PBA BUSINESS Sample Clauses
PBA BUSINESS. 9.1 Without permission from the Employer, neither PBA representatives nor bargaining unit Deputies shall leave their posts or work stations for the purpose of investigating, presenting, handling or settling grievances. Without permission from the Employer, PBA representatives shall not contact any Deputy(s) or other person concerning grievance matters or PBA business during either the working / duty hours of the PBA representative or the working / duty hours of any Deputy(s) sought to be contacted. Subject to the operational needs of the Employer, the Employer shall not unreasonably deny, constrain, or obstruct the PBA representatives’ requests for leave to conduct qualifying types of PBA business as defined by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
9.2 The Employer shall provide the PBA with a listing of all bargaining unit Deputies, to include the following information:
A. First name, last name, and initial.
B. ABN number.
X. Xxxx of employment with the Employer.
D. Initial employment job classification/rank.
E. Initial probationary period ending date.
F. Certification date as a Detention or Law Enforcement Deputy.
G. The current job classification/rank and the date of attainment.
H. Current annual base salary and Pay Plan.
I. Each classification/rank held since employment, the date of attainment of each classification/rank held with the Employer, and /or any other change in employment classification/rank status. Updated lists shall be provided at the PBA’s request. The Employer will notify the PBA of the name and work addresses of all new hire Deputies upon the request of the PBA. The Employer will allow the PBA to distribute printed information approved by the PBA to all newly hired Deputies. The Employer will also provide a meeting space in the requested and pre-determined Sheriff’s Office facility allowing the PBA to meet with newly hired Deputies during their off duty time if the Deputies voluntarily choose to attend such a meeting. The Employer will allow the PBA to provide a luncheon for all newly hired Deputies who are off-duty and voluntarily choose to attend at the expense of the PBA.
9.3 The PBA may provide information bulletin boards to the Employer at their own expense. Such bulletin boards must be commensurate with the same or lesser number of general information bulletin boards utilized by the Employer in nonpublic areas of the Employer’s primary facilities where space permits. Such bulletin boards must be consistent with the style, c...
PBA BUSINESS. Section 1. PBA representatives who are employees of the St. Petersburg Police Department and recognized by the Employer as such may be granted time off, up to a maximum of five (5) employees in any one instance, by Department management to conduct business in connection with the PBA and to attend city, county, or state public hearings or meetings; Civic Association meetings; or fund raising activities for registered (IRS) charitable organizations. Employees and representatives performing any of the activities provided for elsewhere in this Agreement that provides time off without loss of pay will be compensated in accordance with the provisions of this Article. Attendance at any PBA business activities outside of an employee's regular scheduled working hours shall not be deemed as time worked and will not be covered by PBA Business leave hours.
Section 2. Time off from duty will be without loss of straight time pay in accordance with the following provisions:
A. A written request for the use of PBA Business time shall be submitted through the chain of command to the appropriate Assistant Police Chief at least seventy-two
PBA BUSINESS. A. The President of the Broward County PBA and/or the persons designated by said President shall have full authority to conclude an Agreement on behalf of the Union, subject to a ratification vote of the members of the Bargaining Unit. It is understood that the Union President and/or designee is the official representative of the Union for the purpose of negotiating with the City. Negotiations entered into with persons other than those as defined herein, regardless of their position or association with the Union, shall be deemed unauthorized and shall have no weight or authority in committing or in any way obligating the Union.
B. One (1) PBA City Employee Representative, who shall be a member of the Bargaining Unit, shall be permitted to attend negotiating sessions while on duty with no loss of pay or benefits provided that the Chief of Police is notified at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of such sessions of the name of the individual.
C. One (1) employee designated by the PBA covered by this Agreement who is a member of the Bargaining Unit, shall be permitted time off from regular assignment to attend meetings that are scheduled by the Bargaining Agent. Such time shall be taken from the “time pool” created in this Article, and shall be with the permission of the Chief of Police, which will not be unreasonably denied or withheld.
PBA BUSINESS. A. The President of the Broward County PBA and/or the persons designated by said President shall have full authority to conclude an Agreement on behalf of the Union, subject to a ratification vote of the members of the Bargaining Unit. It is understood that the Union President and/or designee is the official representative of the Union for the purpose of negotiating with the City. Negotiations entered into with persons other than those as defined herein, regardless of their position or association with the Union, shall be deemed unauthorized and shall have no weight or authority in committing or in any way obligating the Union.
B. Two (2) PBA City Employee Representatives shall be allowed time off with no loss of pay or benefits from regular employment to attend meetings of the City Commission, with prior approval and if it will not interfere with public safety concerns. Prior to attending the above referenced meetings, the PBA City Employee Representatives must notify the Chief of Police at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance.
