PBA REPRESENTATION. An employee may request that a PBA Staff Representative or Employee Grievance Representative be present during any disciplinary investigation meeting in which the employee is being questioned relative to alleged misconduct of the employee, or during a predetermination conference in which suspension, dismissal, disciplinary demotion, or reduction in base pay of the employee is being considered.
PBA REPRESENTATION. Section 1. The Sheriff agrees that during the term of this Agreement he or his designees will deal only with the authorized representatives of the PBA in matters requiring mutual consent or other official action called for by this Agreement. The PBA agrees to notify the Sheriff in writing of the names of such authorized representatives as of the execution of this Agreement and of any changes occurring during the term of this Agreement.
Section 2. Neither party shall have any control over the selection of the negotiating representatives of the other party. The PBA shall furnish in writing the names of its negotiating team to the Labor Relations Director one week prior to the first bargaining session and notify the Labor Relations Director of any changes made thereafter. PBA bargaining team members may utilize PBA business pool time as detailed in this Article.
Section 3. PBA representatives shall consist of the elected or appointed officers of the Sun Coast PBA, and the elected or appointed stewards of the bargaining unit. All stewards must be active, current sworn employees represented by the unit or sworn employees who have retired from the Sheriff’s Office. The Sheriff agrees to recognize no more than seven (7) stewards for the conduct of PBA business between the Sheriff and the union, with the names of said stewards being provided per Section 1 of this Article.
PBA REPRESENTATION. Section 1. PBA Representation During Collective Bargaining Negotiations
A. Neither party in negotiations shall have any control over the selection of the negotiating or bargaining representatives of the other party. The PBA will furnish the Labor Relations Office with a written list of the PBA's bargaining team at the first bargaining meeting, and substitution changes thereto, if necessary.
B. The Employer shall recognize PBA representatives for the purpose of collective bargaining as authorized by the President of the PBA as reflected on the submission listed per Section 1(A) of this Article.
C. The Department will make every effort to release recognized PBA representatives, who are Police Department employees, to participate in collective bargaining negotiation sessions as representatives of the PBA.
D. PBA collective bargaining team members will be authorized to use PBA Business time as outlined in Article 8. In addition, employees participating in the collective bargaining process at the request of the Union may also be authorized by the Union to use PBA Business time. This includes preparation for bargaining, negotiations sessions, Special Master hearings, and other related meetings.
Section 2. PBA Representation During the Term of the Contract
A. The names of all PBA representatives shall be given in writing to the Labor Relations Office as well as any change in such list prior to the effective date of their assuming duties of representation.
B. The Employer shall recognize five (5) PBA representatives, or one (1) representative for each one hundred (100) members, as authorized by the President of the PBA or his designee for the conduct of Labor-Management relations between the Employer or Police Department and the PBA for this bargaining unit as reflected on the submission listed per Section 2(A) of this Article.
C. Recognized PBA representatives, who are employees of the St. Petersburg Police Department, will be permitted to discuss PBA business with employees during their duty hours provided that such discussions shall in no way interrupt, delay, or otherwise interfere with effective and proper service to the community. The PBA agrees that this privilege shall not be abused.
D. Recognized PBA representatives, who are employees of the St. Petersburg Police Department, shall be allowed to communicate official PBA Business to employees prior to being checked on duty and after the employees have been checked off duty at the end of their work shifts. C...
PBA REPRESENTATION. Section 1. PBA Representation During Collective Bargaining Negotiations
A. Neither party in negotiations shall have any control over the selection of the negotiating or bargaining representatives of the other party. The PBA will furnish the Labor Relations Office with a written list of the PBA's bargaining team at the first bargaining meeting, and substitution changes thereto, if necessary.
B. The Employer shall recognize PBA representatives for the purpose of collective bargaining as authorized by the President of the PBA as reflected on the submission listed per Section 1(A) of this Article.
C. The Department will make every effort to release recognized PBA representatives, who are Police Department employees, to participate in collective bargaining negotiation sessions as representatives of the PBA.
D. PBA collective bargaining team members will be authorized to use PBA Business time as outlined in Article 8. In addition, employees participating in the collective bargaining process at the request of the Union may also be authorized by the Union to use PBA Business time. This includes preparation for bargaining, negotiations sessions, Special Master hearings, and other related meetings.
PBA REPRESENTATION. SECTION 1. Neither party in negotiations shall have any control over the selection of the negotiating or bargaining representatives of the other party. The bargaining committee of the PBA shall consist of not more than three (3) representatives. The PBA will furnish the City with a written list of the PBA's bargaining committee prior to the first bargaining meeting.
SECTION 2. Copies of special orders, general orders or training bulletins affecting PBA members shall be made available to the PBA upon request at the "normal" cost of copying charged to the public.
SECTION 3. Solicitation of any and all kinds by the PBA, including solicitation of memberships and the collection of PBA monies, shall not be engaged in during working hours. Further, the PBA and the City agree to comply with all provisions of State law relative to collective bargaining and the conduct of union activities and City business.
SECTION 4. All collective bargaining between the City of Treasure Island and the PBA shall be done at mutually agreed times and dates and all PBA bargaining team member will receive pay, if on duty, for collective bargaining as long as it does not affect the proper operation of the Police Department.
PBA REPRESENTATION. 10.1: Neither party, in negotiations, shall have any control over the selection of the negotiating or bargaining representatives of the other party. The bargaining committee of the PBA shall consist of not more than four (4) representatives, including legal counsel. The PBA will furnish the City Manager with a written list of the PBA's bargaining committee prior to the first bargaining meeting and substitution changes thereto if necessary.
10.2: If any employee member of the bargaining committee is on duty during negotiation sessions, he/she may attend and participate in said sessions with no loss in pay if approved in advance by the Chief of Police or his designee. Said approval may be granted only if the shift would still be adequately manned and would not cause any overtime in the Department. Such approval shall be within the sole discretion of the Chief of Police or his designee.
10.3: The City will furnish the PBA with a written list of the City's bargaining representatives consisting of not more than four (4) members, including legal counsel, prior to the first bargaining session.
10.4: The PBA may designate up to three (3) local PBA representatives. A representative may attend one (1) union meeting per two (2) months, and any other emergency meeting scheduled during contract negotiations, without loss of pay, and if approved in advance by the Chief of Police or his designee. Said approval may be granted only if the shift would still be adequately manned and would not cause any overtime in the Department. Such approval shall be within the sole discretion of the Chief of Police or his designee.
10.5: The City agrees to establish a Bargaining Agent time pool consisting of one (1) hour per member per year. The time pool may be used by the PBA representatives and members for attendance at PBA related functions such as state conferences, conventions, board meetings, legislative activities except those relating to campaigning for the election of any City Commissioner, educational seminars, or such other purposes as agreed upon between the PBA and the Chief of Police. The use of the time pool is subject to the prior approval of the Chief of Police, but said approval will not be unreasonably withheld. Each bargaining unit employee will fund one (1) hour per year to the time pool from accrued leave except sick leave.
PBA REPRESENTATION. PBA Representation During Collective Bargaining Negotiations
PBA REPRESENTATION. SECTION 1. Neither party, in negotiations, shall have any control over the selection of the negotiating or bargaining representative of the other party. The bargaining committee of the PBA shall consist of not more than four (4) representatives. The PBA shall furnish the City Manager's Office with a written list of the PBA's bargaining committee, prior to the first bargaining meeting.
SECTION 2. PBA representatives shall be allowed to communicate official PBA business to members prior to on-duty roll call, and following off-duty roll call.
SECTION 3. Employees shall have the right to PBA representation if the employee desires to meet and consult with any supervisory or managerial official, via the appropriate chain of command.
SECTION 4. Copies of special orders, general orders or training bulletins affecting PBA members shall be made available to the PBA upon request, so long as such documents are provided by law to be public records.
SECTION 5. Special conferences on important matters will be arranged between the officers of the PBA and the Chief of Police or the City Manager. Arrangements for any special conferences shall be made five (5) calendar days in advance whenever possible and an agenda of the matters to be taken up at the meeting shall be presented in writing at the time the conference is requested. Matters taken up in special conferences shall be confined to those included in the agenda and the PBA representative shall be limited to no more than three (3) matters at any one (1) conference.
SECTION 6. Copies of all memoranda regarding police department operations and issued for all dissemination to the employees, by any means, shall be provided to the in-house PBA representative as authorized by the PBA President in writing.
PBA REPRESENTATION. 7.1: Neither party, in negotiations, shall have any control over the selection of the negotiating or bargaining representatives of the other party. The bargaining committee of the PBA shall consist of not more than three (3) representatives, all of whom shall attend negotiations without cost to the City.
7.2: The names and shift assignments of all PBA officers, representatives, and PBA agents, except attorneys, shall be given in writing to the City Manager's Office, as well as any change in such list prior to the effective date of their assuming duties of office. Such notification shall be made by an officer of the PBA.
7.3: PBA representatives shall be allowed to communicate official PBA business, including the distribution of literature, to unit employees prior to on-duty roll call and following off-duty roll call provided only that there is no interference with the conducting of the roll call.
7.4: Copies of special orders, general orders or training bulletins affecting PBA unit employees shall be made available to the PBA upon request.
7.5: Special conferences on important matters will be arranged between the representative of the PBA and the Chief of Police or his or her designee upon the request of either party. Special conferences will be called by Department management to notify the representatives of the PBA of anticipated changes in working conditions. Arrangements for any special conferences shall be made five (5) calendar days in advance whenever possible, and an agenda of the matters to be taken up at the meeting shall be presented in writing at the time the conference is requested. Matters taken up in special conferences shall be confined to those included in the agenda and PBA representatives shall be limited to no more than three (3) at any one conference. Whenever a special conference is scheduled, the PBA will be notified.
PBA REPRESENTATION. Section 1. Neither Party in negotiations shall have any control over the selection of the negotiating or bargaining representatives of the other Party.
Section 2. The City shall recognize elected PBA representatives for the purposes of bargaining and any bargaining team members shall be permitted to attend bargaining sessions which may occur during their regular tours of duty without any loss of pay. The City shall not be required to provide overtime to any employee attending negotiations.
Section 3. When acting in their capacity as PBA representatives within the Department and not on behalf of themselves, employees shall not be obligated to observe the Departmental chain of command. A representative may not refer an issue outside of the department without first presenting it to a senior staff officer. This shall not relieve employees from observing the Departmental chain of command except for receiving approval of release time with regard to their duty-related activities, notwithstanding their position as a PBA Representative.