Illness/Injury Sample Clauses
Illness/Injury. Certified illness, injury, or pregnancy of the employee requiring absence from work up to six (6) months renewable for up to an additional six (6) month period.
Illness/Injury. In the event of the illness/injury of an eligible employee or a covered family member or if the employee is the primary caregiver, he/she may apply for up to two hundred forty (240) hours of donated leave. Leave requests will be made to the Human Resources Director or designee. The request must be accompanied by a medical statement from the attending Physician explaining the nature of the illness/injury and any other information requested by Human Resources including an estimated amount of time the employee or other eligible person will be incapacitated.
Illness/Injury. Medical Leave. A medical leave of absence for illness, 14 injury or pregnancy shall be granted to employees with seniority upon proper application 15 subject to the Employer's right to require medical proof or other verification acceptable 16 to the Employer. If workers’ compensation benefits are not available, an eligible 17 employee may also request and receive any earned but unused paid benefit time at the 18 employee’s option in the amounts and order desired by the employee. The Employer 19 may request at any time as a condition of continuance of any medical leave of absence, 20 proof of continuing disability or sickness. An employee shall be entitled to be on an 21 unpaid medical leave of absence under this Section for a period of not more than sixty 22 (60) calendar days. Additional extensions of up to thirty (30) calendar days of time may 23 be granted upon proper application and subject to the Employer's right to require 24 medical proof or other verification acceptable to the Employer.
25 A. For medical leave of absence not covered by workers’ compensation 26 benefits, an employee may be on leave under this section for a period of 27 not more than six (6) months after which time the employment relationship 28 shall be terminated. The six (6) months shall be defined as commencing 29 on the first date of the leave that the employee does not receive pay in the 30 form of accrued benefit time either because (1) the paid benefit time has 31 been exhausted or is not available, or because (2) the employee has 32 elected not to utilize all or part of the employee's paid benefit time.
33 B. For medical leave of absence due to injury on the job and which is 34 covered by workers’ compensation benefits, an employee may be on 35 leave under this Section for a period of not more than two (2) years after 36 which time the employment relationship shall terminate. During this type 37 of leave of absence, the employee will continue to have hospitalization 38 insurance and term life insurance premiums paid by the Employer for a 39 maximum period of two (2) years or for the number of full months of 40 seniority with the Employer acquired by the employee at the time of the 41 injury, whichever is the lesser.
Illness/Injury. In the event that Resident Physician is absent due to illness or injury, a Hospital staff physician prior to returning to work must clear Resident Physician. Hospital shall provide emergency first aid treatment to Resident Physician in the event that Resident Physician needs such care until the personal physician of Resident Physician can be summoned, but shall not be obligated to furnish any other medical or surgical services to Resident Physician and Hospital shall not be responsible for any costs involved in such treatment, any follow-up care, or any hospitalization.
Illness/Injury. An employee may use sick leave for absences due to the illness or injury of the employee’s child, adult child, spouse, sibling, parent, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandchild, grandparent, or stepparent (as defined by Minn. Statutes), with approval of the immediate supervisor and with no salary deduction for each incident, provided that the employee has accumulated sick days from which the absence can be deducted (to a maximum of 160 hours within a 12-month period). (Minn. Stat. § 181.9413.)
Illness/Injury. For absence of the employee due to personal illness, injury, exposure to contagious disease which could be communicated to other employees or school children, or for illness or injury of an immediate family member of the employee, or at the discretion of the superintendent, any other person living with the employee.
a) Each employee shall furnish a written, signed statement on forms prescribed by the Board to justify the use of sick leave. Entering sick leave request on the AESOP system or similar absence notification system PRIOR to the scheduled absence will fulfill this requirement.
b) When absence exceeds three consecutive days, the employee will be responsible for discussing the circumstances necessitating the absence with the building principal. The building principal may request a physician’s statement justifying the absence and/or providing a clearance for return.
Illness/Injury. If an employee is diagnosed by a qualified Doctor of Medicine to have a catastrophic illness (in a state of total disability from cancer, heart attack, AIDS, etc.) or has a catastrophic injury (an injury that totally disables an employee for an extended period of time), the employee may be entitled to extended health benefit coverage (Medical, Dental, & Life ins.) provided by the City (in the same fashion normally provided to the employee). This benefit requires the approval of the Department Head and Personnel Officer, and is applicable when the employee ’s leave benefits are exhausted, under the following formula: Years of Full-Time City Months of Continued Coverage After (2) years 3 months After (4) years 6 months After (7) years 9 months After (10) years 12 months
Illness/Injury. 24.01 Eligibility - The cumulative sick leave plan shall apply to all Educational Assistants of the Halton Catholic District School Board. All cumulative sick leave held by a member of CUPE Local 5200 Educational Assistant prior to certification will be retained by said employees.
24.02 Each full time employee shall be entitled to two (2) days of sick leave for each month worked. Xxxx leave credits may be accumulated to a maximum of two hundred and sixty (260) days.
24.03 Each half time seniority employee whose work schedule is equal or greater than fifteen (15) hours per week shall be entitled to one (1) day of sick leave credit for each month worked subject to a maximum accumulation of one hundred (100) days.
24.04 Each part time seniority employee whose work schedule is less than fifteen (15) hours per week shall be entitled to one half (1/2) day of sick leave for each month worked subject to a maximum accumulation of fifty (50) days.
24.05 Waiting period for sick leave entitlement - All new employees to be eligible for cumulative sick leave must undergo a one month waiting period prior to exercising any sick leave entitlement.
24.06 Each days absence of any employee due to personal illness or injury will cause a deduction from the current years allowance first, then if the allowance is exhausted from the employees accumulated sick leave account. No employee may draw more than two hundred and sixty days (260) of sick leave from the accumulated sick leave account for any one illness or injury.
24.07 No employee is allowed to bank more than two hundred and sixty (260) sick leave days. Once an employee has banked the permitted accumulation of sick leave credits they may use the days of entitlement for that year but the entitlement will not be accumulated beyond the year.
24.08 Each day absence of any employee due to personal illness or injury will cause a deduction first from the current year's allowance, then and if the allowance be exhausted, from the employee's accumulated sick leave account.
Illness/Injury. For absence of the employee due to personal illness, injury, exposure to contagious disease which could be communicated to other employees or school children, or for illness or injury of an immediate family member of the employee. Immediate family is defined as: spouse/partner, children, xxxxxx children, stepchildren, parents, stepparents, parents-in-law, brothers, sisters, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandparents, grandchildren, step-grandchildren, aunts, uncles, and any other immediate relative at the discretion of the superintendent.
a) Each employee shall complete the necessary information on the District’s automatic absence reporting system to justify the use of sick leave.
b) When absence exceeds three (3) consecutive days the building principal or immediate supervisor may require a physician's statement justifying the absence and/or providing a clearance for return.
c) For each absence beyond the ninth (9th) (non-consecutive) absence in any year (July 1- June 30), a physician’s statement justifying the absence may be required by the building principal or immediate supervisor.
Illness/Injury. A. In the event of absence occasioned by illness or injury, Trainmen will be granted leave of absence automatically upon presentation of written application accompanied by appropriate substantiating medical evidence. Such automatic leaves will not be for a period of more than one year, and extensions thereof will require a new application and further substantiating medical evidence.
B. Provided return to service is approved by Chief Medical Officer, Trainmen who have been injured on duty shall be permitted to return to work without signing a release.