24.01 List of Union Officials The Union shall submit to the City, within fourteen (14) days following their appointment, a list of the official representatives of the Union together with a list of the officers and shop stewards.
LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR UNION OFFICIALS. (a) Where an Employee is elected or selected for a part-time /full-time position with C.U.P.E., the Board shall grant leave of absence for periods of up to one (1) year, without loss of seniority, provided that the absence of the Employee does not interfere with the bona fide operational requirements of the School District. During the term of office, or with respect to any leave of absence granted without pay under this section, such Employee shall receive the pay and benefits as provided in the current Agreement on the understanding that the Union will reimburse the Board for all pay and benefits during the period of absence, i.e., there will be no cost to the Board. Where the length of absence is for a part-time /full-time position with the Union an Employee may request further leave of absence prior to the expiry of any such leave. Prior to returning to the employ of the Board, the Employee on leave for a position with the Union will give no less than thirty (30) days notice of returning to the service of the Board unless not reasonably possible to do so.
(b) The Board agrees that any Employee who might be elected or appointed to a part-time or full-time position with the British Columbia Federation of Labor or one of its Councils, or the Canadian Labor Congress, may be granted leaves of absence without loss of seniority for periods up to one (1) year, but not less than three (3) months, provided that there shall be no cost to the Board. Such leave shall be renewed each year on request, during the term of office, by giving no less than thirty (30) days' notice to the Board. Upon termination of such period of office, such an Employee may return to a position subject to all terms and conditions of the Collective Agreement applying to posting and filling of vacancies.
(c) In the case of leaves of absence for Union officials under this Article or Article 24.03, the parties agree that one (1) replacement Employee may be used for each Union official's position, providing normal seniority provisions are followed.
LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR UNION OFFICIALS. A maximum of two employees elected or appointed to full-time union positions shall be granted leaves of absence for the period of such election or appointment. The employees shall continue to accrue seniority during such leaves, and upon termination of the leaves of absence, shall be reinstated to their former positions (or the equivalent if such former positions no longer exist) provided the employees are qualified to return to work.
LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR UNION OFFICIALS. 17.01 (a) Official representatives of the Union shall be granted leave of absence by providing competent relief at no cost to the City to attend to union business.
LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR UNION OFFICIALS. (a) A maximum of two (2) employees elected or appointed to full-time union positions from each Local Union shall be granted leaves of absence for a period of such election or appointment. The employees shall continue to accrue seniority during such leaves, and upon termination of the leaves of absence, shall be reinstated to their former positions (or the equivalent if such former positions no longer exist) provided the employees are qualified to return to work.
(b) Employees appointed pursuant to Section 5(a) above, shall be permitted to extend their medical and dental coverages for the duration of their Union leave of absence by paying 102% of plan cost.
LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR UNION OFFICIALS. (1) Consistent with the needs of the Department, Management agrees to approve a leave of absence, without pay, not to exceed three (3) years for a bargaining unit employee who is elected to a position of National officer of the American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO, for the purpose of serving full time in the elected position, or who is selected as an AFGE National Union representative. Management shall be given not less than two (2) weeks advance notice.
(2) The Union agrees that all of the leaves of absence granted or approved in accordance with this Section are subject to appropriate Governmentwide regulations or other outside authority binding on Management. Management, to the extent of its authority, shall place the employee, at the end of the leave of absence, in the position the employee left, or one of like seniority, status, grade, and pay.
LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR UNION OFFICIALS. 27.01 A list of Union officials shall be supplied to the Employer within fifteen (15) days of their appointment.
27.02 Time off with pay shall be granted to official representatives of the Union, upon application, when it becomes necessary to transact business in connection with matters affecting both Parties to this Agreement and without limiting generality, shall include collective bargaining meetings, Union-Management meetings, grievance meetings and arbitration hearings. The official representative of the Union to be granted time off with pay under this Article shall be limited to four (4) in number.
27.03 Time off without pay may be granted to representatives of the Union, upon application, when it becomes necessary to transact business in connection with matters affecting members of the Union and full consideration will be given as to whether or not the requested time off will adversely affect the business of the Employer.
LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR UNION OFFICIALS. Official representatives of the Union shall be granted leave of absence by providing competent relief at no cost to the City to attend to union business. Time off with pay shall be granted to not more than two (2) official representatives appointed by the Union executive, upon application to and approval of the Fire Chief, when it becomes necessary to transact business in connection with matters affecting both parties to this Agreement; and without limiting generality, such leave shall include collective bargaining meetings, union-management meetings and grievance meetings. Requests for paid leave under this Article shall not be unreasonably withheld provided always that, in the opinion of the Fire Chief, sufficient staffing can be maintained during such periods to meet operational needs. If sufficient staffing can not be maintained, in the opinion of the Fire Chief, the Union shall provide competent at no cost to the City for those representatives who are off on such leave. City of Victoria Local Collective Agreement