Joint Professional Development Committee. The Board and the Union are committed to the continuous development of a Catholic Professional Learning Community in each of the schools of the Board and system-wide, and, to that end are committed to fostering an atmosphere within each of the schools and system-wide that promotes a focus on learning, collegiality, respect for professionalism, continuous learning, collective inquiry into best practices, innovation and experimentation, all in order to improve teaching and student learning. The Board and the Union agree that professional learning is job-embedded, and informed by research, done in partnership with colleagues and is to be informed by the Teachers’ Annual Learning Plan. Therefore:
Joint Professional Development Committee. (a) A joint professional development committee shall be established effective the date of ratification of the Collective Agreement.
(b) The Joint Professional Development Committee shall:
i) be comprised of three (3) representatives appointed by the Association and three (3) representatives appointed by the Board.
ii) meet six (6) times per school year with the timing to be determined by the committee.
iii) plan and implement Professional Activity Days consistent with the learning goals identified in Teachers’ Annual Learning Plans.
Joint Professional Development Committee. The Parties agree that Professional Development needs to be addressed at the system level through the establishment of a Joint Committee. The Joint Professional Development Committee (JPDC) will be composed of three (3) representatives appointed by the Board and three (3) representatives appointed by the Waterloo Elementary OECTA Bargaining Unit and mutually agreed appropriate resource staff. Each party may bring additional resource personnel as required.
A) The Committee shall work by consensus.
B) The terms of reference of the Joint Professional Development Committee are to:
1. Ensure that the content of Professional Activity days is consistent with the learning goals identified in the teachers’ Annual Learning Plan.
2. Ensure and promote best practices in the implementation of professional learning embedded in the instructional day.
3. Advise on the allocation and dissemination of the funding generated in the Pupil Foundation Grants for the purposes of enhancing professional development opportunities for teachers.
4. Promote and advise on best practices in sustaining successful Catholic Professional Learning Communities and in monitoring their implementation in elementary schools, embedded in the instructional day.
5. Advise and assist Board staff who are assigned the responsibility of providing and planning professional development experiences and activities for Elementary Teachers.
6. Notwithstanding B) above, in the event that the Committee is unable to reach consensus on a matter that is within its mandate the issue will be forwarded to the Elementary Labour- Management Joint Committee to be dealt with forthwith.
7. Advise on the designation of the yearly Elementary Report Card preparation/assessment day(s).
Joint Professional Development Committee. The parties to this Collective Agreement acknowledge the mutual benefits to be derived from consultation on Professional Development. The Joint Professional Development Committee is authorized to invite additional members to participate in the committee with mutual agreement of the Association and NAV CANADA. The parties recognize the purpose of the Joint Professional Development Committee is to provide a forum for discussion and consultation on professional development for the FI group.
Joint Professional Development Committee. The Parties herewith agree to the following provisions respecting planning and funding of professional development for Association members for the duration of the collective agreement.
Joint Professional Development Committee. 25.1 Immediately upon execution of this Agreement, the parties agree to establish a Joint Professional Development Committee, consisting of one (1) support staff representative selected by the Association, the Special Education Director, and the Curriculum Director. This committee shall act in an advisory capacity to the Superintendent regarding all professional development programs regarding support staff. The committee shall meet two times each school year. The meetings will be held during the work day, and the support staff representative will be granted release time to attend the meetings.
Joint Professional Development Committee. There shall be a Joint Committee on Professional Development, composed of two co-chairpersons (a teacher designated by the President of the Association, and the Superintendent or their designee), one (1) teacher from each elementary building, two (2) teachers from the middle school, two (2) teachers from the high school, one (1) elementary administrator, the Early Childhood Coordinator, the Director of Pupil Services or their designee, one (1) middle school administrator, one (1) high school administrator, and four (4) ESP members. In addition, the one (1) teacher from each elementary school, two (2) from the middle school and two (2) from the high school shall serve as members on the School Based Professional Development Committees, in their respective buildings, to collaborate with the Principal in an advisory role on building based professional development activities, and to assist in the development of the building Professional Development Plans.
a. The members of the Committee shall serve for a term of two (2) years, but may be re-elected or re-appointed at the conclusion of their term.
b. The duties and responsibilities of the Committee shall include the following:
i. Recommending professional development goals for the district based on Massachusetts law and the Curriculum Frameworks;
ii. Planning and implementing professional development opportunities;
iii. Assisting in the development of the District’s professional development plan;
iv. Participating in reviewing the professional development portion of the District’s school improvement plans; and
v. Reviewing and recommending the allocation of designated grants at the request of the Superintendent or their designee.
c. At the discretion of the Superintendent, requests for approval of courses, workshops, conferences, and/or mini-courses may be referred to the committee for its recommendation as to approval or disapproval. The final decision, however, rests with the Superintendent.
d. Teachers participating in the district-wide Joint Committee on Professional Development shall receive either three hundred fifty dollars ($350) or the equivalent of one (1) college credit.* In addition, teachers will be eligible for professional development points (PDPs) as approved by the Superintendent or their designee. *No stipend or credit is available for members of the on-site Professional Development Committee(s).
Joint Professional Development Committee. The Board and the Union are committed to the continuous development of a Catholic Professional Learning Community in each of the schools of the Board and system-wide, and, to that end are committed to fostering an atmosphere within each of the schools and system-wide that promotes a focus on learning collegiality, respect for professionalism, continuous learning, collective inquiry into best practices, innovation and experimentation all in order to improve teaching and student learning. The Board and the Union agree that professional learning is job-embedded and informed by research done in partnership with colleagues and is to be informed by the teachers Annual Learning Plan. In accordance with the Provincial Discussion Table (PDT) Agreement (PDT) dated May 1, 2008 effective September 1, 2009, there shall be established a Joint Professional Development Committee composed of three (3) representatives appointed by the Board and three (3) representatives appointed by the Bargaining Unit. The function of the committee shall be to:
Joint Professional Development Committee. 35.01 The Board and the Teachers agree to establish a joint Professional Development Committee consisting of three members chosen by the Bargaining Unit and three members selected by the Board.
35.02 The committee shall be operational within ninety (90) days of signing by both parties.
35.03 The committee will oversee the professional activities for Teachers during Professional Activity Days consistent with the learning goals of Teachers as identified in the Teachers’ Annual Learning Plans (ALPs). The committee shall advise on the allocation and dissemination of the funding generated in the Pupil Foundation Grants in 2009-2010, 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 for the purposes of enhancing professional development opportunities for Teachers.
35.04 Professional Development is job-embedded, informed by research and done in partnership with colleagues.
35.05 The committee will promote best practices and sustain successful CPLCs and monitor their implementation.
Joint Professional Development Committee. The Board and the Secondary Local Bargaining Unit are committed to the continuous development of a Catholic Professional Development Community in each of the schools of the Board and system-wide, and, to that end are committed to fostering an atmosphere within each of the schools and system-wide that promotes a focus on learning, collegiality, respect for professionalism, continuous learning, collective inquiry into best practices, innovation and experimentation, all in order to improve teaching and student learning. The Board and the Local Bargaining Unit agree that professional development is job-embedded, and formed by research, done in partnership with colleagues and is to be informed by the Teachers' Annual Learning Plans.
(1) The Board agrees that Board-initiated staff development and in-service that Teachers are required to attend shall be provided during the instructional day and, where reasonable and practical, with a minimum of five (5) days notice.
(2) Within ninety (90) days of ratification of this collective agreement, there shall be established a Joint Professional Development Committee (the "PD Committee") composed of three (3) representatives appointed by the Board and three (3) representatives appointed by the Secondary Local Bargaining and mutually agreed appropriate resource staff.
(3) The designated representative of each party shall chair meetings alternately. The PD Committee shall be convened no later than September 30, in each school year, for an initial meeting. The committee will draft its own terms of reference, which will include content and frequency of meetings. The parties shall meet at least three (3) times per year.
(4) The PD Committee shall:
a) Address ways in which funds generated by the allocation in the Grants for Student Needs to enhance professional learning opportunities for teachers will be used.
b) Ensure that professional activities for teachers during Professional Activity Days are consistent with the learning goals identified in the Teachers' Annual Learning Plans.
c) Promote best practices in sustaining successful Catholic Professional Learning Communities and in monitoring their implementation in the schools of the Board and system-wide.
d) The Committee will provide advice and assistance to Board staff that are assigned responsibility for providing professional development to teachers and planning for