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Cost Allocation Methodology Sample Clauses

Cost Allocation Methodology. There is a two-tiered approach for determining infrastructure and additional cost for required WIOA Career Center partners using the Local Funding Mechanism (LFM). For Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) and Senior Community Service Employment (SCSEP) programs, the LFM method uses a funding percentage cap of 1.5% to determine the agency’s proportionate share of infrastructure and additional costs. The 1.5% is then distributed to workforce boards based on workforce service criteria outlined by each agency. Title IV, Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) and Xxxx X. Xxxxxxx Career and Technical Education, Title II Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) proportionate share is based on the number of VR and adult education clients that received services in the previous program year and documented in NC Works. The LFM is used to negotiate appropriate contributions from each required partner that will be allocated to the - workforce board as outlined below. The two-tiered approach methodology does not include Division of Workforce Solutions (DWS) administered programs or Workforce Development Board (WDB) administered programs. For all other required partners with state agencies, infrastructure contributions will be transferred to DWS as a lump sum based on the LFM for the said agency. Once DWS receives funding from the State agency, DWS will distribute funding to the local area via the funding methodology set up for each State agency as outlined in the table below. For required partners without a State agency, but which are federally funded, the LFM is used as well; however, this negotiation will vary per WDB and should be outlined in the table below. Not all federally funded required partners may administer programs in a WDB’s Local Area. In that case, infrastructure cost sharing is not required. For required partner programs administered by the DWS: Title III Xxxxxx-Xxxxxx Employment Services, Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), and Jobs for Veterans State Grants (JVSG), the cost sharing model is based on the grant employees’ proportionate use of the NCWorks Career Center. DWS and WDB will pay a cost per employee housed in the center. The cost per employee will be based on the total infrastructure cost of the NCWorks Career Center, where applicable. (Please do not delete any partners from the table. If not applicable, please write N/A) WIOA Title I: Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth formula programs Proportio...
Cost Allocation Methodology. The Workforce Development Board of Xxxxxx County and colocated Partners to this MOU agree to a cost allocation methodology to identify the proportionate share of infrastructure costs each partner will be expected to contribute. This cost allocation methodology adheres to the following: is consistent with federal laws authorizing each partner’s program; complies with federal cost principles in the Uniform Guidance; includes only costs that are allowable, reasonable, necessary, and allocable to each program Partner; and is based on an agreed upon measure that mathematically determines the proportionate use and benefit received by each Partner. The infrastructure cost allocation methodology selected is the proportion of a Partner program’s occupancy percentage in square footage and time utilized at the Xxxxxx Employment Connection Job Center in Vallejo, the AJCC comprehensive center. DocuSign Envelope ID: D86228E2-9ED6-46CF-B851-57A5DE749E58
Cost Allocation MethodologyThe parties agree that the cost allocation formula will be based on customers served as reported by PARTNER in the American Job Center (AJC) location(s) identified in the MOU. The funds contributed support the resource rooms in the AJC, and comprise the costs of lease, facility maintenance, property and casualty insurance, cleaning services, utilities, and equipment.
Cost Allocation Methodology. Overview The costs of services provided by Service Company will be directly assigned, distributed or allocated by activity, project, program, work order or other appropriate basis. The primary basis for charges to affiliates is the direct charge method. The methodologies listed below pertain to all other costs which are not directly assigned but which make up the fully allocated cost of providing the product or service. The costs of product and services provided by the ServeCo that cannot be charged directly to the Subsidiary receiving the product or service will be allocated among the associate companies by utilizing one of the methods described below that most accurately distributes the costs. The method of cost allocation varies based on the department rendering the service. The allocation methods used by Service Company are as follows:
Cost Allocation Methodology. Implementer shall respond to questions or requests from PG&E’s PM as to how it has calculated or allocated costs listed in the Implementer’s reports, and shall make any changes, consistent with the budget format and definitions approved by the CPUC, as may be requested by the PG&E PM. Monthly Forecast of Financial Commitments‌ Key Performance Indicators (“KPI”) Reporting Data‌ CPUC Regulatory Reporting‌
