Job Description Review Sample Clauses
Job Description Review. Each job description shall be reviewed periodically by the appropriate administrator and revised, wherever appropriate, in light of changes in the duties of the position. The addition or removal of a position to or from the Activities Salary Schedule shall be by Board action. The point rating attached to each position shall be reviewed by a committee composed of two (2) administrative and two (2) appointed GEA representatives by employee request made by April 1 for consideration no later than April 30.
Job Description Review. Job descriptions should be jointly reviewed/revised on a continual basis as recommended by the Labor Management Committee.
Job Description Review. 16.1 The District and CSEA have mutual interest in reviewing Job Descriptions for Classified bargaining unit member on a systematic basis.
16.2 CSEA and the District shall meet and review selected job descriptions for completion by June 1 annually. The parties shall determine the process used for updating job descriptions.
16.3 The Job Description Review Committee shall be composed of two (2) bargaining unit members and two (2) District representatives.
Job Description Review. A manager will review the duties of a job description with the incumbent of a position no less than every five years. Where there is a significant change in duties such that other elements of the job description may be affected, then other elements of the job description should also be reviewed to ensure that they are consistent with the change of duties. The incumbent will be provided with electronic access to the Job Analysis Questionnaire. The review to such change to the job description will be forwarded to the JJEC, to ensure sound compensation practices are adhered to (as per the Job Evaluation User’s Guide). To ensure that such reviews occur within this timeline, the Human Resource Department will set up and maintain a list of positions for which reminders of the review process will be provided on a five-year rotating basis.
Job Description Review. 1. All requests for revised job descriptions must be submitted to Human Resources. Copies of the request(s) for job description review will be provided to the Classification Review Committee.
2. A job description review is warranted when a significant change in responsibilities has occurred in the required duties of a position. A request may be submitted to the Superintendent/designee by a Division Manager, Director, Educational Unit Administrator, Principal, or other appropriate administrator; or, an employee or group of employees. If the request is received from an employee(s) the request will be forwarded to the appropriate administrator/supervisor for comment and recommendation and returned to Human Resources.
3. The request must contain the current description and specific statements as to the significant changes in duties that are regular and continuous. No action will be taken if this information is not included.
4. The Classification Review Committee will review the requests for job description revisions and may obtain additional information by requesting such from the requester(s) and/or the endorser(s). The Committee may:
a. Recommend that the job description be accepted as submitted; or,
b. Recommend changes to the submitted job description; or,
c. Recommend that the submitted job description duties are contained in an existing job description and that a revised description is not warranted; or,
d. Recommend that the submitted job description be denied.
5. Recommendations by the Committee for which there is not unanimous agreement will be identified and a dual recommendation will be submitted to the Superintendent/designee. The Superintendent/designee and the CEA President will meet and review dual recommendations for the purpose of resolution.
6. Final approved job description revisions will be distributed by Human Resources.
7. If the request for job description revision is denied, it will be returned to the originator by the committee with a rejection memorandum. The employee has the right to appeal a denial of a job description revision to the Superintendent/designee.
Job Description Review. The District and CSEA will annually form a committee for the purpose of reviewing job classifications.
21.1 The study shall be an in house study with only minimal cost to the District.
21.2 CSEA and the District will both identify two committee members to serve on the committee.
21.3 The District and CSEA will each have the ability to identify one position for consideration by the committee.
21.4 The committee will meet and adhere to the following timelines/deadlines:
1. CSEA and the District will inform one another what position they have selected for the study committee by October 1st.
2. The questionnaire will be utilized by the committee to identify the essential functions of each position’s job description for the administration of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The committee will work through the study and present its findings and recommendations to the District and CSEA collective bargaining unit teams by February 1st.
3. The bargaining team will review the findings and recommendations of the committee and issue its decision and any agreement (if warranted) by May 1st.
4. CSEA will ensure they have met any CSEA unit approval requirement for any signed agreements prior to the June Board Agenda deadline.
5. The Enterprise Elementary Governing Board will receive and issue its decision at the June Board meeting.
Job Description Review. Employees will be given an opportunity to review and propose updates to their job description at the time their annual performance evaluation is conducted. The Management/ACEA Committee will meet to review all proposed updates that have been brought forward.
Job Description Review. A. All job descriptions will be available digitally or upon request.
B. The district recognizes that the duties and responsibilities of a classified position can be modified by two means. One is a change in the job description, and the other is an evolution of the job functions as a result of the needs ofthe district.
C. When the district changes the duties of the job by way of a change in the job description for a position, the district shall consult with the Association about the salary schedule placement of the employee that fills that position. If the parties agree to a placement, the employee shall be placed there and the matter resolved. If the parties do not reach agreement, then the matter shall be handled under the terms of this Article.
D. When the change is the result of an evolution of the job functions, the employee may request a review of job description and/or reclassification of the job, consistent with the procedures in this Article.
Job Description Review. At the request of an employee, the Employer agrees to review that employee's job description. If, upon mutual consent, the job description is changed, it must be submitted to the Job Description Review Committee for review. The procedures in Sections B and C above will then be followed.
Job Description Review. A manager will review the duties of a job description with the incumbent of a position no less than every five years. Where there is a significant change in duties such that other elements of the job description may be affected, then other elements of the job description should also be reviewed to ensure that they are consistent with the change of duties. The review to such change to the job description will be forwarded to the JJEC, to ensure sound compensation practices are adhered to (as per the Job Evaluation User’s Guide). To ensure that such reviews occur within this timeline, the Human Resource Department will set up and maintain a list of positions for which reminders of the review process will be provided on a five-year rotating basis.