Canine Pay Sample Clauses

Canine Pay a. An employee assigned full time to perform the duties of a canine handler shall receive $130 per month for care and maintenance of their assigned canine. This care and maintenance fee is over and above the reimbursements articulated in HPM 81.5, Drug Programs Manual. b. The care and maintenance pay represents good faith compensation calculated on an hourly basis associated with the daily care and maintenance of a canine, outside the normal hours of work of the assigned employee during the month. The intent of this pay is to ensure compliance with all applicable State and federal labor and other laws, including but not limited to, the Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S.C. Section 100 et. seq. c. This care and maintenance premium is not specialty pay for the employee and therefore is not subject to the removal for cause procedures. d. The care and maintenance pay is not considered compensation for retirement purposes.
Canine Pay. Officers who are routinely and consistently assigned to handle, train and board a canine in accordance with this section are eligible for Canine Officer/Animal Premium. Officers assigned to the canine unit are required to care for, train, groom, feed, and bathe their assigned dog. The parties agree that two hours per week is a reasonable amount of time to care for the canine. The Town compensates Canine officers a total of five (5) hours per week for additional time spent caring for the canine. Two (2) hours of this additional time is outside of the regular shift. The remaining three (3) hours is provided as release time. Call-back as defined in the MOU shall not apply for the purposes of caring for the dog. Compensation provided during the additional paid time and release time is mutually acknowledged to compensate for additional time required to care for, train, groom, feed, and bathe the assigned canine.
Canine Pay. Member(s) assigned to canine duty shall receive pay of $82 biweekly as compensation for the average time authorized and expended in the exercise, care, feeding, grooming, and training of the assigned canine. This amount has been calculated by the parties to represent approximately 45 minutes per day or 5.25 hours of overtime per week paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of the federal minimum wage. This extra compensation is not to be considered base pay, premium pay, nor shall it be included for purposes of retirement benefit calculations or contributions. In addition, members shall be reimbursed for canine related expenses in the amount of $100.00 per month, calculated by the parties to represent food and other expenses reasonably and customarily incurred in the maintenance and care of the dog. This reimbursement is non receipted. Formatted: Strikethrough
Canine PayPolice Officers assigned as canine handlers are required to care for their assigned animal, which shall include grooming, feeding, exercising, training, bathing and all other responsibilities associated with caring for a canine. Officers assigned as canine handlers shall receive additional pay in the amount of five percent (5%) when the Officer is responsible for the care of the dog. This amount is in recognition of the additional time required to care for the animal during non-regular duty hours, which the parties estimate in good faith as an additional two hours per week. This additional pay will compensate Police Officers fully for caring for their canine during non-regular duty hours. If the Officer is unable to perform as a canine handler due to a non-work related injury or other non- work related cause, for a period that exceeds 30 consecutive days, the five percent (5%) additional pay will cease. It will be reinstated when the handler returns to full duty and is functioning as a canine team. The stipend will also cease after 90 consecutive days should the dog not be able to work due to an injury or other medical reasons. During the time the Officer and dog are assigned and perform in the program, the City will provide a separate monthly maintenance allowance of two hundred dollars ($200.00) as reimbursement for housing, taking care of and feeding the dog. In the event the dog cannot work due to an injury or other medical reasons, the maintenance allowance shall continue for a period of up to ninety (90) calendar days from the date of the dog's disability. If it is medically determined during this ninety (90) day period that the dog will not be able to return to full duty, the maintenance allowance shall cease as of the date of such determination.
