Disability Income Plan Sample Clauses

Disability Income Plan. (Note: See 9.3 of the Common Agreement. A new Disability Income Plan was put in place effective April 1, 2002)
Disability Income Plan. The Disability Income Plan shall “mirror” article 9.3 of the Faculty Common Disability Plan in the 2010-2012 Common Agreement except as provided below in this article: • Short term disability premiums are employee paid • Benefits coverage for short term disability is as described in article of this agreement
Disability Income Plan. The Employer shall extend, at no cost to the employee, the coverage of the Long Term Disability - Income Protection Plan (presently carried through Madison National Life Trust) to all eligible employees. The LTD Insurance Plan provides: 1. Eligibility determined by medical statement of employee disability. 2. Payment of insurance to commence after 75 calendar days or 55 work days of absence, whichever is sooner. Employee is allowed use of accumulated sick leave during this period. The employee does not have to exhaust accumulated sick leave account prior to being eligible for LTD benefits. 3. LTD benefit is to be paid at the rate of eighty percent (80%) of the employee’s regular rate of pay at the date of disability. This benefit may be periodically increased by a cost of living adjustment (COLA) according to the calculation and decision of the carrier. The maximum monthly plan benefit is $6500. The monthly benefit shall be reduced by the amount of any Other Income Benefit to which the employee is entitled as defined in the LTD certificate. 4. Benefit payments are payable up to age 70 as required by law and as set out in the LTD certificate. Said table shall be changed if necessary to comply with all applicable federal guidelines. 5. Should the terms of the LTD insurance plan be improved for any bargaining unit, said improvement shall also be applied to this bargaining unit effective with the date of the change.
Disability Income Plan. When an employee returns from a leave listed below, the returning employee shall be required to provide notice of no less than two (2) calendar weeks in advance of the actual week being worked as defined in Article 13.04: i) Article 15.01
Disability Income Plan. Each eligible employee shall be entitled to continuation of income as specified hereunder, during periods of absences due to disability, provided that: he is actively at work when the disability commenced, and not absent without leave, or on layoff (other than an annu- al shutdown of two weeks); and he submits medical evidence of sickness or accident satis- factory to the Company and the Insurer.
Disability Income Plan. Full coverage. Should variable hours be extended beyond three (3) years, the coverage will become pro rata. The employee shall pay her contributions and a percentage of the employer's contribution equal to the percentage by which she has reduced her hours. (e.g.: Employee reduces her hours by 35%; she pays her share of the DIP premium plus 35% of the employer's share of the DIP premium)
Disability Income Plan. As a part of the benefits due under this EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT EMPLOYER shall purchase for the benefit of EMPLOYEE a disability income policy in the maximum amount permitted by the insurance industry, but such disability income policy is not required to exceed the actual base salary income of EMPLOYEE. Such coverage shall be maintained by EMPLOYER for as long as EMPLOYEE is in the employ of the EMPLOYER. This provision #13 is not required to become effective until and unless the EMPLOYER has raised at least an additional $3 million in operating capital from any non-debt generating mechanism, including but not limited to equity sales, following the effective date of this Agreement.
Disability Income Plan. The Board of Education will pay a total
Disability Income Plan. Employees will be covered under the City of Port Huron Disability Income Plan, which provides for non-work disability after four (4) work days illness in the amount of 67% of current bi-weekly rate of pay, defined as base salary plus longevity. Effective January 1, 2012, eligible employees will receive four (4) sick days or 32 hours each January 1st. These days shall “carry over” into the next calendar year; however, at no time will an employee have a sick balance greater than eight (8) days or 64 hours. Effective July 1, 2014, sick time will be converted into hours. Employees covered under the Disability Income Plan may use sick time in one (1) hour increments for the employee or for a member of their immediate family. This sick time may also be used to attend to the medical and dental needs of the employee or a member of his or her immediate family only when they cannot be scheduled after work hours. Employees are encouraged to schedule their medical and dental appointments after work hours when possible. Time off for medical and dental appointments must be approved by your immediate supervisor to avoid scheduling conflicts within your department. Immediate family shall be defined as: Wife, husband, unmarried children, parents and grandparents. Effective July 1, 2014, there will no longer be a separate designation for sick medical time.
Disability Income Plan. Employees will be covered under the City of Port Huron Disability Income Plan, which provides for non-work disability after four (4) work days illness in the amount of 67% of current bi-weekly rate of pay, defined as base salary plus longevity. Effective January 1, 2012, eligible employees will receive 32 hours each January 1st. These days shall “carry over” into the next calendar year; however, at no time will an employee have a sick balance greater than 96 hours. Effective July 1, 2014, sick time will be converted into hours. Employees covered under the Disability Income Plan may use sick time in half (1/2) hour increments for the employee or for a member of their immediate family. This sick time may also be used to attend to the medical and dental needs of the employee or a member of his or her immediate family only when they cannot be scheduled after work hours. Employees are encouraged to schedule their medical and dental appointments after work hours when possible. Time off for medical and dental appointments must be approved by your immediate supervisor to avoid scheduling conflicts within your department. Immediate family shall be defined as: Wife, husband, unmarried children, parents and grandparents. Effective July 1, 2014, there will no longer be a separate designation for sick medical time.