Delegated Functions. The job involves high direct impact on the well-being of individual, or groups of people e.
Delegated Functions. To the extent Business Associate is to carry out one or more of CHP’s obligation(s) under Subpart E of 45 CFR Part 164, Business Associate shall comply with the requirements of Subpart E that apply to CHP in the performance of such obligation(s).
Delegated Functions. As a reminder for the Panel, the following bullet points provide a summary of the functions that have been delegated by NHS England to the CCG: Decisions in relation to the commissioning, procurement and management of primary medical services contracts, including but not limited to the following activities: • Decisions in relation to enhanced services; • Decisions in relation to Local Incentive Schemes (including the design of such schemes); • Decisions in relation to the establishment of new GP practices (including branch surgeries) and closure of GP practices; • Decisions about ‘discretionary’ payments; and • Decisions about commissioning urgent care (including home visits as required) for out of area registered patients. The approval of practice mergers. Planning primary medical care services in the Area, including carrying out needs assessments. Undertaking reviews of primary medical care services in the Area. Decisions in relation to the management of poorly performing GP practices, including decisions and liaison with the CQC where the CQC has reported non-compliance with standards (but excluding any decisions in relation to the performers list). Management of the delegated funds. Premises Costs Directions Functions. Co-ordinating a common approach to the commissioning of primary care services with other commissioners in the area where appropriate. Such other ancillary activities that are necessary in order to exercise the delegated functions.
Delegated Functions. WellPoint hereby delegates the responsibility for delegated activities, as set forth in Schedule G-1 to this Exhibit and as further clarified in the Delegation Inventory Document. (“Delegated Functions”). Delegate shall perform such Delegated Functions for WellPoint’s affiliates as designated in Exhibit G. Delegate agrees to abide by the WellPoint Delegation Oversight and Operations Documents (hereinafter “Delegation Documents”) and coordinate with the appropriate WellPoint committee or leadership to strengthen Delegate’s performance of its Delegated Functions. The Delegation Inventory Document (DID) is a working collaborative document between the parties and may be updated by the parties from time to time and is not subject to the Amendment provisions of this Agreement.
Delegated Functions. To the extent Customer is a Covered Entity and WR has been specifically delegated under the Service Agreements to carry out any of Customer’s obligations under Subpart E of 45 C.F.R. Part 164, then WR shall comply with the requirements of Subpart E of 45 C.F.R. Part 164 that apply to Customer in the performance of such delegated obligations.
Delegated Functions. 3.1 The Paying Agency hereby delegates authority to the Accountable Body to carry out the following functions:
(a) receiving and processing payment claims from Beneficiaries, checking for eligibility and completeness, and forwarding them to the Paying Agency together with an initial assessment of whether the Grant payment should be made in full or whether any deduction or penalty should be applied;
(b) carrying out visits at times agreed with Beneficiaries to verify whether the Grant has been correctly spent and is being used for its proper purpose and reporting any concerns arising from a visit to the Paying Agency; and
(c) recording and maintaining management information and any other project documentation from LAGs or Beneficiaries for audit purposes and making such information available to the Paying Agency.
3.2 The Accountable Body shall carry out the Delegated Functions in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, the Funding Agreement and the Guidance.
3.3 A detailed breakdown of the respective responsibilities of the Accountable Body, the Paying Agency and the Managing Authority for the delivery of the programme is set out in the Division of Responsibilities in Schedule 2.
3.4 The authority to commit RDPE funds shall be delegated on an annual basis. Each Financial Year the Paying Agency shall issue a letter to the Accountable Body authorising the Accountable Body to commit funds to Beneficiaries for that Financial Year. The letter will be accompanied by a form which the Accountable Body must complete and return to the Paying Agency, identifying the members of its Personnel who are authorised to carry out the Delegated Functions, including any financial limits to their authority and whether or not they are authorised to execute Grant Agreements with Beneficiaries. The Delegated Functions must not be carried out by any member of Personnel who has not been identified to the Paying Agency. The Paying Agency reserves the right to veto members of Personnel if it has concerns about their suitability to carry out the Delegated Functions.
