VACANCIES, TRANSFERS, PROMOTIONS. Section 1: Whenever a new vacancy or opening in a recognized position shall occur, vacancies will be posted on the ISD web site and via ISD email. Such notices shall include job description, necessary skills, qualifications, starting date, and application deadline date. No vacancy shall be filled, except in case of emergency, on a temporary basis, until such vacancy shall have been posted. Present employees, who apply in writing, will be given an interview and serious consideration for any vacancies which exist based on their qualifications and seniority. The Board reserves the right to hire from outside the bargaining unit to fill any vacancy. However, when one or more qualified bargaining unit members apply, the Board will only hire from outside when the outside applicant has superior qualifications. Bargaining unit applicants shall be notified in writing if they will or will not be employed for the position, and the reason(s) for the denial.
Section 2: If an employee is promoted to a higher paying position or classification, the employee shall be given not less than five (5) nor more than a forty (40) continuous working day trial in which to show their ability to perform on the new job. If, in the opinion of the administration, the employee cannot perform the duties of the new position competently, the employee shall be returned to their previous assignment and rate of pay.
Section 3: Temporary Assignments Rate of pay shall not be increased nor decreased for temporary position assignments or classifications which do not exceed five (5) continuous working days in duration.
Section 4: Permanent Job Assignment Change Involuntary transfers without at least fifteen (15) days notice prior to the effective date of a permanent job assignment change are to be minimized. A meeting will be conducted between the employee affected and their administrative supervisor at which time the reason for the assignment change will be shared with the employee. The employee shall be entitled to Association representation at their option. If the employee does not agree with the change, the employee may appeal to the Superintendent or his/her designee. The Superintendent or his/her designee will meet with the employee and their Association representative within five (5) working days of the appeal request. Permanent involuntary transfer which causes a change of classification will not cause a decrease in the employee’s rate of pay.
VACANCIES, TRANSFERS, PROMOTIONS. A. No later than April 30 of each year, the Superintendent shall prepare a list of all known vacancies in teaching positions for the following school year. A copy of the vacancies shall be given to the SAVE president.
VACANCIES, TRANSFERS, PROMOTIONS. For purposes of Article 9, the term "qualification" shall be defined to incorporate the following:
1. Michigan Teacher Certification;
2. North Central Accreditation Standards;
3. Possession of a major or minor in the subject area and/or previous experience in the subject area/grade level.
VACANCIES, TRANSFERS, PROMOTIONS. The employee agrees to be placed on the salary schedule as determined solely by the Superintendent in accordance with policies and Ohio law regarding new hires. Thereafter, individuals will advance on the salary schedule.
VACANCIES, TRANSFERS, PROMOTIONS. A. Vacancies occurring during the summer months, when school is not in session, shall be posted in the Superintendent’s office and notice shall be sent to the e-mail address provided by each teacher. Teachers having expressed an interest in a position as provided in this Article shall be notified by e-mail to an e-mail address specified by the teacher and through the automated alert system. Teachers shall have five (5) days to respond.
B. The following procedure shall be followed when filling vacancies in the bargaining unit, during the school year. A position shall not be considered vacant if the teacher has the right to return to that position.
1. Vacancies shall be e-mailed to teachers’ school email addresses and posted through the automated alert system.
2. Teachers interested in the vacancy shall notify the Superintendent within the posting period. The teachers who have expressed an interest in the position shall be contacted by the Superintendent’s office via e-mail, text or phone call.
3. Vacancies occurring during the school year may be filled on temporary basis until the end of the current year. Then re-posted.
4. Vacancies occurring after April 1st, may be filled by a substitute until the end of the school year.
C. Teachers shall be given written notice of their tentative assignment for the next school year by June 1. The Board retains the right of room assignment. Teachers shall be given written notice of their tentative assigned classroom no later than two weeks before the beginning of the school year. The parties recognize that changes in grade assignments in the elementary school and changes in subject assignments in the secondary school grades may be necessary.
VACANCIES, TRANSFERS, PROMOTIONS. A. The administration shall post for a minimum of five (5) days, except in extenuating circumstances, to the certified staff any certified openings or new positions within the District so they may express an interest in being considered for such positions. “Posting” means the Board shall display a written list of all vacant positions on the District web site and in an email to all staff. Teachers interested in transfer or other jobs within the District should let the Superintendent know of this interest in writing.
VACANCIES, TRANSFERS, PROMOTIONS. A. A vacancy shall be defined as a newly created bargaining unit position or a present bargaining unit position that is not filled.
B. Whenever any vacancy in any bargaining unit position in the District shall occur, the Board shall publicize the same by giving written notice of such vacancy to the Association President and providing for posting in each school building. No vacancy shall be filled, except in case of an emergency on a temporary basis, until such vacancy shall have been posted for at least five (5) working days. Said posting shall contain the following information:
VACANCIES, TRANSFERS, PROMOTIONS. A. A vacancy shall be defined, for purposes of this Agreement, as an opening which the District intends to fill in a position previously held by a bargaining unit member or a newly created position within the bargaining unit. When a position increases in hours, work year, or classification, it is not considered a vacancy according to Article 11 and will not have to be posted. No vacancy shall be filled during the school year until it has been posted for at least five
VACANCIES, TRANSFERS, PROMOTIONS. A. If additional positions (not existing at the present time) in the bargaining unit are to be proposed by the Board, the Association shall be informed in writing of the new position(s), including a job description, prior to the announcement and/or posting of said position. If a new position is being created, the District shall give written notice to the Association of the position and the classification the District intends to create and the pay rate for said classification. If the Association disagrees with the classification and/or pay rate proposed by the District, it shall notify the District in writing within ten (10) days of the date of the notice sent by the District. If the Association objects to the classification and/or pay rate in writing, said rate shall be negotiated by the Association and the District.
B. All vacancy notifications shall include the job description, the qualifications, the wage range, the location and department assigned.
C. New positions and job vacancies, full-time and permanent part-time, along with a job description, shall be sent to each association member. No vacancy shall be filled, except in one of an emergency on a temporary basis, until such vacancy has been posted for at least ten
VACANCIES, TRANSFERS, PROMOTIONS. A vacancy shall be defined as a newly created position or a present position that is open as a result of a transfer, promotion, resignation, retirement, or termination, it is understood and agreed that as positions become available through attrition that individuals hired will be contracted through third-party vendor and not be members of the bargaining unit with the exception of instructional aides. Management will determine if a position is to be filled or left vacant. A contested position may be filled on a temporary basis. School year positions which become vacant in the fourth quarter of the school year may be filled by a substitute for the remainder of the school year. All vacancies shall be posted throughout the school district within two (2) weeks after the position has been vacated. Once a posting is made, it is to be considered factual, and should any information in the posting be required to change, a new posting shall occur. All positions shall be posted for a duration of seven (7) work days and shall include the following information: