PERSONAL) FLOATING HOLIDAYS. Individuals employed before June 1 of a calendar year shall be entitled to two (2) personal holidays for use in that calendar year. Individuals employed after June 1 shall be entitled to one personal holiday for use in that calendar year. After their initial calendar year of employment, employees shall be eligible for two personal holidays each calendar year. Personal holidays may not be carried over for use in subsequent year.
12.4.1 Employees will be required to obtain supervisory approval forty-eight (48) hours in advance for use of personal holidays. Supervisors may waive the required notice based on minimum disturbance to operations. Once scheduled, this holiday will not be changed except when the employees and supervisor mutually agree to a change. If employees are required to work on their scheduled personal holiday, they will be paid in accordance with Section 12.6.
PERSONAL) FLOATING HOLIDAYS. Section 1: Floating Holidays
PERSONAL) FLOATING HOLIDAYS. The Company agrees that each employee will be given three (3) Floating Holidays with eight (8) hours pay each at their regular hourly rate except where the individual is on a 12-hour schedule, in which case he/she will be allowed an equal amount of total hours off, i.e. twenty-four (24) hours or two (2) days off with pay; at a time to be arranged by the employee with his/her Supervisor. The floating holiday must be taken during the calendar year and to be eligible an employee must have completed sixty (60) working days of continuous service. Floating Holidays must be taken on a day the employee would otherwise be scheduled to work and will not be paid for unless they actually take time off. At least seven (7) day's written notice must be given (not to apply in case of emergency) to the employee's Supervisor on the forms provided. An answer to the notice must be given not later than five (5) days before the day requested as a Floating Holiday. Should the efficiency of operations be impaired, an alternate date will be agreed upon between the employee and the Supervisor at that time. In the event an agreement cannot be reached at that time between the employee and his supervisor the employee will have the right to carry over the floating holidays into the next calendar year to be taken within sixty (60) days of January 1st. If there is still no agreement within the sixty (60) day period on a mutually agreed day off the employee will be paid out for any outstanding Floating Holidays at the rate of pay at that time. The Company will institute the following measures to enable employees to take personal floating holidays:
1. Provide training to increase the number of employees able to cover personal floating holidays.
2. Include personal floating holidays in weekly allotment for number of employees allowed off at any one time.
3. The company will continue to encourage employees to volunteer to cover personal floating holidays.
4. The company will not request personal reasons for a Personal Floating Holiday.
PERSONAL) FLOATING HOLIDAYS. For each named Holiday above EXCEPT the Friday after Thanksgiving, an employee shall receive holiday pay at the straight-time hourly base rate for the number of hours the employee is scheduled to work that holiday, provided the employee actually works both his last full regularly scheduled shift immediately preceding and immediately following such holiday except as noted below. For those employees not scheduled to work that holiday, they shall receive straight-time hourly base rate for eight (8) hours. In addition to holiday pay, an employee shall receive one and on-half times his regular straight-time hourly base rate for any hours worked on the holiday or day observed as such if such hours are part of his regularly scheduled shift. The employee shall also receive the appropriate shift differential. When a holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, he shall receive a day off at another time or pay in lieu of time off at the discretion of the employee. The employee desiring to take a personal floating holiday shall provide the Company with at least five (5) calendar days advanced notification of the desired day off except when used after a paid sick day. The Company shall reasonably attempt to accommodate the employee’s request, operational and maintenance conditions permitting. In the absence of management approval, there shall not be more than one (1) employee per Department on a personal floating holiday at any given time. Personal floating holiday requests shall be honored insofar as possible in order of request being made. All personal floating holidays must be taken during the calendar year in which the holiday was given or the holiday will be forfeited. However, if an employee requests a personal floating holiday and the Company can’t grant the request, then the employee’s holiday will be carried over for the use in the following calendar year.
PERSONAL) FLOATING HOLIDAYS. Floating Holidays There shall be granted annually (5) Special (Personal) Floating Holidays with pay to regular full-time employees, such special holidays to be arranged at a time suitable to the employee and the Company, during the contract year, so that there will be no loss of production. Effective May there shall he granted five (5) Twelve Hour Special Personal Floating Holidays to those employees who are defined as Tour Workers.
PERSONAL) FLOATING HOLIDAYS. Employees will be granted two paid Personal Floating Holidays in each calendar year to be taken on an individual basis at a mutually agreeable time. A new employee must work not less than 60 working days to qualify for the first floating holiday, and for not less than 120 days to qualify for the second. Employees absent for more than nine (9) months in the preceding qualifying (calendar) year, will be required to re-qualify in the same manner as a new employee, as provided in the preceding paragraph.
PERSONAL) FLOATING HOLIDAYS. Personal/Floating Holidays will not be approved if they conflict with staff training sessions, staff coverage or program operations. Personal/Floating holidays may not be cashed out, shall be utilized within the Program year (March 1st through February 28th) and shall not carry over to the following Program year. CFCS reserves the right to schedule one (1) of the two (2) floating holidays each calendar year based on when the holidays fall and program schedules.
PERSONAL) FLOATING HOLIDAYS a) Regular Employees with an absenteeism rate of 1.5% or three (3) days or less (based on hours worked) in a twelve (12) month floating period, will receive one paid Floating Holiday (based on regular pay and rate for the employees regular schedule) to be taken subject to Section 4 above.
b) Regular Employees with a No Time Lost Accident record in a twelve (12) month floating period will receive one paid Floating Holiday (based on regular pay and rate for the employees regular schedule) to be taken subject to Section 4 above.
c) The twelve (12) month floating period for a) and b) above will begin January 1, 2000 and the Personal Floating Holidays to be taken in the following twelve (12) month period.
PERSONAL) FLOATING HOLIDAYS. The employee may, in an emergency, take a personal day when proof is provided. Floating holidays require five (5) days’ notice of intent and approval by employer, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. If one of the above Employer holidays falls on Saturday, it shall be celebrated on the preceding Friday. If one of the above holidays falls on Sunday, it shall be observed on the following Monday. The Company proposes that time off on a Monday in lieu of a Sunday holiday and Friday in lieu of a Saturday holiday may voluntarily be taken as a personal/floating day within the thirty (30) calendar day period following that holiday and subject to the normal contractual treatment of floating holidays. If Christmas falls on a Monday or Friday, the day must be taken by the thirty first (31st) of December of that calendar year. The employee must work the scheduled workday before and after a holiday (or be excused in advance or provide proof of illness to the Employer) to receive holiday pay, consistent with applicable law. Any Employer holiday that falls on an employee’s regular day off will be taken on their next regular workday (i.e. Tuesday to Saturday shift).
PERSONAL) FLOATING HOLIDAYS granted five (5) Spacial Floating Holidays with pay to full-time employees, such holidays to be et e time suitable to the and the during the that there be no loss of production. For each Special Floating Holiday taken en employee will be granted (8) hours on the time rete of the employee's job subject to the following: