ARTICLE MATERNITY LEAVE. An employee who is pregnant and who has been employed for at least ten months immediately the expected date of birth shall be entitled, upon her written application therefor, to a leave of seventeen weeks from her employment or such shorter leave of absence as the employee may request commencing during the period of eleven weeks immediately the estimated day of her delivery. Effective on confirmation by the Unemployment Insurance Commission of the appropriateness of the Hospital's Supplemental Unemployment Benefit (SUB) plan, and retroactive to January an employee on leave as set out above who is in receipt of Unemployment Insurance pregnancy benefits pursuant to Section of the Unemployment Insurance Act, shall be paid a supple- mental unemployment benefit. That benefit will be equivalent to the difference between seventy-five percent of her regular weekly earnings and the sum of her weekly Unemployment Insurance benefits and any other earnings. Such payment shall commence following completion of the two week unemployment insurance waiting period, and receipt by the Hospital of the employee's Unemployment Insurance cheque stub as proof that she is in receipt of Unemployment Insurance pregnancy benefits, and shall continue while the employee is in receipt of such benefits for a maximum period of fifteen weeks. The employee's regular weekly earnings shall be determined by multiplying her regular hourly rate on her last day worked prior to the commencement of the leave times her normal weekly hours. Where the actual date of her delivery is later than the estimated day of her delivery, the leave of absence shall not end before the expiration of six weeks following the actual date of her delivery. The employee shall give her Employer four weeks notice in writing prior to the day upon which she intends to commence her leave of absence and shall furnish her Employer with the certificate of a legally qualified medical practitioner stating that she is pregnant and giving the estimated day upon which delivery will occur in his opinion. An employee may, if she desires to return to work, shorten the duration of the leave of absence requested, upon giving her Employer three weeks notice of her intention to do so and furnishing her Employer with the certificate of a legally qualified medical practitioner stating that she is able to resume her work. The Employer may require the employee to begin the leave of absence at such time as in its own opinion the duties of her po...
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ARTICLE MATERNITY LEAVE. Every employee who becomes pregnant shall, not later than the fifth (5th) month of her pregnancy:
ARTICLE MATERNITY LEAVE. An employee who becomes pregnant or who adopts a child shall notify the Employer by means of applying by letter for leave not less than four (4) months before the expected date of confinement, in the case of pregnancy, or immediately upon notification of receipt of an adoptive child, specifying the desired dates for leave. leave shall not exceed twelve (12) months. leave shall be without pay. However, an employee who completes one year of continuous service and who provides the Employer with proof that has applied for and is in receipt of Employment Insurance Benefits will be eligible to receive a leave allowance. The leave allowance will be provided for a maximum of seventeen (17)weeks and will top-up Employment Insurance Benefits received during that period to the dollar equivalent of eighty-five (85%) of the employee's normal rate of leave shall be without benefits except that the Employer agrees to provide its share of health and welfare premiums as specified in Article for the duration of the leave provided the employee returns to duty upon the expiration of the approved period of leave. Where the employee fails to return to duty and premiums have been paid by the Employer, the employee is responsiblefor reimbursingthe premium costs to the Employer. If an employee is employed at least half of the required work year, will be granted an increment equivalent to one (1) year's experience on return to duty; leave will not interrupt any continuity of service clauses. An employee who has applied for maternity leave will be required to provide the Employer, at the end of the seventh (7th) month of pregnancy, a medical certificate from her physician that her health will not be impaired by her continued employment. An employee returning from maternity leave may be requiredto pass a medical examination before returningto duty. If the return to duty is less than three (3) months from termination of pregnancy, a medical examination and written approval from a medical physicianto the Employer is necessary. The Employer is under obligation to reassign the employee to staff after the termination of pregnancy.
ARTICLE MATERNITY LEAVE. Section Maternity Leave will be granted in accordance with the Canadian Labour Code.
