Functions of the Board Sample Clauses

Functions of the Board. (1) The functions of the Board are — (a) to consider the proposals submitted to the Minister by the Company under clause 4 of the Agreement and to advise the Minister on the effect of the proposals upon the environment; (b) to advise the Minister when the Board considers that commencement of construction of the project described in the Agreement is imminent; (c) to advise the Minister on matters related to the protection of flora and fauna in areas of vacant Crown land in the Port Xxxxxxx area; (d) to facilitate the further study of the geomorphological features of the Port Xxxxxxx area and to educate the public on the environmental importance of those features; (e) to advise the Minister on the progress of development of the project described in the Agreement; (f) to advise the Minister with respect to the issue of Crown Grants to the Company under the Agreement; (g) to advise the Minister on any requirements for the maintenance of land, buildings or facilities, including marina facilities and breakwaters, in the Port Xxxxxxx area or waters in or abutting that area; (h) to monitor whether the conditions and procedures attached to the Environmental Approval have been or are being complied with by the Company and to advise the Minister if the Board considers that the Company has failed to comply with any condition or procedure; (i) to monitor the implementation by the Company of the provisions of the Agreement and to advise the Minister if the Board considers that the Company has failed to comply with any provision of the Agreement; (j) to advise the Minister on the future use and development of the stage 2 area; (k) subject to section 21(1), to direct and control any future development of the stage 2 area; (l) to advise the Minister on any future development of the development area; and (m) to inquire into and to advise the Minister on any matter relating to the Port Xxxxxxx area on which the advice of the Board is sought by the Minister. (2) The Board shall have and may exercise such powers as are necessary for or incidental to the performance of its functions. (3) Where the Board notifies the Minister of its decision on any matter referred to in subsection (1) the Board shall also notify the Minister of any dissenting view expressed by a member or members in relation to that decision and recorded in the minutes of the meeting at which the decision was made. (4) In exercising its functions the Board shall, where practicable and in any case where the matte...
Functions of the Board. 1. The Board shall be responsible for directing the operations of the Fund, and, for this purpose shall, in particular, exercise the following functions: (a) evaluate the performance of the Fund; (b) establish with the approval of the Members guidelines for prudential investment of the resources of the Fund; (c) establish with the approval of the Members the financial regulations of the Fund; (d) appoint the Executive Officer of the Fund; (e) authorise the provision of resources required for the biennial capital and operating budget of the Court and the Commission submitted by the Executive Officer; (f) appoint an investment manager or managers to manage the investments of the Fund in accordance with the investment guidelines for the Fund; (g) approve the annual report on the performance of the Fund for transmission to the Members; (h) approve the capital and operating annual budget of the Fund; (i) appoint an external Auditor of the Fund; (j) submit an annual report to the Members, and (k) perform such other functions as may be necessary or appropriate for the operations of the Fund. 2. The Board may exercise such powers and establish such rules as may be necessary or appropriate in furtherance of its purpose and functions consistent with this Agreement.
Functions of the Board. To achieve the Board’s Objectives the Board will:
Functions of the Board. The business and affairs of the Company shall be managed by its board of directors which may exercise all such powers of the Company and do all such lawful acts and things as are not by statute or by the certificate of incorporation or by these bylaws directed or required to be exercised or done by the stockholders.
Functions of the Board. 4.1 The Board has the following functions: To take part in: a) establishing and reviewing from time to time, the school’s objectives, priorities and general policy directions (SEA s.128(a)(i)); b) the planning of financial arrangements necessary to fund those objectives, priorities and directions (SEA s.128(a)(ii)); c) evaluating the school’s performance in achieving them (SEA s.128(a)(iii)); and d) formulating codes of conduct for students at the school (SEA s.128(c)). 4.2 With the approval of the Director General to: a) take part in the selection of, but not the appointment of, the school principal or any other member of the teaching staff (SEA s.129(2)) .
Functions of the Board. (1) The general administration, direction and the management of the affairs and business of the Credit Guarantee Corporation shall vest in the Board which may exercise all powers and do all acts as may be exercised or done by the Credit Guarantee Corporation. (2) In carrying out its functions, the Board shall - (a) ensure that the objectives of the Credit Guarantee Corporation are carried out; (b) set the strategic objectives and targets of the Credit Guarantee Corporation through the preparation of at least a two-year strategy plan that fully describes the activities of the Credit Guarantee Corporation and which shall be reviewed semi-annually, or as the Board directs; (c) ensure the implementation of appropriate systems and procedures to achieve the Credit Guarantee Corporation's strategic objectives and targets; (d) review and adopt business plans of the Credit Guarantee Corporation; (e) establish eligibility criteria on an annual basis for the financial soundness of Participating Lenders; (f) establish and review the system and procedures of control and risk management that are adequate for the nature and scale of the business of the Credit Guarantee Corporation, including risk in relation to the management of the Credit Guarantee Fund; (g) adopt policies for clear organizational arrangements for delegating authority and responsibility; (h) adopt adequate internal practices and procedures that promote ethical and professional standards in the Credit Guarantee Corporation; and (i) adopt and review the system of internal controls to ensure that the business of the Credit Guarantee Corporation is conducted in a prudent manner in accordance with policies and strategies established by it. (3) The Board shall ensure that the strategic objectives and targets of the Credit Guarantee Corporation address the following - (a) performance and long-term service, financial and sustainability objectives; (b) credit guarantee planning based on demand forecasts and targeted service levels; and (c) the maintenance of reliable integrated credit guarantee records. (4) The Board shall ensure that, pursuant to paragraph (3), a Credit Guarantee Fund investment strategy is developed which shall address mechanisms for ensuring the payment of credit guarantees by the Credit Guarantee Corporation to Participating Lenders, including - (a) the establishment and maintenance of liquidity ratios; and (b) the maximum leverage of the Credit Guarantee Fund.