Canine Pay. Employees regularly assigned a dog as part of a canine 22 assignment and who is assigned responsibility for care, feeding, and maintenance of 23 the dog during what would be otherwise be off-duty hours shall be paid five (5) hours 24 of overtime at the rate of one and one half (1.5) times the employee’s regular rate of 25 pay for each full week the employee is so assigned. Payment for such assignments 26 lasting less than a full week shall be prorated so long as it encompasses such "off
Canine Pay. ‌ The City and the Association agree that a reasonable estimate of the time spent in the off-duty care and maintenance of the dog is 45 minutes per day. Time spent commuting from a canine officer’s home to work at the beginning or end of a regularly assigned shift shall not be considered as time worked for purposes of compensation. A. On regularly scheduled workdays, canine officers will be permitted to arrive to work 45 minutes late per day as compensation for off-duty time maintaining the dog. On those regularly assigned work days when a canine handler is absent or on paid leave (i.e., compensatory time off, vacation day, etc.), the employee will be required to utilize nine (9) hours and 15 minutes from the appropriate paid leave account. B. In addition, on regularly scheduled days off, canine handlers shall be paid for 45 minutes at one and one-half times the officer’s regular rate of pay, as compensation for maintaining the dog. Therefore, each week, canine handlers shall receive two (2) hours and 15 minutes of premium overtime in cash or compensatory time off, at the employee’s option. C. In the event that the canine handler is required to spend an extraordinary amount of time in the care and maintenance of the employee’s animal, the handler shall obtain supervisor approval and shall be compensated for those additional maintenance activities above and beyond the normal care and maintenance of the animal. D. Employees assigned as canine handlers shall receive assignment pay of 5% above base pay. E. Whenever a canine is retired from active duty, the canine handler last having the canine shall have the option to purchase the dog for $1 pursuant to the applicable canine policy and purchasing agreement.
Canine Pay. 13.13.1 Canine Handler shall be considered a competitive specialty assignment and each employee assigned to such duties shall be paid at Range 41.0 during each biweekly period of such assignment, in recognition of the additional specialized and continuing training requirements associated with such duties. 13.13.2 Each Canine Handler assigned to the duty of caring for, feeding and supervising police dogs, shall receive seven (7) hours of overtime each biweekly pay period at time and one-half of the employees pay rate. Such additional compensation shall not be paid for any two (2) consecutive biweekly periods during which such additional duty is not performed by the employee, whether for the reason that the dog assigned to such employee is boarded at the kennel at City expense or otherwise. 13.13.3 The additional compensation provided for in Section 13.13.2 is calculated to equal one-half (1/2) hour per day care of the police dog and granted in recognition of the personal investment, duties and responsibilities of the K- 9 assignment including the time spent by the unit employee while off duty in the care and maintenance of the assigned canine. The additional compensation is based on the expected additional work required for the care of the dog, given the work historically required for such care. This extra compensation is not to be considered premium pay. Any additional time beyond the biweekly limit of seven (7) hours stated above shall require approval in advance by the Division Commander. The City shall pay costs associated with the “Initial Basic Training of Handler and K-9” when an officer is assigned for canine duty. The City agrees to meet and confer with the POA over any modifications to this provision made necessary by changes in FLSA requirements prior to implementation.
Canine Pay. 19. 5.1 Assignment of a canine shall be at the discretion of the Chief. Each employee who is assigned to the duty of feeding, caring for and supervising police dogs, which duty is performed by the employee at his/her home and during hours when he/she is otherwise not on duty with the Police Department, shall be credited with 3.5 hours of overtime per week.
Canine Pay. When the Sheriff authorizes qualified individuals to function as a canine deputy, they shall be paid an additional four hours straight time per week, in addition to their regular pay, for such time as the canine deputy is actually assigned a dog to care for. This additional pay is to compensate the deputy for time spent feeding and caring for the dog.
Canine Pay. Correctional staff assigned a canine will receive the following: Handlers will be paid thirty (30) minutes per day, seven (7) days a week at one and one-half (1 1/2) times the regular rate of pay whether on or off duty, for the time caring for an assigned K-9 including, but not limited to, handling, training, walking, boarding, feeding, grooming, veterinary examinations, or otherwise caring for the dog. The County reserves the right to discontinue the canine program.