ARTICLE MATERNITY LEAVE. An employee who is pregnant and who has completed six (6) continuous service with the Employer is entitled to maternity leave accordance with the provisions of the Canada Labour Code.
ARTICLE MATERNITY LEAVE. Maternity Leave of Absence of up to one (I) year, without pay, will be granted by the Company to an employee who is pregnant. The leave will begin at a time determined by her personal physician. The employer shall not deny any employee the right to continue employment during the period of pregnancy up to eight (8) months, provided the concerned employee can carry out her duties as the job normally requires. An extension to the Maternity leave of up to six (6) months will be granted upon request if required by her personal physician
ARTICLE MATERNITY LEAVE. An employee who becomes pregnant shall be granted seventeen (17) consecutive weeks maternity leave without pay commencing at any time during the seventeen
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ARTICLE MATERNITY LEAVE. An who pregnant shall be leave of absence without loss of or other leges from eleven weeks prior delivery weeks after delivery. The employee may choose to delay the of her maternity leave, pro- she fs medically f i t to perform the I range of duties of her position. This not affect the entitlement to leave. Bene- f be by the Employer. and Vacations are rescheduled at the of management. An request a further leave of absence for a period of time not to exceed thirty- four weeks. the employee be and to the commencement of any leave of absence allowed to self pay status for Insurance. Employee to in writing of return to work date at least two return. PARENTAL LEAVE could apply to mothers combined Maternity Leave, not t o be excess of the extended one year Employee must under the Paren- tal Leave In order to Leave and supply the Company with proof. of two week twelve we Insurance Involves for a total of eks leave. Employee to the weeks advance in coverage for this shall be the and Vacations are rescheduled at the discretion of managemen be problems caused by such Leave w between both Parties. ARTICLE UTILITY WORKERS To for statu- tory holidays, leaves of absence, days (or any other absences). Utility Workers shall all Into whatever they may be working, (except add I back. If a Worker is over the normal for a he be the first to Overtime: Workers shall have overtime providing they have worked the of a eight hour shift or that they have worked the last four hours. Shifts: shall be performed each shift, except In the production plants where Workers must work Workers would schedule by every three months on the vacancies that are available from vacation, and scheduled leave of absence and cannot leave open. Unscheduled Workers w i l l be used to In for sickness or other unsched- uled absences by There be no reshuffling of Workers because of unscheduled absences, except on an emer- gency basis when a person Is not available. Unscheduled I Workers who cannot fill year, work on, Order In the following departments: Produce Frozen Foods In the depart- ment: The exception to the above departments will be the plants and the warehouse where Work- ers perform whatever duties are Workers shall not perform sched- uled work in the Distribution Centre Selection Warehouseperson San i tation Plant
ARTICLE MATERNITY LEAVE. Every employee who becomes pregnant shall notify her Supervisor of her pregnancy in writing in accordance with governing legislation as amended from time to time. A male employee may be granted one (1) day paid leave for needs directly related to the birth of his child. Employees returning from parental leave of absence shall be reinstated to their former position at the same location or shall be placed in a comparable position at the same wages and benefits which their former position would have been entitled at the time of the return to work. During maternity and/or parental leave, where an employee is in receipt of Employment Insurance Benefits, the Police Governing Authority shall pay the employee the rate equivalent to the difference between the Employment Insurance benefits the employee received and eighty percent (80%) of their regular pay. Employees must provide proof of application for and receipt of Employment Insurance Benefits. A pregnant employee who applies for Employment Insurance Benefits, shall receive from the Police Governing Authority eighty percent of their regular pay for the two-week waiting period for receipt of Employment Insurance Benefits. With written notice to the Police Chief or their designate Employees may increase their receipt of benefits in this Article to one hundred percent (100%) of their regular rate of pay by using, some or all of their accumulated and earned overtime, lieu time and vacation time.
ARTICLE MATERNITY LEAVE. ARTICLE SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -DURATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2 2 LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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