Office of Inspector General Sample Clauses

Office of Inspector General. 13.01 In accordance with Section 2-106.6 of the City Charter, this Agreement may be voided or rescinded at the discretion of the Mayor or Inspector General if, at any time during the Term, an Associate who is a party to the Agreement has an interest in the Agreement and fails to disclose such interest. 13.02 This Agreement shall also be voidable or rescindable if a lobbyist or employee of the contracting party offers a prohibited gift, gratuity, honoraria, or payment to an Associate in relation to the Agreement in the performance hereof. 13.03 A fine shall be assessed to Lessee in the event of a violation of Section 2-106.6 of the 2012 City Charter. If applicable, the actions of Lessee, and its representative lobbyist or employee, shall be referred to the appropriate prosecuting authorities. 13.04 Pursuant to Section 7.5-306 of the 2012 City Charter, the Inspector General shall investigate any Associate, City agency, program or official act, contractor and subcontractor providing goods and services to the City, business entity seeking contracts or certification of eligibility for City contracts and person seeking certification of eligibility for participation in any City program, either in response to a complaint or on the Inspector General’s own initiative in order to detect and prevent waste, abuse, fraud and corruption. 13.05 In accordance with Section 7.5-310 of the 2012 City Charter, it shall be the duty of every Public Servant, contractor, subcontractor, and Lessee of the City, and every applicant for certification of eligibility for a City contract or program, to cooperate with the Inspector General in any investigation pursuant to Article 7.5, Chapter 3 of the 2012 City Charter. 13.06 Any Public Servant who willfully and without justification or excuse obstructs an investigation of the Inspector General by withholding documents or testimony, is subject to forfeiture of office, discipline, debarment or any other applicable penalty. 13.07 As set forth in Section 7.5-308 of the 2012 City Charter, the Inspector General has a duty to report illegal acts. If the Inspector General has probable cause to believe that any Public Servant or any person doing or seeking to do business with the City has committed or is committing an illegal act, then the Inspector General shall promptly refer the matter to the appropriate prosecuting authorities. 13.08 In accordance with Section 17-5-351 of the 2019 Detroit City Code, the City shall solicit offers from, award co...
Office of Inspector General. The City of Jacksonville has established an Office of Inspector General, Section 602.310, Part 3, Chapter 602, Ordinance Code, as may be amended. The Inspector General's authority includes but is not limited to the power to: review past, present, and proposed City contracts, transactions, accounts, and records; require the production of records; and, audit, investigate, monitor, and inspect the activities of the City, its officials, employees, contractors, their subcontractors and lower tier subcontractors, and other parties doing business with the City and/or receiving City funds in order to ensure compliance with contract requirements and detect corruption and fraud. Failure to cooperate with the Inspector General or interfering with or impeding any investigation shall be a violation of Section 602.309, Ordinance Code.
Office of Inspector General. (OIG) means the Office of Inspector General for the Department as set forth in 305 ILCS 5/12-13.1.
Office of Inspector General. Upon receipt of the Consultants= Report, Green Acres will have an opportunity to submit a response, with the assistance of the Consultants, as requested by Green Acres, to address any concerns raised by the Consultants and actions taken by Green Acres in response to such concerns. Such response, if any, shall be submitted within ten (10) business days of receipt by Green Acres of the Consultants= Report. Green Acres and the United States agree that, at the request of either party, they shall meet promptly to discuss any issues or concerns raised by the Consultants. Green Acres is not bound by the Consultants= observations and recommendations but must address them in good faith. In the event the United States believes there has been a breach of this Settlement Agreement, nothing in this Settlement Agreement shall prevent the United States from calling the Consultants as witnesses or from submitting their written observations and recommendations in any proceeding. In the event that Green Acres wishes to call the Consultants as witnesses in any proceeding concerning their expert opinions, Green Acres will compensate the Consultants for their appearance.
Office of Inspector General. Acting Inspector General
Office of Inspector General. The County of Sacramento and the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department shall create and establish the Office of Inspector General. This Inspector General shall be a single contract position recommended by the Sheriff and the Chair of the Board of Supervisors with the concurrence of the Sacramento County Deputy Sheriffs’ Association (SCDSA) and the Law Enforcement Managers’ Association (XXXX). The Inspector General would inform and advise the Board of Supervisors, the County Executive and the Sheriff relative to the duties and responsibilities of the Inspector General which will be as follows: a. To monitor ongoing administrative investigations of citizen complaints. b. To review completed administrative investigations. c. Advise the Sheriff, County Executive, and Board of Supervisors in closed session, to the extent permitted by the Xxxxx X. Xxxxx Act, which administrative investigations, if any, appear incomplete or otherwise deficient and provide reasons for his/her determination. Under no circumstances will the name of the employee subject to the investigation be revealed in a public session. d. To produce, after consultation with the Sheriff and County Counsel, an annual report to the Board of Supervisors: 1. Evaluating the effectiveness of existing policies, practices, and regulations; 2. Analyzing issues, trends, patterns; 3. Identifying pervasive and emerging problems, and; 4. Recommending ways to improve the complaint process. This report shall conform to the confidentiality requirements of 832.7 of the California Penal Code. e. To independently re-interview complainants and citizen witnesses in exceptional cases. f. To accept complaints for forwarding to Internal Affairs or other appropriate authorities. g. To serve as a liaison with complainants who otherwise would be unfamiliar with, or intimidated by, the investigative process. h. To mediate disputes between the public and the Sheriff’s Department, upon the invitation of the Sheriff. i. To advise the Sheriff on the establishment of an “early warning system” which can identify patterns of employee behavior and actions that may lead to misconduct or pose safety concerns.
Office of Inspector General. MED-BILL and Ambulance Service both agree to process each of its employees through the OIG Exclusion website: xxxxx:// If any employees appear on the exclusion list, MED-BILL and Ambulance Service agree to notify each other and take the necessary steps to rectify any claims that were processed.
Office of Inspector General. The committees shall keep minutes of all meetings, the results of each review and any appropriate action taken. A copy of the minutes shall be submitted to the Department no later than thirty (30) days after the close of the quarterly reporting period. At a minimum, these programs must meet all applicable federal and State requirements for utilization review. The Contractor and Department may further define these programs.
Office of Inspector General. The OIG continues to push forward with its comprehensive Compliance Plan that requires the direct involvement of commanders and managers throughout the Department. As a result, members at all levels have been mobilized to address each task, promoting both engagement and accountability. The Compliance Plan requires managers to report on the status and progress of assigned tasks outlined in the Agreement. The progress reports have been changed from bi- weekly to monthly, giving Compliance Assessors more time to recognize and correct deficiencies found during their assessment of their assigned tasks. In July, the OIG released a revised Compliance Plan and conducted a four hour training session on the new expectations of the Compliance Assessors, and an introduction to auditing. Through more strenuous reviews, the OIG will ensure that each Compliance Assessor conducts probative reviews to show compliance is being achieved and maintained. The OIG continues to facilitate the bi-monthly MAP meetings where the Department’s compliance efforts are reported. This venue provides an opportunity to inform management on progress was well as issues that are identified by the Compliance Assessors. The second stage of achieving compliance is with training; 44 Tasks are required by the Agreement to be trained on. To spotlight this pivotal piece of the Department’s compliance efforts, the Training Division reports on training required by the Agreement as well as state and federally mandated training. Managers are also advised of changes to the Agreement after stipulations are signed by parties and approved by the Court. Both by frequency and content, these meetings continue to reinforce the commitment of the Department to the Agreement. Per a court order, the stakeholders spent many hours meeting to discuss compliance standards. The court offered the services of Judge Xxxxxx to work out any standards that the stakeholders were unable to reach mutual agreement. We are pleased to report that we were able to reach agreement on the standards and compliance percentages used to audit the majority of tasks. The remaining tasks are being discussed as the IMT releases the revised protocols for each task. Under the direction of the Chief, the OIG worked to create and finalize the Department’s three year strategic plan. The strategic plan was created to focus our efforts in order to become a high performing organization. The Chief has ordered commanders and managers to meet in focus gro...

