Earned Days Off (EDO Sample Clauses

Earned Days Off (EDOThe provisions of EDO shall be found in Schedule “H” which is attached to and forms part of this Collective Agreement.
Earned Days Off (EDO. Full-time Employees a) Employees working thirty-six (36) hours per week shall have one (1) EDO every two (2) weeks. Employees working thirty-seven and one-third (37 1/3) hours per week shall have one (1) EDO every three (3) weeks. Both shall be subject to the following: i) Office employees EDOs shall normally be taken on Friday, or Monday. At the employee’s request and by mutual agreement locally, EDOs may be taken on any day of the week; ii) EDOs for thirty-seven and one-third (37 1/3) hour employees shall be scheduled adjacent to days of rest except where they may be rescheduled by mutual agreement; iii) EDOs shall not alter the employee’s regular days of rest; iv) There shall be no claim for sick leave when an employee is ill on an EDO; v) Employees on sick leave, vacation leave, educational leave or other approved leave, with or without pay, shall resume their normal work cycle when they return to work. There shall be no accumulation of an employee’s EDOs that would have been taken during the period of the leave; vi) While on sick leave or vacation leave, the number of days charged against the employee’s sick or vacation leave shall not include his EDOs during that period; vii) When an employee is authorized or directed to attend a training course that falls on his EDO, the EDO will be rescheduled by mutual agreement. Such training shall be scheduled a minimum of (eight) 8 weeks in advance of the EDO. viii) EDOs that fall on a designated holiday shall be rescheduled to the preceding or next following working day by mutual agreement. ix) Upon request and subject to the approval of the out-of-scope manager: a. all employees shall be permitted to bank a maximum of five (5) EDOs b. these days will be banked on a non-cumulative basis,
Earned Days Off (EDO. 4.3.1 All probationary/permanent staff and full-time casual/temporary staff will be eligible to participate under the 5/4 work arrangement. EDO’s shall normally be taken on a Friday or Monday. By mutual agreement or upon initial hire other arrangements may be implemented. 4.3.2 An employee may request to move an EDO to another day. This day will be paid at straight time rates. 4.3.3 Management will schedule all days off under the 5/4 work arrangement. Schedules shall be posted quarterly. Where mutually agreed to by management and the employee, the employee may bank up to five (5) earned days off. These days must be used on dates mutually agreed to by management and the employee, and must be used prior to the end of the fiscal year in which they are earned (March 31). Where these dates are not scheduled by March 1 for use prior to the end of March, management will schedule their usage to ensure they are used prior to March 31. 4.3.4 In exceptional circumstances, where mutually agreed to by management and the employee, the employee may reschedule or take an advance on her earned days off in excess of the five (5) day maximum as per
Earned Days Off (EDO. 9.1 Subject to approval by the principal or immediate supervisor, a teacher shall be able to access their EDOs on any day of the year, to a maximum of Seven (7) consecutive school days, subject to operational feasibility and applicable administrative procedures. 9.2 A teacher can carry over a maximum of three (3) EDOs per year. 9.3 A teacher may request partial or complete payment for EDOs at any time during the school year. Payment shall be made the month following receipt of the request. Extra-Curricular Activity Extra-curricular hours can be claimed for extra-curricular time up to fifteen (15) minutes prior to the first xxxx and fifteen (15) minutes following the last xxxx of the School Day. Extra-curricular time involves direct supervision of students participating in activities that have been recognized and approved by the Director (or designate). 1. Extra-Curricular Teachers have the opportunity to earn up to a maximum of three hundred (300) hours in an academic year. Upon prior approval by the teacher’s principal/immediate supervisor, teachers will have the opportunity to earn extra-curricular hours for all approved extra-curricular activities in an academic year. a) A maximum of three hundred (300) hours may be accessed as Earned Days Off, in full or partial days, at a rate of one (1) day for every sixty (60) hours. b) Hours not accessed as Earned Days Off will be paid out, in full or partial days, at a rate of one divided by the number of operational days determined by the Employer at Class IV, Step 1 for every sixty (60) hours earned. 2. The maximum number of hours that will be recognized as extra-curricular time on school days is eight (8) and on non-school days is sixteen (16). 3. At the teacher’s discretion, any accumulated hours that are between zero (0) hours and sixty (60) hours may be carried over to the next year. Noon Period Supervision 1. Each school principal shall develop a supervision cycle based on the number of total noon period supervision hours required in the school year. Teachers have the opportunity to earn earned days off (EDOs), to a maximum of three (3) days per school year, for noon period supervision. Teachers must declare no later than the first day of the school year calendar. a) A continuing or replacement contract teacher who commits to provide noon period supervision will be recognized for providing that service prorated at the teacher’s percentage of contract. b) A temporary contract teacher employed for thirty (30)...
Earned Days Off (EDO. 9.4.1 Employees working thirty-six (36) hours per week shall have one EDO every two weeks. Employees working thirty-seven and a third (37 1/3) hours per week shall have one EDO every three (3) weeks. Both shall be subject to the following: a) office employees EDOs shall normally be taken on Friday, or Monday. At the employee's request and by mutual agreement locally, EDOs may be taken on any day of the week. b) wherever possible EDOs for regulated thirty-six (36) and thirty- seven and a third (37 1/3) hour employees shall be scheduled adjacent to days of rest except where they may be rescheduled by mutual agreement between the employee and the supervisor. c) EDOs shall not alter the employee's regular days of rest. d) there shall be no claim for sick leave when an employee is ill on an EDO. e) employees on sick leave, vacation leave, educational leave, or other approved leave, with or without pay, shall resume the employee’s normal work cycle when the employee returns to work. There shall be no accumulation of an employee’s EDOs that would have been taken during the period of the leave.