C. Two (2) PBA City Employee Representatives, who shall be members of the Bargaining Unit, shall be permitted to attend negotiating sessions while on duty with no loss of pay or benefits provided that the Chief of Police is notified at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of such sessions of the names of the two (2) individuals.
D. The City agrees that the Chief of Police will meet with a PBA Employee Representative Committee semi-annually, or more frequently if agreed to by the parties. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss employee relations matters. The PBA committee shall present a written list of the topics to be discussed at said meetings to the Chief of Police at least five (5) working days prior to the meeting.
E. Two (2) employees designated by the PBA covered by this Agreement who are members of the Bargaining Unit, shall be permitted time off from regular assignment to attend meetings that are scheduled by the Bargaining Agent. Such time shall be taken from the “time pool” created in sub-section 4.2.F. below with the permission of the Chief of Police, which will not be unreasonably denied or withheld.
PBA BUSINESS. Section 1. The City will provide to the PBA at a reasonable cost, any and all copies of documents requested under provisions of Florida Statutes, Chapter 119, entitled “Public Records.” The City shall make available on-line to the PBA, the annual budget and the comprehensive annual financial report. The City will allow the PBA to use the existing PBA bulletin board space for PBA business in the Squad Room, Communications Center, Detective Bureau and the Substation. The boards will be used only for the following notices: recreational and social affairs of the PBA meetings, PBA elections, reports of PBA committees, and other official PBA communications. All notices posted on the PBA bulletin boards will contain the signature of the PBA Representative. Bulletin boards shall remain neat, organized and its information current. Notices and announcements shall not contain anything political or controversial, or reflecting negatively upon the City, any of its officials or employees. No material, notices or announcements which violate the provisions of this Section shall be posted. Any violations of this Section shall entitle the City to immediately remove any offending materials.
Section 2. Bargaining unit employees shall be paid by the City only when they perform assigned law enforcement duties and/or work directed by the City. To the extent that these employees wish to perform Union duties (such as negotiations, grievance processing, attending Union conventions, etc.) during their normal work schedules, they may utilize annual leave; provided, however, that they comply with the rules otherwise applicable to such leave.
Section 3. Nothing herein shall prohibit the City, in its sole discretion, from allowing Union Officers and/or Representatives to attend meetings scheduled by the City while they are on duty without the loss of pay or benefits.
PBA BUSINESS. A. The PBA may designate up to three (3) local PBA representatives. A representative may attend one (1) union meeting per two (2) months, and any other emergency meeting scheduled during contract negotiations, without loss of pay, and if approved in advance by the Chief of Police or designee. Said approval may be granted only if the shift would still be adequately staffed and would not cause any overtime in the Department. Such approval shall be within the sole discretion of the Chief of Police or designee.
PBA BUSINESS. The City of Largo and the PBA will work collaboratively to ensure the PBA has the leave time needed to address union business. It is mutually beneficial for the City and the PBA to work together to ensure the business needs of the union are met. This leave will be considered Administrative Leave. Time off under this provision shall be granted at the discretion of the City; however, the use of this time will not be unduly restricted by the City given sufficient notice by the PBA.
PBA BUSINESS. PBA officials who are employees of the Bradenton Police Department and recognized by the Employer as PBA representatives may be granted time off, up to a maximum of two
PBA BUSINESS. SECTION I The PBA representative or unit employee shall not leave his/her post/workstation to investigate, present, handle or settle grievances, or act in administration of the collective bargaining agreement without permission of the Chief of Police or designee. An employee shall not conduct the aforementioned during his/her assigned work hours without the permission of the Chief of Police or designee. Such permission will not be unreasonably denied, based on the department's needs when the request is made. The PBA representative shall be granted PBA leave bank, vacation leave, comp time or leave without pay during the representative's regularly scheduled shift.
PBA BUSINESS. 11.1: The PBA agrees that there shall be no solicitation of City employees for membership in the PBA, signing up of members, collection of initiation fees, dues or assessments, meetings, distribution of PBA or affiliated PBA literature or any other solicitation activity of the PBA during the working hours of City employees; provided, however, that this Section shall not be construed to prohibit communication of official PBA business to members prior to the beginning of the work shift and after the regularly scheduled work shift and during the employee's meal period provided said communications do not occur at or on City property, except as provided for in Article 12, Use of City Facilities.
11.2: The City will provide space for two bulletin boards, solely for the purpose of posting the following notices and announcements:
a) Notices of PBA meetings;
b) Notices of PBA elections;
c) Notices of PBA appointments to office;
d) Notices of PBA recreational and social affairs;