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Facilitators Sample Clauses

Facilitators a. A Peer Facilitator is a bargaining unit member with permanent status selected to work as a Facilitator within the System of Professional Growth. i. Selection Process: a). The following shall constitute minimum qualifications for the Peer Facilitator: (i) A credentialed, or the equivalent certification, bargaining unit member, with permanent status. (ii) Five (5) years of recent experience in the district, in classroom instruction and/or direct service to students. (iii) A minimum of eight (8) years of experience in classroom teaching and/or direct service to students. (iv) Demonstrate exemplary ability to support student progress, as indicated by, among other things, effective interpersonal communication skills, subject matter knowledge and mastery of a range of teaching strategies necessary to meet the needs of pupils in different contexts. (v) Submit two (2) references from individuals with specific knowledge of his or her expertise as follows: a. A reference from an immediate supervisor or other district administrator. b. A reference from a practitioner. b). All applications and references shall be treated with confidentiality. c). The term of the Peer Facilitator shall be four (4) years, and a member may not serve in the position for more than one (1) consecutive term. d). For the initial year of selection, terms will be staggered at four (4), five (5) and six (6) years as determined by lottery. e). In order to preserve the integrity of the position and fulfill the intent of the System of Professional Growth, Peer Facilitators may not enter into an administrative training program during his or her term nor be appointed to an administrative position during such a term, nor be appointed to any such position for one school year following their term.
Facilitators. The number and designation of Facilitators shall be established by the College President. The duties of a Facilitator shall be determined and assigned by the immediate supervisor. All Facilitator positions will be advertised at the college at least ten (10) working days prior to selection. The appropriate manager shall interview qualified applicants and make a recommendation to the College President. Exceptions to the above shall be made for facilitator hours related to the following assignments: EOPS Counselor/Coordinator Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) Coordinator Student Health Services Coordinator 13.2.A. A Facilitator differs from a Department Chair in that the former is responsible for such things as a facility, activities, programs, special functions, events, or campus services. A Facilitator does not participate in the evaluation of faculty. 13.2.B. The extra duties of a facilitator shall be compensated at the appropriate established non-contract hourly rate. 13.2.C. Contract or non-contract faculty members serving as facilitators may have additional hourly assignments in combination with the facilitator assignment as specified in Section 5.4.A.
Facilitators. Teachers who serve as trained facilitators for Resident Educators completing the Resident Educator Summative Assessment (RESA) in years three or four of the Resident Educator program shall receive an annual stipend of $150 per Resident Educator. Members of the committee are responsible for initiating the paperwork necessary for payment by contacting the appropriate administrator. All paperwork needs to be completed, approved and submitted to the Treasurer’s Office by May 15th to receive payment.
Facilitators pbvU facilitators will be compensated one (1) pbvU DPPD unit for each unique course facilitated.
Facilitators. All non-instructional facilitator positions available for the following academic year, as determined by the Vice President of Instruction or designee, will be posted prior to the preceding May 1. The Association may submit its recommendations for non-instructional facilitators and the justification or rationale for each by April 1. Facilitators will assume their responsibilities in the fall for a term of one year. Each non-instructional facilitator position will be identified in a job description which will include the duties and the number of hours required to complete the assignment as determined by the District. Facilitators will be compensated in four equal installments each semester with a stipend based on the assigned hours multiplied by the current applicable hourly/unit rate (Appendix C) or via reassigned time. Reassigned time shall only be available upon approval by the Vice President of Instruction. Full-time faculty will have ten working days from the day the job is posted to apply via a letter of interest to the appropriate administrator. If required by state and federal agencies or for compliance to accreditation standards the following facilitator positions shall be offered each year:
Facilitators. The role of Facilitator is a very unique role that demands an individual who possess a high amount of character, empathy, patience, dedication to teens, and a good sense of humor. Spiritual discussions are a natural and integral part of the Christian Values Conference Experience. Facilitators must be comfortable discussing Christian principles with teens. It is not the job of a facilitator to “convert” a student; however they must be prepared to answer questions when they come up. The life and behavior of a facilitator must exemplify Christian character and the values of the YMCA. Facilitators must be comfortable communicating the family program openly and honestly. If selected as a facilitator, I agree to the following terms:
Facilitators. Certain courses held at the site of the Education Provider may require a facilitator which shall be the Education Provider’s employee.
Facilitators. All non-instructional facilitator positions available for the following academic year, as determined by the Vice President of Instruction or designee, will be provided to the Association by March 15 for review. The Association may submit its recommendations for non-instructional facilitators and the justification or rationale for each by April 1. All facilitator positions will be posted by May 1. Facilitators will assume their responsibilities in the fall for a term of one year. Each non-instructional facilitator position will be identified in a job description which will include the duties and the number of hours required to complete the assignment as determined by the District. Full-time faculty applying for any approved facilitator position (instructional or non-instructional) will submit a letter of application detailing their qualifications, goals and other elements in line with the facilitator job descriptions posted by the District. Full-time faculty will have ten working days from the day the job is posted to apply via a letter of interest to the Vice President of Instruction or their posted designee. Each month, facilitators will provide to the Vice President of Instruction or authorized designee a timesheet of hours completed, and a report detailing their goals, activities, and challenges for that month. Partial months can be combined with the next or previous month (for example, mid-February for Spring semester can be combined with March; May and June can be combined). Facilitator positions left unfilled by the last working day of May shall be posted a second time for full-time faculty interest. If no full-time faculty member applies for a facilitator position by the end of the Spring semester, then the District can take other steps to fill the position as permitted by law. Facilitators will be compensated each semester with reassigned time. For facilitator work in Summer and Winter sessions, current facilitators may request approval for additional hours to complete work, not to exceed 10 hours per week at the full-time faculty member’s current hourly rate. A letter from the full- time faculty facilitator detailing the rationale for Summer and Winter facilitator compensation shall be submitted to the Vice President of Instruction no later than mid-May for Summer sessions, and mid-November for Winter sessions. Facilitators who work Summer and Winter sessions will be compensated in two equal installments each session with a stipend based on the as...
Facilitators. − Monitoring Commission of the Douala Appeal (CSAD) ; − World Peace Council - Africa Area/Congolese Federation of NGOs, Development Foundations and Associations (CMPZA/FECON DE). Agree as follows: (a) The adoption and promulgation of an amnesty law for armed groups of former militias having laid down their arms. (b) An end to hostilities throughout the national territory and particularly in the regions of Pool, Bouenza, Lekoumou, and Niari. (c) The redeployment of the Security Forces in villages, towns, roads, railways, airports, and ports.
FacilitatorsBoth Parties shall nominate one or more representatives, who shall be the point of contact/ facilitator ("Facilitators”) for the purposes of this MOU. The Facilitators of the respective Parties shall maintain regular contact with each other. Further, they shall propose and review the response received from the participants for the workshops and other activities that may be conducted pursuant to this MOU and in furtherance to fulfilling the purpose and objectives envisioned under this MOU.