Employer Provision of Information Sample Clauses
Employer Provision of Information. The Employer shall be required to provide the Union with the following information:
A. The Union and/or the employee shall furnish to the Department/Agency, a signed copy of the Union dues/agency fees deduction card that contains a waiver authorizing the use of his/her Social Security Number for the purposes of conducting business between the Union and the Commonwealth. The Union and the Commonwealth agree that employee Social Security Numbers will not be released to any third party outside of the business relationship existing between the Union and the Commonwealth, unless directed in writing, by the employee. The Alliance further agrees that should it improperly disclose, release or distribute the social security numbers of employees in bargaining unit 2, it will indemnify the Commonwealth for any and all damages resulting from such improper disclosure by the Alliance.
B. Concurrent with the issuance of bi-weekly wages to workers in the bargaining units represented by the Alliance, the Employer will electronically forward a data file (MVEN005) to the Union for all employees for whom dues or agency fees have been deducted.
C. Upon the issuance of bi-weekly wages to workers in the bargaining units represented by the Alliance, the Employer will electronically forward a data file (MVEN002) to the Union for all employees whose job title is represented by the Alliance and for whom the Employer is providing contributions to the Health and Welfare Fund. This file shall contain: • Agency/Departmental Code • Social Security Number • Employee ID • Last Name • First Name • Middle Initial • Home Address • Date of Birth • Marital Status • Full/Part-time Code • Gender • State Service Date • Date Employee Started in Bargaining Unit • Bargaining Unit • Pay Title Code • Authorized Hours • Information Date • Action Date • Employee Status • Status Description • Confidential Code • Termination Date • Action Code • Action Reason Code • Account Number • Location Code • Division Number/Mail Drop • Calculated FTE • Grade • Step • Biweekly Salary-Comp rate • Civil Service Seniority Date • Owned Job Code • Dept Entry Date • Effective Date • Step Entry Date • MA Dept Service Date • Hire Date • Rehire Date • MA State Service Date
D. Upon the request of the Union, the Employer may electronically forward employee data file(s)/extracts, using tools (such as MS Access and the Commonwealth’s Information Warehouse) that are commonly used by the Employer. These files may contain data, whic...
Employer Provision of Information. A. The Employer/University Administration shall furnish the Union with the following information in electronic form:
1. upon execution of this Agreement and on every April 1 and every October 1, a list of all bargaining unit members, with their classification titles, rates of pay, department or program and/or grant or contract;
2. on a monthly basis a list of all bargaining unit members going to or returning from a non-bargaining unit position, together with the department in which they work;
3. on a monthly basis a list of all new employees in the bargaining unit and their date of employment and classification, together with the department in which they work;
Employer Provision of Information. A. The Employer/University Administration shall furnish the Union with the following information in electronic form:
1. upon execution of this Agreement and on every month after, a list of all bargaining unit members, with their classification titles, grades, rates of pay, hours per week and FTE, dates of hire and union dates, FLSA status, department or program, funding source or grant or contract, Executive Area, gender, race, as well as their worksite email and mail drop, home address, personal email, and home/work/cell phone numbers;
Employer Provision of Information. The Employer shall be required to provide the Union with the following information:
A. Every three (3) months, a list of all new employees, date of employment, and classification;
B. Every six (6) months, a list of all employees who have been terminated;
C. Every six (6) months, a list of all employees who have been transferred;
D. Every six (6) months, a list of all employees who have changed their classification including both titles and the effective date;
E. A list of all employees who withdraw checkoff authorizations under ARTICLE 3, Sections 2 and 3 within two (2) months of such withdrawal;
F. A list of employees in each department/agency by title listed within each title in order of date of employment. Such lists shall be updated every six (6) months. Where the Employer has been providing the above information to the Union at more frequent time intervals, the information shall continue to be furnished at such intervals. Representatives of all interested parties shall meet to discuss the revision and updating of the retrieval of information to coordinate with current computer capabilities.
Employer Provision of Information. The Employer shall be required to provide the Association with the following information:
A. Every three (3) months a list of all new employees, date of employment, and classification;
B. Every six (6) months a list of all employees who have been terminated;
C. Every six (6) months a list of all employees who have been transferred;
D. Every six (6) months a list of all employees who have changed their classification including both titles and the effective date;
E. A list of all employees who withdraw checkoff authorization under Article 3, Sections 2 and 3, within two (2) months of such withdrawal;
F. A list of employees in each Department/Agency by title listed within each title in order of date of employment. Such lists shall be updated each six (6) months. Where the Employer has been providing the above information to the Association at more frequent time intervals, the information shall continue to be furnished at such intervals.
Employer Provision of Information. The College shall be required to provide the Union with the following information:
1. Every month, a list of all new employees in the bargaining unit and their date of employment and classification.
2. Every month, a list of all unit employees who have had a change in status to include the old title, grade and step and the new title, grade and step.
3. Every month, a list of all unit employees not on dues or agency fee check-off and who are off payroll for any reason the week of deduction.
4. A list of unit employees who withdrew check-off authorizations within two months of such withdrawal.
5. Every six months, a list of all unit employees and their title and last date of hire. Where the College has been providing this or other information to the Union at more frequent time intervals, the information shall continue to be furnished at such intervals.
Employer Provision of Information. The Employer shall be required to provide the Union with the fol lowing information:
1. Every month, a list of all new employees in the bargaining unit and their date of employment and classification.
2. Every month, a list of all unit employees who have been terminated.
3. A list of unit employees who withdrew checkoff authorizations within two months of such withdrawal.
4. Every six months, a list of all unit employees and their title and last date of hire.
5. Every month, a list of all unit employees not on dues or agency fee checkoff and who are off payroll for any reason the week of deduction.
6. Provide the name and change of title for all individuals who received a management review or individual appeal.
7. Every other year, a copy of that portion of the EEO-6 Form or equivalent that covers unit employees.
8. The Union recognizes that requests for information made on behalf of members or the bargaining unit can require substantial time, effort and cost to the University in collecting information for a response. For information sought by the Union from the employer, not described in Sections 10 and 13 of this article, it is understood that the employer may respond to the Union that the request is excessive, burdensome or otherwise impractical to respond provided such response is made within ten
Employer Provision of Information. The College shall be required to provide the Union with the following information:
1. Every month, a list of all new employees in the bargaining unit and their date of employment and classification.
2. Every month, a list of all unit employees who have had a change in status.
3. Every month, a list of all unit employees not on dues or agency fee checkoff and who are off payroll for any reason the week of deduction.
4. A list of unit employees who withdrew checkoff authorizations within two months of such withdrawal.
5. Every six months, a list of all unit employees and their title and last date of hire. Where the College has been providing this or other information to the Union at more frequent time intervals, the information shall continue to be furnished at such intervals.
Employer Provision of Information. A. The Employer/University Administration shall furnish the Union with the following information:
1. Upon execution of this Agreement and on every April 1 and every October 1, a list of all bargaining unit members, with their classification titles, rates of pay, department or program and/or grant or contract;
2. On a monthly basis a list of all bargaining unit members going to or returning from a non- bargaining unit position, together with the department in which they work;
3. On a monthly basis a list of all new employees in the bargaining unit and their date of employment and classification, together with the department in which they work;
4. On a monthly basis a list of all bargaining unit members who have been terminated or who have transferred to a different position or department;
5. A list of bargaining unit employees who withdrew checkoff authorizations within two (2) months of such withdrawal.
6. On a monthly basis a list of all bargaining unit employees on dues deduction or agency fee checkoff and who are off payroll for any reason the week of deduction;
7. On a bi-annual basis a copy of that portion of the EEO-6 Form that covers bargaining unit members.
8. Human Resources shall notify the Union on a regular basis about all requests for salary adjustment.
B. In accordance with applicable state statutes, the Employer/University Administration shall make available to the Union, upon its written request and within a reasonable time thereafter, official statistics, information, records, budget data and financial data necessary for negotiations and/or the implementation of this Agreement.
Employer Provision of Information. Section 1. The City shall be required to provide the Union with the following information, if feasible, for bargaining unit employees:
A. Every three (3) months, a list of all employees new to the bargaining unit, date of employment, classification, grade level, and the source of funding;
B. Every six (6) months, a list of all employees who have been terminated;
C. A list of all employees in each department/agency by title in order of date of employment; and within thirty (30) days of ratification, the City will supply to the Union a copy of all generic job descriptions within the bargaining unit, an updated copy of the 1963 Compensation Plan, and all compensation adjustment letters (letters of special circumstance as defined in 9F and 9F1 of the 1963 Compensation Plan) for the positions within the bargaining unit.
Section 2. Within ten (10) days after a written request therefore, the Employer will provide to the Union a copy of the departmental seniority list prepared annually pursuant to Chapter 31, Section 67 of the General Laws.
Section 3. Prior to or simultaneous with posting, the Union will be provided with copies of job postings and selections. The City will also supply copies of “Letters of Adjustment” for