3.5 The authority to make payments to Beneficiaries is exclusively reserved to the Paying Agency in accordance with Article 7.1 of Regulation (EU) No 1306/13.
Delegated Functions. It is agreed that duties delegated to the Support Personnel shall not include any participation in decisions or the making of recommendations to EOI regarding matters unrelated to operation of the Facilities. In recognition of EOI’s role as the operating licensee for the Facilities, the Parties agree upon the following specific delegations and reporting and consent procedures with respect to operation of the Facilities that are designed to allow urgent decisions to be made on a timely basis and without invoking the license transfer provisions of 10 C.F.R. 50.80:
(a) EOI hereby delegates authority for direct communication with the NRC, INPO and other nuclear industry bodies on behalf of the Facilities and delegates day-to-day operational authority with respect to the Facilities to the Chief Nuclear Officer to be supplied as a Contract Nuclear Officer hereunder. The Contract Nuclear Officer and Other Management Personnel shall be empowered to bind EOI in accordance with the decision matrix set out in Exhibit C to the Agreement.
(b) The Contract Nuclear Officer and Other Management Personnel shall have the authority to remove subordinate EOI employees and contractors from their functional positions within the EOI business structure for unsatisfactory performance or unauthorized conduct, but shall have no authority to terminate the status of such persons as employees of EOI or its contractors. Notwithstanding the previous sentence, no Support Personnel will be permitted to terminate or discipline EOI bargaining unit employees from their functional positions or otherwise affect the employment status and employment terms and conditions of EOI bargaining unit employees. Terminating, disciplining and evaluating EOI bargaining unit employees in their functional positions will be under the exclusive purview of EOI.
(c) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein and in addition to the general restrictions set forth in Section 2.2, in order to assure that EOI, as the NRC license holder, retains ultimate decision making authority for the Facilities, prior approval (either orally or in writing) by the EOI CEO or other EOI designee employed by Entergy Corporation or one of its wholly-owned subsidiaries must be obtained for the following actions:
(i) Changing non-bargaining unit staffing levels, employment terms or organizational changes for licensed Facility personnel or positions required by the Facility’s technical specifications. As provided elsewhere in this Agr...
Delegated Functions. 2.1 For each Delegated Function, CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all services and activities related to that Delegated Function are performed (i) in a professional manner and in accordance with industry standards; (ii) as outlined in the applicable exhibits and any attachments or other addenda thereto; (iii) in accordance with CONTRACTOR’s Program Documents; and (iv) in accordance with the Agreement.
Delegated Functions. The parties acknowledge that it is their intent that subject to Plan's reasonable determination based on BJC meeting Plan standards, BJC will assume delegated responsibilities for certain functions under this Agreement. Therefore, at such time as BJC meets all Plan standards (including NCQA standards) related to the delegation of certain Credentialing and UM functions, and to the extent the parties mutually agree to delegate one or more other functions from Plan to BJC (such as, for example, claims processing) upon BJC meeting all mutually agreeable Plan standards, the function, the responsibilities and rights of both parties shall be set forth in EXHIBIT H to this Agreement.
Delegated Functions. 3.1 The General Manager – KW on behalf of the Managing Director - NWSC may delegate the functions below to the Branch Manager or any other staff in Branch:
i) Certifying availability of funds prior to initiation of any procurement.
ii) Committing funds prior to issuing Purchase Order/Contract.
iii) Ensuring implementation of contracts in accordance with Contract conditions.
iv) Approval of micro-procurement not exceeding Ushs.2, 000,000/= without waiting for KWCC meeting.
v) Ensuring timely submission of Branch Procurement Reports to KW – Procurement Section.
vi) The above-delegated functions cannot be assigned to a member of the Sub- Operator’s Procurement Committee or Administrative Assistant.
3.2 Sub-Operator’s Procurement Committee (SPC)
i) Review documentation and approve all micro-procurements.
ii) Members of SPC to sign a code of ethics specified in the PP Form 211 in the Regulations.
iii) The KWCC may delegate some of its functions in accordance with the Procurement Regulations.