Position Assignments Sample Clauses

Position Assignments. (a) Position assignment(s) shall be defined in terms of hours to be worked per day, buildings, and/or program requirements. Grade level(s) and/or program(s) assignment(s) within a building(s) shall be exclusively within the prerogative of the administration. Positions may be combined to include up to eight (8) working hours per day. (b) Secure positions are those positions that are not openly bid during the June bidding process. Prior to bidding, the unit and administration will meet to designate secure positions for the following school year. Title One positions and special education positions that require specialized training or have specialized student needs based on an IEPT will not be openly bid and as a result will be considered secure positions. Individuals in secure positions may request transfer from secure positions prior to the end of May in a given school year. It is expressly understood that positions held by employees for less than forty-five (45) school days may not be secured until after open bidding. (c) Open positions are available for bidding. Position assignments shall be made no later than the Friday of the week following the last student day of the year with the Monday of that week being the preferable day for such determination. Notices are to be sent out three (3) days prior to the last day of school for bidding. Employees may submit a written proxy signed by the bidder to a Union Xxxxxxx who is thereby authorized to bid a position for that employee. (d) Once the school year begins, program adjustment needs that require staffing changes of forty-five (45) minutes or less per day will be at the prerogative of the administration. When assignments require more than a forty-five (45) minute adjustment per day, the position will be posted for five (5) school days and will be filled on the basis of seniority from submitted written bids. (e) If any position projected in June does not materialize, or is later eliminated or reduced in hours, staff reduction shall be determined based on seniority. Notwithstanding the above, high seniority employees may elect to take a voluntary layoff when staffing needs to be reduced. (f) If a position becomes vacant or a new position becomes available, the position shall be posted for five (5) school days in all school buildings and then filled on the basis of seniority from submitted written bids (if any are submitted). During vacation periods, the Union Xxxxxxx will also be sent a copy of such postings. U...
Position Assignments. Employees are subject to assignment at the discretion of the Superintendent.
Position Assignments. Each teacher shall be given written notice of that teacher's tentative teaching assignment for the following year by the end of the school year. Such notice will include such relevant information as is available at the time.
Position Assignments. 1. The assignment and transfer of personnel is the responsibility of the Superintendent, or his/her designee. Employees who desire a change in assignment may submit an "Assignment Preference Form" with the Superintendent or his/her designee by no later than April lst for consideration for the following school year. Whenever possible, transfers in assignments will be voluntary. Skill and ability, as they relate to the students' needs shall be the major factor in determining whom to transfer. Seniority shall prevail when skill and ability, as they relate to the students' needs, are equal. To the extent possible, employees shall be given written notification of their new assignment as soon as possible. 2. Those staff members not changing job classifications will remain at their present wage. 3. Transfers take precedence over recall in Article XXII.
Position Assignments. Bargaining unit employees shall be notified of all opportunities to request transfer to other work sites. Such reassignments shall be made based on the principal of seniority using date in classification as the determining factor. Employees requesting reassignments must be capable of performing the work available to them through the reassignment.
Position Assignments. 26.2.1 The Company is not required to comply with a request for a change in aircraft type received from a Captain who will reach age sixty (60) within three years of his obtaining the position. The date the position is obtained is deemed to be the date it is effective when positions to be filled are posted. 26.2.2 The parties agree that they shall renegotiate the provisions of this chapter, including the salary guarantee, should it be impossible to meet the number of hours required under section 13.3.1. If the regulations in effect at the time of signing this Collective Agreement should change to extend to other countries served by the Company, or Because of operational constraints, a sufficient number of pairings is not available for Captains aged sixty (60) or over.
Position Assignments. 234 A request by an employee for assignment to a different position or school shall 235 be made in writing to the Superintendent and, in the employee's discretion, a copy may 236 be filed with the Association. The request shall set forth the reasons for the requested 237 assignment. The Superintendent, or her/his designee, shall respond to the request by 238 meeting with the employee. Similarly, whenever the District requests an employee to 239 change assignment, the employee may request a meeting with the Superintendent, or 240 her/his designee. If a member of the bargaining unit applies for the vacancy, 241 he/she will receive an acknowledgement of their request. If the transfer request is 242 denied, the employee will be provided the opportunity to meet with the 243 Superintendent to discuss the reason(s) for the denial. 244
Position Assignments. A. Position assignment(s) shall be defined in terms of hours to be worked per day and building(s) location. Grade level(s) and/or program(s) assignment(s) within a building(s) shall be exclusively within the prerogative of the administration. B. If it is anticipated that an extended absence (more than five (5) consecutive working days) of a full- time Aide is going to occur, the part-time Aides within that building, in order of seniority, shall have an opportunity to substitute in the full-time position before a non-unit substitute is placed. C. Aides required to work at more than one (1) building during a school day shall be given fifteen (15) minutes of travel time from their work time and be paid the current district mileage rate for travel between buildings. Substitutes or length of service with the district will be considered for preferential hire.
Position Assignments x. Xxxxxx position assignments (F) shall be available for bid each month. b. Should the aircraft require, the following position assignments shall be available for bid. Aft Xxxxxx (B-747) Line # followed by B Forward Lower Galley (B-747, DC-10) or First Class Galley - Main Deck - for B-747-400, c. All remaining Flight Attendant positions will be bid as follows: Any Position Line # only Any Non-Premium Position Line # followed by Y Any Relief Line “RLF” Relief Line Line # Reserve Line Line # d. Cabin work assignments for non-premium positions will be filled based on aircraft type in accordance with Company standards. Such positions will be assigned in seniority order during the preflight briefing.
Position Assignments. Any position, as determined by the Director, shall be posted in writing for a two week period prior to it being assigned to any employee. Employees may volunteer for the open position during the two week period. The Director can then choose an employee from the volunteers to fill the position. If the Director determines that the volunteers are not qualified for the open position, he may assign any employee he deems appropriate to the position. If no employees volunteer for the position, the Director may assign the position to any employee. Nothing precludes the Director from temporarily assigning work to any employee as necessary.