CHANCE Sample Clauses

CHANCE. The Employer agrees to discuss with the Union through the Committee, significant technological involving the introduction of new automated equipment, which significantly reduces the number of employees within the Bargaining Unit. such Discussions will normally be scheduled prior to introduction of who are displaced or whose duties are significantly as a 'direct result of the introduction of such new automated shall be reassigned, retrained, counselled or such other as may be required. In the event of downward reclassification, such shall suffer n-o re-duction in their regular earnings. TERMINATION OF Employees who terminate their employment on a voluntary basis are required to notice of termination in writing at least two weeks in of their last day of work. Seniority shall cease and the employment relationship shall be considered terminated when an employee: terminates his/her employment for any reason, or is discharged and not reinstated the Grievance or Arbitration procedures, or fails to return from of absence unless such failure to return is proven to the satisfaction of the Employer to be due to causes beyond the control, or is absent from work without permission and without cause for more than three consecutive working or fails to notify the Employer of his/her intention to return to work after a lay-off within five calendar days after been notified of recall by registered mail to the last address the of which the Employer has record, unless failure is proven to the satisfaction of the Employer to be due to causes beyond the employee's control. An employee is responsible for advising the in writing of his/her address from time to time while is on lay-off, or fails to return to within fourteen calendar days following date he/she notified of his/her intention to work as in of this or . . is laid off for a -period longer months, or than twelve is retired at the regular retirement age. , SUPPLEMENTARY The following regulation Part-time caretakers who were employees of the Institute Board of Ottawa prior to January and Part-time caretakers who were employees of the Ottawa Public Board prior to January and who are still in the employ of Ottawa Board of Education: payments to commence upon retirement after January That a part-time caretaker who has twenty consecutive years of service and has reached the age of sixty-five or more on his/her of employment be granted a by The Ottawa Board of per month. That, if a part-time has reached the age of sixty-five yea...
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CHANCE. If an employee qualifies under the provisions of Clause and has the necessary skill, and ability to perform the essential duties for a vacancy that vacancy shall not be posted for open competition. The employee in question shall be appointed to fill such vacancy. Nothing in this Article shall be construed as restricting the right of the Corporation to temporarily assign an employee to a permanent job vacancy which qualifies for posting hereunder. The permanent position may be filled temporarily in accordance with the seniority of available employees from within the section in question. The. posting procedure and arrangements to promote the employees selected to fill the vacancy shall be done within days from the time the job becomes vacant. Any extensions to this time period will be agreed upon by both Parties. The Union shall be informed of all permanent jobs that become redundant immediately the job becomes vacant. Temporary vacancies, such as those caused by an employee's absence owing to accident, injury, illness, sickness, vacation, 'NEW *'CHANGE leave of absence and temporary transfer, shall not be posted. Temporary vacancies shall be filled in accordance with the seniority of the available employees from within the section in question. Failing this, available employees with the required qualifications within the Bargaining Unit will be considered.
CHANCE. The Floater Holiday will not apply to permanent or temporary employees with less than six (6) months continuous service. In the event such employee is absent from their regular shift before or after such Holiday, and presents a reasonable excuse for such absence; they shall be paid. When Specified Holidays occur on Saturday Sunday, those employees whose work week is scheduled on a six (6) or seven
CHANCE. When wearing the uniform, it is understood that the outer layer of clothing that is worn by the employee will always be the issued clothing. If there is the need for layering of clothing, those layers (such as turtlenecks, additional sweaters) will be worn underneath of the Uniform Standard issue. The Uniform Standard issue is identified in Appendix All clothing will be issued in the month of April or as soon as possible thereafter. The initial issue will be April Employees hired after the annual issue will be supplied with clothing in the amount of of the total annual point value. Temporary employees will be issued clothing at the discretion of the Corporation on a cost-shared basis. Short pants may only be worn between May and Thanksgiving Day holiday weekend. The short pants will be of a reasonable length. As a guideline, approximately two (2) to three (3) inches above the knee would be considered reasonable. All necessary 'NEW CHANGE safety requirements are to be met and if for safety reasons, short pants are deemed by Management to be inappropriate in specific areas or situations, they must not be worn. Employees who are issued clothing and/or safety boots whose employment is terminated for any reason prior to the completion of eight (8) weeks of continuous service shall have the cost of the clothing and/or boots deducted from their pay. Coveralls will be issued to employees at the discretion of the Corporation and will be maintained by the employees except for the following: Sewer Maintenance employees and employees operating the Fire Wagon will be issued coveralls to be maintained and cleaned by the Corporation on a weekly basis. A Joint Clothing Committee, comprised of two (2) members of the Union and two (2) members of the Corporation will continue to resolve clothing issues that are not cost related, on an ongoing basis. *NEW Wearing of City issued and approved clothing while on duty is a condition of employment. Failure to comply may in progressive action. Standard Shirt Any listed on Appendix Pants long or short. Standard color determined by Operating Management Variations from the Uniform Standard are to be made by agreement, Outerwear will be determined by Operating Management in consultation with the Union. Employees working at the Cemeteries, Golf Courses or Arenas will have a Uniform Standard of golf shirt, sweatshirt, pleated pants long or short.
CHANCE. In this "
CHANCE. When no other factors come into play, the last step is for the automated algorithm to randomly select one student over another.
CHANCE. The Union shall notified in writing of all appointments, promotions, and terminations of employment. The Corporation shall be entitled to temporarily assign employees until such time as the position may be In the event that a position is filled temporarily and to be filled for more than twenty (20) days, then Union be entitled to know what have been made the position and what have arisen. Any job that the Corporation deems to be redundant shall be discussed with the Union prior to the time it is declared redundant. An employee successfully to a different job a new employee, shall not be permitted to transfer to a new position for a period of six (6) months or first increment period whichever is lesser, from the date of job change or hire. This provision shall be waived upon mutual agreement between the parties to this Agreement. at the prevailing salary for such job title to be filled. If the Corporation requires an employee upgrade skills in order to perform job which has undergone technological change, then the Corporation may provide fully subsidized training and assistance. When new positions are c or existing positions CHANGE reclassified, the Corporation will advise the in advance of the nature of the positions and the interim
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  • Lottery The lottery shall be conducted as set forth in the Application, and shall be designed in such a manner that it gives a parent or any other legal guardian a reasonable opportunity to participate in the lottery. If the number of applicants for admission exceeds the capacity stated in the Charter for any grade, building, or program, the Organizer must conduct a random lottery for enrollment, giving each timely applicant an equal chance of admission, with the following exceptions:

  • Gambling Lotteries; bidding fee auctions; sports forecasting or odds making; fantasy sports leagues with cash prizes; Internet gaming; contests; sweepstakes; games of chance.

  • Games The Private Party shall not be entitled to introduce any arcade type amusement or gaming machines into the Restaurant Facility without the prior written approval of SANParks.

  • Kesimpulan Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (IJEPA) merupakan bentuk kerjasama ekonomi bilateral antara Indonesia xxx Jepang yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kegiatan impor, ekspor xxx investasi di kedua negara. Kerangka perjanjian ini meliputi liberalisasi perdagangan, investasi, perlindungan hak kekayaan intelektual, transparansi, anti-persaingan, memperdalam kerja xxxx, xxx menetapkan prosedur untuk menegakkan perjanjian. Perjanjian ini terjalin dilandasi oleh kepentingan nasional masing-masing negara. Adapun kepentingan nasional Indonesia dalam perjanjian ini xxxxxx xxxx mengoptimalkan kerjasama antara Indonesia-Jepang, mendapat kepastian akses pasar di Jepang yang lebih luas berkat penurunan tarif, meningkatkan arus barang xxx xxxx, mendapatkan transfer teknologi, sebagai sektor penggerak, program kesejahteraan, xxx juga menjadi pusat pengembangan manufaktur. General Review semestinya diadakan lima tahun setelah dilaksanakannya perjanjian. namun Jepang menunda pelaksanaan kegiatan ini sampai diubahnya Peraturan Menteri Keuangan yang diklaim tidak sesuai dengan IJEPA. Padahal sebelumnya Indonesia sudah menawarkan Jepang agar memberi usulan terkait peraturan ini sebelum diterbitkan. Indonesia masih mengejar kepentingannya untuk memenuhi perundingan ulang terkait tarif bea masuk xxx tarif impor yang belum terlaksana secara efektif. Selain berkenaan tentang kepentingan nasional, Indonesia sebenarnya juga tidak menetapkan tujuan yang jelas yang akan dicapai dalam kerjasama ekonomi ini. Diplomasi ekonomi yang diupayakan indonesia dalam kerjasama ekonomi bilateral ini didasari oleh beberapa faktor seperti latar belakang sejarah, hubungan perdagangan xxxx xxxxxx menguntungkan, xxx juga kemajuan perekonomian Jepang. Indonesia juga bergantung kepada situasi ekonomi Jepang karena kegiatan impor,ekspor, xxx investasi yang berlangsung memberi dampak terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia dilihat dari nilai perdagangan yang terus mengalami tren kenaikan. Meskipun menguntungkan,Indonesia harus terus bersikap tegas dalam melaksanakan perjanjian ini xxxxxx xxxxx banyak kepentingan nasional dari kerjasama bilateral ini yang belum sepenuhnya tercapai. Melalui analisis komprehensif terhadap kendala yang tidak kondusif bagi Indonesia dalam tinjauan umum IJEPA. Indonesia akan melanjutkan upayanya untuk mewujudkan kepentingan nasionalnya melalui kerja sama ini. Kerja sama ini diharapkan dapat terus meningkatkan hubungan baik perekonomian antara Indonesia-Jepang. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Anggraeni, N. A. (2020). DIPLOMASI EKONOMI JEPANG DALAM UPAYA PERPINDAHAN LIMBAH B3 MELALUI INDONESIA-JAPAN ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT (IJEPA). Jurnal PIR: Power in International Relations, 3(2), 156-172. Ardiyanti, S. T. (2015). Dampak Perjanjian Perdagangan Indonesia - Jepang (Ijepa) Terhadap Kinerja Perdagangan Bilateral. Buletin Ilmiah Litbang Perdagangan, 9(2), 129–151. xxxxx:// 5 Arifin Rivai, A. N. (2017). Posisi Indonesia di Tengah Fenomena Korporasi Global (Studi Kasus: Relasi Dagang Indonesia – Toyota Pasca Kesepakatan IJEPA). Indonesian Perspective, 2(2), 105. xxxxx:// 474 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx. (2019). Faktor Penghambat Peningkatan Investasi Jepang di Indonesia dalam Kerangka Kerja IJEPA 208-2018. Universitas Katolik Parahyangan. Gocklas C.S, L., & Sulasmiyati, S. (2017). Analisis Pengaruh Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (IJEPA) Terhadap Nilai Perdagangan Indonesia-Jepang (Studi Pada Badan Pusat Statistik 2000-2016). Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB)|Vol, 50(5), 191–200. xxxxx:// lications/188892-ID-analisis- pengaruh-indonesia-japan- econom.pdf Hadi, S. (2014). Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement: an Indonesian Perspective. East Asian Policy, 06(03), 114–128. xxxxx:// 14000312 Harahap, I. K., & Xxxxxx, A. M. (2015). DAMPAK PENERAPAN INDONESIA-JAPAN ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT TERHADAP EKSPOR INDONESIA KE JEPANG. Media Ekonomi, 23(1), 27. xxxxx:// 0000 Xxxxxx, X. S. (2016). KEGAGALAN INDONESIA DALAM IMPLEMENTASI INDONESIAN JAPAN ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT (IJEPA). Jurnal Lyceum, 4(1), 430–439. Kementerian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia. (2015). Analisis Review Indonesia Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (IJEPA) dalam Perdagangan Barang. xxxxx://

  • Playground ~ The playground is primarily for the use of children under the age of twelve (12). Any child caught throwing rocks, vandalizing, or hitting or teasing other children will be asked to leave the playground. An adult or appropriate baby-sitter must accompany all children under the age of six (6) years old. Garbage ~ The storage, collection and disposal of refuse and garbage in the recreational camping areas shall be conducted as to create no health hazards, rodent harborage, insect breeding areas, accident or fire hazards, or air pollution. Bag all food garbage in plastic and tie shut before placing in the dumpster, to prevent odor and rodents which are drawn to the garbage area, such as skunks, raccoons etc. Dumpster is for normal daily household garbage, no large boxes, building supplies, carpets etc. Camper is to dispose of this type of garbage elsewhere. Garbage may be placed in dumpsters only. If a dumpster is full, do not place garbage on or around the dumpster, find an empty dumpster to place your garbage into. Bags of garbage may not be set outside your camper for any reason. Disposal or deposit of hazardous or toxic waste is prohibited. No gas, oil, batteries, or car fluids may be deposited into the dumpsters or around the dumpsters. Hazardous materials will not be disposed of by the garbage service. Disposal or deposit of furniture, barbeque grills, washer, dryers, and other large household items are NOT permitted on, in or around the dumpsters. Holding Tanks ~ There is no size restriction on holding tanks, however, they must be opaque XX xxxx/black water approved tanks. The on-site dump station may be used to empty tanks that hold 50 gallons or less. For tanks over 50 gallons Camper must contract with a pumping service to pump and remove tank contents from campground. No dumping of xxxx water onto the ground. Docks ~ Campground does NOT have a lifeguard on duty. The docks are privately owned. In order to be on someone's dock you must receive permission from the dock owner. An adult must accompany all children on the docks after dark. Life jackets are required for young children fishing off docks. Running, diving, and/or horseplay are not allowed on the docks. All debris and toys must be removed from the docks, beach and marina area. Inappropriate behavior, intoxication or shouting on docks is not allowed. Glass is not allowed on the beach area. Jet skies, wave runners, etc. are not permitted in the marina area. Tires cannot be left in the marina area under boats or tied onto docks. Fish House ~ Clean up fish cleaning facility when done with your fish cleaning and bag all fish remains. Fish cleaning house must be kept clean and all fish waste must be put into plastic bags and deposited into dumpster and cover on dumpster closed. No dumping of fish wastes into marina or dog waste stations! Swimming Pool ~ Campers are required to abide by all rules posted in and around the pool area.

  • Sports related devices, services and medications used to affect performance primarily in sports- related activities; all expenses related to physical conditioning programs such as athletic training, bodybuilding, exercise, fitness, flexibility, and diversion or general motivation.

  • Legionella Legionella means any discharge release or escape of legionella or other airborne pathogens from water tanks, water systems, air-conditioning plants, cooling towers and the like.

  • Tell-tale Tell-tale optional. If it exists, its function shall be carried out by the tell-tale required for the front and rear position lamps.

  • Millwright Xxxxx be to assist and work under the direction and instructions I or A. He will work alone at times performing assignments in keeping with his training. During the course of his year, training must become proficient in good practices in the areas of fitting, aligning, lubricating and the operation of all shop tools and machines. In addition to the foregoing, he will be exposed to and the process of learning techniques required in trouble shooting key production machinery, pipe fitting, basic welding and machining but not be expected to display a high degree of proficiency in these areas at this point. Millwright Must be capable of performing the tasks of fittings, aligning, lubricating an able to operate all shop tools and machines. Must under direction become proficient in basic welding and pipe fitting as well as dismantling and reassembly of plant equipment. Under direction,will continueto develop skills in trouble shooting all plant equipment and improve his skills at machining part and be exposed to basic principles of hydraulics and pneumatic. He may work alone frequently, but occasionally will require direction and instructions form Millwright I or A. Millwright 11: be capable, without direction of fitting, aligning and lubrication and taking apart and reassembling plant equipment. In addition, is expected to be able to weld, operate shop tools and do pipe fitting as required. Must under direction, become proficient at effective methods of trouble shooting and repairing hydraulic, pneumatic and mechanical faults in plant machinery. I: Must be capable without direction of performing all practices under Xxxxxxxxxx Must under directionbecomeproficient at reading and understanding blueprints, all phases of installing new equipment, laying out hydraulic and mechanical drives and meet speed and power requirements correctly. Xxxxxxxxxx "A": Must he capable without direction, of performing all under Xxxxxxxxxx X, and Must take full responsibility for work done by himself or his assistant. Must he in possession of a Millwright Certificate or a Machinist Certificate or Welder Certificate. Millwrightspresently employed in this classification will not be required to have a Certificate.

  • Garden 3.15.1 To keep gardens, window boxes or grounds in good order; the paths tidy, the grass cut and borders weeded and in the same style and condition as at the commencement of the Tenancy. The Tenant has no obligation to top lop, prune or trim any tree, xxxx or shrub which is the responsibility of the Landlord.

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