Functions of the Board. 1. To assess the needs of the St Helens population and lead development of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and Community Safety Strategy 2. To promote collaboration integration and partnership across the local public sector, including through production of a St Helens Locality Plan 3. To support strategic planning and joint commissioning and provision of services across health, wellbeing, social care and community safety 4. To contribute to developments in wider partnership arrangements in St Helens with a focus on the Borough’s strategic priorities of raising and achieving aspiration, being connected and growing the economy.
Functions of the Board. 1. The functions of the Board shall be— (a) to receive appeals and all necessary documents and submissions relevant to the appeal from the N.E.C’s designated agent. (b) to ascertain that the Code of Conduct procedures have been complied with, and that no variation, deviation or misinterpretation has occurred or been perceived during the conduct of any disciplinary or grievance resolution proceedings; (c) to ascertain that any charge or allegations involving disciplinary action have been properly determined; (d) To ensure that at all times during the application of the Code the basic rules of natural justice and due process have been observed. 2. In the event that the Board determines that there has been: (a) breach of disciplinary procedure; (b) incorrect determination of a charge or allegation; or (c) any other violation of the Code that is deemed to be prejudicial to either the employer or the employee; Collective Bargaining Agreement: for the Textile Manufacturing Industry — the Board shall, in the discharge of its authority— (i) direct re-instatement or dismissal (as the case may be) of the employee affected thereby; or (ii) direct that the case be re-investigated; or (iii) order that the Code be complied within a fresh proceedings; or (iv) give any other directive which will ensure that justice between the parties has been done and fairness observed in the case 3. In the event of any party not being satisfied with the decision of the Board, the party may appeal to the Labour Court in terms of the Act. 4. The designated agent of the N.E.C shall be responsible for ensuring that there has been compliance with decisions made under the Code of Conduct. 5. If an employer fails or refuses to comply with a decision of the CCAB he shall be guilty of an unfair labour practice in terms of section 8(e) of the Labour Relations Act [Chapter 28:01] as amended.
Functions of the Board. The Board shall: (a) ensure that the functions of the Corporation are performed effectively and efficiently; (b) set the strategic objectives and targets of the Corporation through the preparation of a two year strategy plan which fully describes the activities of the Corporation and which shall be updated semiannually; (c) ensure that appropriate systems and procedures are in place to achieve the Corporation’s strategic objectives and targets and to take all reasonable steps available to it to achieve those targets and objectives; (d) adopt and review business plans and strategic plan of the Corporation; (e) establish and review the system and procedures of control and risk management that are adequate for the nature and scale of the business of the Corporation; (f) adopt policies for clear organizational arrangements for delegating authority and responsibility; (g) adopt adequate internal practices and procedures that promote ethical and professional standards in the Corporation; (h) adopt and review the system of internal controls to ensure that the business of the Corporation is conducted in a prudent manner in accordance with policies and strategies established by it; and (i) such other functions conferred upon it by the Monetary Council or any other provision of this Agreement.
Functions of the Board. The functions of the Board shall include: 1. Undertaking a periodic review and assessment of the food situation and prospects in the region, including factors, such as production, consumption, trade, prices, quality and stocks of food grains. These periodic assessment reports shall be disseminated to all the Member Countries. 2. Examining immediate, short term and long term policy actions as may be considered necessary to ensure adequate supplies of food grains in the region and to submit, on the basis of such examination, recommendations for appropriate action to the Council of Ministers. 3. Reviewing implementation of the provisions of the Agreement, calling for such information from Member Countries as may be necessary for the effective administration of the Food Bank and issuing of guidelines on technical matters, such as maintenance of stocks, storage conditions, quality control and price. 4. Assessing the demands of food grains and identification of institutions and organizations in Member Countries that are to be contacted in case of release and withdrawal from its Reserves. 5. Devising appropriate mechanism(s) to collect, compile, generate, analyse, and disseminate information to facilitate its own work. 6. Resolving any dispute or difference regarding the interpretation and application of the provisions of this Agreement and functioning of the Food Bank. 7. Keeping the Schedules to this Agreement under review. 8. Recommending amendment(s) to the Agreement, as and when considered necessary, in accordance with the procedure specified in Article XV.