Cost Allocation Methodology. ‌ KCFC Technology Services uses the following guidelines when allocating costs to each agency: To buffer for personnel changes and to accommodate cost of living wage increases, personnel costs will be allocated with a minimum 2% increase per year. This increase will be reflected in the annual allocation matrix. Personnel costs not charged to partner agencies as outlined below are fully paid by Kenton County Fiscal Court. • Software Maintenance and Development o 50% of the salary costs of the KCFC Technology Services Software Developers are allocated in 2 equal parts to the Kenton County Sheriff, and Kenton County Property Valuation Administrator • Network & Desktop Support o 20% of the salary costs of both the KCFC Technology Services Network Administrator and Technology Administrator are allocated in 7 equal parts to the Kenton County Clerk, Kenton County Sheriff, Kenton County Property Valuation Administrator, Kenton County Detention Center, Kenton County Attorney, Northern Kentucky Drug Strike Force, and Kenton County Fiscal Court o 75% of the salary and benefits costs of the KCFC Technology Services Network Administrator and Technology Administrator are allocated to the Kenton County Dispatch – 911 Center • Management & Administration o 15% of the salary costs of the KCFC Technology Services Director and Network Engineer are allocated in 7 equal parts to the Kenton County Clerk, Kenton County Sheriff, Kenton County Property Valuation Administrator, Kenton County Detention Center, Kenton County Dispatch – 911 Center , Kenton County Attorney, and Northern Kentucky Drug Strike Force • Costs based upon number of servers1 per agency as a percentage of total servers, multiplied by annual costs for the following services: o Managed Backup and Disaster Recovery • Costs based upon number of xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx email addresses utilized by agency as a percentage of total number of xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx email accounts, multiplied by annual costs for the following services: o Email Anti-Spam & Phishing Protection • Costs based upon number of end users2 per agency as a percentage of the total number of end users on the network, multiplied by annual costs for the following: o Network Performance Monitoring and Updates o Data Communications and Internet • Costs based upon use of specific applications or services not shared across all agencies o Annual COBOL licensing - divided equally between three agencies (PVA, Sheriff, Fiscal Court) o Site specific communications improveme...
Cost Allocation Methodology. Implementer shall respond to questions or requests from IOU or CPUC Agreement Representative on how it has calculated or allocated costs listed in Attachment B, and shall make any changes, consistent with the budget format and definitions approved by the CPUC, requested by the IOU with the concurrence of the CPUC Agreement representative.
Cost Allocation Methodology. The costs allocation methodology agreed on by colocated partners is the proportion of an individual partner program’s square footage occupancy as a percentage to the total AJCC. A. All Proportionate Shares
Cost Allocation Methodology. The Parties agree to the extent feasible to align individual agency resources to support workforce development systems integration, when and where appropriate. The shared costs, the allocation method, and each Party’s share will be identified in the new RSA.
Cost Allocation MethodologyThe cost of the Perry fuel handling system allocable to the qualifying portion of spent fuel storage is determined by analyzing the function, usage and capacity of individual components. All equipment which is fully dedicated to spent fuel storage and disposal is included in the scope of the qualifying portion of exempt facilities. Accordingly, the entire cost of the following is included in the qualifying portion: spent fuel storage racks spent fuel transfer canals spent fuel cask pool spent fuel cask decontamination equipment spent fuel cask loading bay spent fuel cask bridge crane and hoist related electrical, mechanical and structural auxiliaries None of the cost of production related components are included in the scope of the qualifying portion of exempt facilities because this equipment would have been necessary for plant operation in the absence of spent fuel storage. Accordingly, none of the cost of the following is included in the scope of the qualifying portion of exempt facilities: reactor building fuel pool and attached piping reactor building fuel handling equipment 2 new fuel storage pits and racks new fuel truck bay residual heat removal system control rod drives decontamination equipment Dual function equipment is analyzed to determine if any portion of its cost may be allocated to spent fuel storage. Based on this analysis, the following allocations are applied. The fuel pool cooling system will function to remove decay heat from all spent fuel and decay heat from a l/3 core offload of production related fuel. Based on the total heat removal capacity of this system it is determined that 74.2% of its capacity is for spent fuel related heat removal and 25.8% is for production related heat removal. Accordingly, 74.2% of the cost of the fuel pool cooling system is included in the qualifying portion of exempt facilities. Allocation of the fuel handling building cost is based on a volumetric analysis. By eliminating the space for non spent fuel usage, it is determined that 93.6% of the fuel handling building volume is dedicated to spent fuel. This is computed by eliminating the space for the new fuel pit and truck bay as well as the fuel transfer pool and tubes. Accordingly 93.6% of the fuel handling building cost is included in the qualifying portion of exempt facilities. Likewise, for the intermediate building, 1.8% of its space is dedicated to spent fuel related equipment including the spent fuel heat exchangers and piping. Accordingly, 1.8%...