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  • Office of Inspector General Investigative Findings Expert Review In accordance with Senate Bill 799, Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., if Texas Government Code, Section 531.102(m-1)(2) (eff. Apr. 1, 2025, Section 544.0106, pursuant to House Bill 4611, Acts 2023, 88th Leg., R.S.) is applicable to this Contract, Contractor affirms that it possesses the necessary occupational licenses and experience.

  • Cooperation with Inspector General Grantee understands its duty, pursuant to Section 20.055(5), Fla. Stat., to cooperate with Florida Housing’s Inspector General in any investigation, audit, inspection, review, or hearing. Grantee will comply with this duty and ensure that any contracts issued under this Agreement impose this requirement, in writing, on its subcontractors.

  • Response/Compliance with Audit or Inspection Findings A. Grantee must act to ensure its and its Subcontractors’ compliance with all corrections necessary to address any finding of noncompliance with any law, regulation, audit requirement, or generally accepted accounting principle, or any other deficiency identified in any audit, review, inspection or investigation of the Grant Agreement and the services and Deliverables provided. Any such correction will be at Grantee’s or its Subcontractor's sole expense. Whether Xxxxxxx's action corrects the noncompliance shall be solely the decision of the System Agency. B. As part of the services, Grantee must provide to HHS upon request a copy of those portions of Grantee's and its Subcontractors' internal audit reports relating to the services and Deliverables provided to the State under the Grant Agreement. C. Grantee shall include the requirement to provide to System Agency (and any of its duly authorized federal, state, or local authorities) internal audit reports related to this Grant Agreement in any Subcontract it awards. Upon request by System Agency, Grantee shall enforce this requirement against its Subcontractor. Further, Grantee shall include in any Subcontract it awards a requirement that all Subcontractor Subcontracts must also include these provisions.

  • Certification of Meeting or Exceeding Tobacco-Free Workplace Policy Minimum Standards A. Grantee certifies that it has adopted and enforces a Tobacco-Free Workplace Policy that meets or exceeds all of the following minimum standards of: i. Prohibiting the use of all forms of tobacco products, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes (hookah), bidis, kreteks, electronic cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff and chewing tobacco; ii. Designating the property to which this Policy applies as a "designated area,” which must at least comprise all buildings and structures where activities funded under this Grant Agreement are taking place, as well as Grantee owned, leased, or controlled sidewalks, parking lots, walkways, and attached parking structures immediately adjacent to this designated area; iii. Applying to all employees and visitors in this designated area; and iv. Providing for or referring its employees to tobacco use cessation services. B. If Grantee cannot meet these minimum standards, it must obtain a waiver from the System Agency.