivalent to one day of leave for the donating employee. An employee who donates sick leave credits shall be required to have a sick leave balance equivalent to five days (e.g., full-time employee = 40 hours) following the donation. 2. Donations of vacation time or compensatory time off credits shall be made in blocks of not less than two hours per donating employee. B. For the purpose of calculating credits for an employee who receives catastrophic pay, the following shall apply: 1. If the employee who donates eligible time credits is at a different salary rate than the employee who receives the credits, the formula to be used shall be: Donating employee's hourly rate multiplied by number of hours donated equals $X; $X divided by receiving employee's hourly rate equals the number of catastrophic leave hours available to receiving employee. Example: Donating employee - Secretary (rate $9.00 per hour) donates eight hours: $9.00 x 8 = $72.00; Receiving employee - Clerk (rate $7.00 per hour) will be entitled to: $72.00  $7.00 = 10.29 hours of catastrophic leave credits. 2. If the employee or employees who donate eligible time credits are at the same salary rate as the employee who receives the credits, the receiving employee shall be credited with the number of hours donated. 3. The receipt of donated time credits under this program shall not serve to extend or modify the terms or limitations of ARTICLE 13, LEAVES OF ABSENCE, paragraph 13.4.4 of this Agreement. However, at the written request of the employee, donated time credits shall be coordinated with differential pay during a period when the employee is on extended sick leave in order to mitigate the impact of the deduction of the substitute’s pay from the employee’s regular pay. Further, at the written request of the employee, donated time credits shall be coordinated with Family Medical Leave Act benefits in order to provide a continuation of income, or to provide an extension of contributions for the District’s health insurance package, or both during the period when the employee does not receive regular wages from the...
LEAVE PAY. A. Fifteen (15) days of sick leave shall be credited to a school year employee after reporting for their first day of work. All unused sick leave and personal leave days from the current year will be added to the bank of sick days for the following year. All unused sick leave days in excess of ninety (90) days shall be returned to the employee at the end of the current school year on the basis of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per day. B. Of the fifteen (15) days, four (4) days per year may be used for personal business. C. Sick leave days may be used for personal sickness, sickness in the family or time necessary for attendance at the funeral service of a person whose relationship to the employee warrants such attendance. D. Leave days shall be granted when the request has been made in writing to the Superintendent or designee through their immediate supervisor at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance, if possible. Leave time without twenty-four (24) hours notice may be granted at the discretion of the immediate supervisor. Such requests shall be considered on a priority basis as of time of receipt by the Superintendent or designee. E. Leave time shall be computed on a July 1 to June 30 year. New employees must pass through the 45-calendar day probationary period satisfactorily before they are awarded leave days. Leave days will be pro-rated from the date of seniority for the remainder of the school year. F. Leave pay shall not be granted for days when the employee is not scheduled to work. G. The Board reserves the right to require proof of illness if an employee’s absence exceeds five (5) consecutive days for suspected abuse of sick leave. H. If an employee leaves the employ of the District after ten (10) consecutive years from board seniority date (this does not include years as a sub), unused sick days up to a total of one hundred five (105) days shall be reimbursed at the rate of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per day.
LEAVE PAY. A. Sick days shall be defined as personal illness, personal disability or other approved reasons, excluding health examinations, routine dental appointments, or surgical procedures which could be scheduled during a time when school is not in session. B. All full time teachers shall be allowed full pay for a total of twelve (12) sick days in any school year, usable immediately after school starts. Teachers with 0 thru 10 years of teaching service with Caseville Public Schools may use two (2) of the current year’s sick days for personal days. Teachers with 11 or more years of teaching service with Caseville Public Schools may use three (3) of the current year’s sick days for personal business. Teachers who bank 50 or more (accumulated) sick days can transfer one of those days to a personal day in any one given school year. For example, teachers who receive 2 personal days can add one more from their sick day bank of 50 plus; teachers with three (3) personal days can add one more from their sick day bank of 50 plus days. Unused sick days will accumulate to 100. All staff members who accumulate over the 100 days of their maximum accumulation will be compensated at the rate of $50 per day at the conclusion of each succeeding school year. C. Half-day teachers shall be allowed full pay for a total of twelve (12) half sick days in any school year. Unused sick days will accumulate to 100 days. All half day teachers who accumulate over 100 days of their maximum accumulation will be compensated at the pro-rated rate of $50 per day at the conclusion of each succeeding school year. Sick days are usable immediately after school starts. D. CPS offers to its employees that have accumulated at least 25 sick days the opportunity to trade in 5 sick days (no more no less) for a total cash value of $500.00. Any teacher that has accumulated over 100 days must exercise Article IX Section B or this offer. No employee will be allowed both options. The request to be paid $500 for 5 unused sick days must be made by 4:00p.m. the Friday prior to the last payday in June. A designated form must be used to make this request. The full amount will be included with the teacher’s last paycheck in June. E. A teacher who is not able to return to duty after the 5th day following an illness or disability shall present a certificate of ableness to their principal upon his/her return to duty. This certificate is to be made out by a physician authorized to practice under the laws of the State of Mi...
LEAVE PAY. (1) Except in the case of employees employed on incentive bonus work, leave payments provided for in this clause shall, subject to (a), (b), (c) and (d) hereof, be computed at the hourly rate as defined in this Agreement which the employee is receiving or entitled to receive on the date of qualification for his paid leave. (a) The leave pay of an employee who takes leave on the date on which he becomes entitled thereto, or (b) The leave pay of an employee in respect of whom the Council has granted an exemption at his own (i) In the case of an employee entitled to three consecutive weeks‘ paid leave in terms of clause 12(3) of Part 1 of this Agreement, the leave pay shall be adjusted from the date of coming into force of any statutory increase which became effective within a period of three weeks from the date on which the employee qualified for the leave. (ii) In the case of an employee entitled to four consecutive weeks‘ paid leave in terms of clause 13 of Part I of this Agreement, the leave pay shall be adjusted from the date of coming into force of any statutory increase which became effective within a period of four weeks from the date on which the employee qualified for leave. (c) The leave pay of an employee whose leave, at the request of the employer, and only after an exemption (2) Leave payments of employees employed on incentive bonus work shall be computed on the average weekly earnings exclusive of overtime over the last three months actually worked on incentive bonus work prior to the leave becoming due or over the number of weeks actually worked during the period of employment on incentive bonus work, whichever is the lesser period. (3) Every employee shall be entitled under this Agreement to three consecutive weeks‘ paid leave, subject to the following conditions: (a) The qualification for the paid leave (whether worked for one or more employer) shall be 283 shifts, exclusive of overtime, actually worked on a six-day week basis, or 234 shifts, exclusive of overtime, actually worked on a five-day week basis: Provided that— (i) except as is otherwise provided for in proviso (ii), employment with the same employer for less than 25 shifts on a six-day week basis or 20 shifts on a five-day week basis, as the case may be, shall not count for the paid leave: Provided that an employee whose employment is terminated after working 13 shifts on a six-day week basis or 10 shifts on a five-day week basis, as the case may be, shall be credited for purpose...