Procedures for Appointment Sample Clauses
Procedures for Appointment. It is understood and agreed that all appointments are first subject to all laws of the land including Canadian immigration regulations and subject also to any consensus arrived at among Canadian universities pertaining to priority consideration for Canadian applicants. Subject to the foregoing, the following procedure shall be used in making full-time academic appointments:
(a) Total desired Faculty complement shall be established by the Board of Governors, after consultation with the President, Xxxx, and Senate.
(b) Where increases in the teaching faculty complement are contemplated, the President or his/her designate shall notify all Faculty of the number of new positions that are anticipated and invite formal submissions and recommendations from Faculty. Where downward adjustments are contemplated, the President or his/her designate shall notify the Association in writing and invite formal submissions and recommendations from the Association. The Board of Governors shall consider Association submissions and recommendations at a meeting that is not held in camera before arriving at a decision with respect to reductions in faculty complement, and shall communicate its decision(s), with reasons, in writing to the Administration and Association by means of a non- confidential statement. Such a decision shall be in alignment with the University’s Academic and Strategic Plans.
(c) The President or his/her designate shall inform the Senate and Board of Governors of the existence of any vacancies or expected vacancies as soon as they become known. Vacancies shall be advertised in relevant Canadian academic, ecclesial, and professional journals, including the CAUT Bulletin and University Affairs, as well as in relevant non-Canadian academic, ecclesial, and professional journals as appropriate. Such advertisements shall be prepared and disseminated by the President or his/her designate in consultation with the Senate and Board of Governors. The President or his/her designate shall strike an Academic Search Committee in consultation with the Senate, Board of Governors, and Student Union.
(d) The responsibilities of the Academic Search Committee shall be to review the dossiers, which shall include the candidate’s letter of application, curriculum vitae, and at least three letters of reference; to determine a short list of applicants; to interview candidates; and to recommend a candidate for appointment.
(e) Applications for appointment shall be directed to the Pres...
Procedures for Appointment. (a) All offers of employment are conditional.
Procedures for Appointment. Faculty members who have tenure or tenure-track appointments, Instructors with probationary or continuing appointments, and faculty members who have completed two (2) consecutive years’ service in a CLT position may participate in any appointment procedure. Employees on leave pursuant to Article 24 who have rights to vote as specified in this Article may exercise these rights during the leave. They shall be notified of such rights by the Head sending an e-mail to the Employees' e-mail address and must respond and exercise such rights no later than three (3) working days after the e-mail is sent. Where conflict of interest exists, the faculty member having such conflict shall withdraw completely from the appointment procedure.
Procedures for Appointment. Procedures should be adopted to ensure that an adequate list of possible candidates of quality is obtained and the selection from this list has been properly and effectively carried out by the department head concerned. A committee shall be appointed as required by the Chief Librarian. It shall be composed of the Chief Librarian as Chair, and three professional librarians with the rank of Librarian III or above. At least one of these librarians shall be from the University of Toronto Library system or from the Library of one of the Federated Universities. The documentation for each candidate shall include a current curriculum vitae and a list of referees from whom appraisals may be obtained indicating the candidate’s capacity for librarianship and evinced by job performance and academic and/or professional activities. Applications shall be assessed by the Chief Librarian in consultation with his/her colleagues. A shortlist of candidates for interview shall be drawn up by the committee. A majority is required to recommend appointment. The appointment of a librarian shall be recommended to the President by the Chief Librarian. The Board of Regents will approve appointments on the recommendation of the President. The terms and conditions of each appointment shall be clearly stated and confirmed in writing, including type of appointment, rank, salary, status with respect to permanency and any special conditions attached to the appointment.
(a) Permanent Status. Permanent status for librarians, as defined in paragraph (13.2), entails the acceptance by a librarian of the obligation to perform conscientiously as a contributor to teaching, learning and scholarship in the University. Librarians who enter the University at the rank of Librarian I shall be considered for permanent status during the third year of service at the rank of Librarian II in the University. Librarians appointed at the rank of Librarian II for a contractual period of up to three years’ duration shall be considered for permanent status in the final year of their contracts. Librarians appointed at the ranks of Librarian III or IV, if not granted permanent status on appointment, must be considered for permanent status in the first year of service in the University.
(b) Criteria for appointment with permanent status. (i) Appointments with permanent status should be granted on the basis of five criteria: effectiveness in work performance; academic achievement and activities; professional achieveme...
Procedures for Appointment a) The Xxxx, the Unit Administrator, and where teaching is involved the appropriate Department Chair will establish the initial duties of the position, the qualifications and criteria required.
b) Upon approval that the position be filled, the Xxxx or designate, shall then engage in the procedure set out below:
i) the position shall normally be advertised on the University Website and may also be advertised on a broader scale and/or in discipline specific publications, journals, or forums as required. The relevant criteria for selection shall be available to applicants on the University Website;
ii) the Employer will assess applications, and establish a short list for interview;
iii) the Xxxx or designate will recommend the selected candidate, in writing, to the Vice-President Academic and Research or their delegate, accompanied by supporting material and the recommended terms;
iv) if the Vice-President Academic and Research/delegate agrees to support the recommendation, the President, in consultation with the Xxxx or University Administrator, will determine the details of the offer of employment (job title, salary, and other conditions of employment);
x) as soon as the Vice-President Academic and Research/delegate has been informed that the proposed terms are (or are likely to be) acceptable to the preferred candidate, they will take the decision if within their authority or forward it to the Board for approval.
Procedures for Appointment a) The University Librarian, in consultation with the LAC, will review and will establish the initial duties of the position, the qualifications and criteria for appointment required for the position, and the rank at which the appointment is expected to be made.
b) Upon the University Librarian’s recommendation to the President that the Library position be filled, and upon the President’s confirmation that the position may be filled, the LAC shall then engage in the procedure set out below:
i) the position shall normally be advertised on the University Web site and nationally in publications such as University Affairs, CAUT Bulletin and such discipline specific publications, journals, or forums as applicable. The relevant criteria for selection shall be available to applicants on the University Web site;
ii) the LAC will assess applications, credentials and letters of reference, and establish a short list for interview;
iii) the interviews, in addition to meetings with the LAC, will normally include meetings with the President, the Vice-Presidents, Deans as appropriate and a public presentation;
iv) the LAC will select its preferred candidate;
v) if in agreement with the recommendation of the LAC, the University Librarian will forward the recommendation with a letter of support, curriculum vitae, letters of reference, evaluations and other supporting material to the President;
vi) if the President agrees to support the recommendation, the President, in consultation with University Librarian, will determine the terms of employment (rank, nature of contract, salary and other conditions of service);
vii) as soon as the President has been informed that the proposed terms are (or are likely to be) acceptable to the preferred candidate, the President will forward the LAC’s recommendation with all supporting material to the Board for approval, or he or she will make the decision if within the President's authority;
viii) in the event that the University Librarian does not support the LAC’s recommendation, or the President does not support the LAC’s recommendation, the LAC will be given an explanation of the action of the University Librarian or the President and invited to re-argue the case or to recommend another candidate. In the case of a continuing disagreement between the University Librarian and the LAC, both parties shall forward their recommendations immediately to the President, who shall consider the case of each side and make a decision. A copy of the ...
Procedures for Appointment. Nominations/applications for appointment may be made by any member of the university community and are contingent upon the following criteria:
X. Xxx (10) or more years of full-time service to Cleveland State University (CSU).
B. Submission of credentials and major professional accomplishments at CSU that represent distinguished service to CSU.
X. Xxxxxxxxx recommendations of the employee's supervisor.
Procedures for Appointment. It is understood and agreed that all appointments are first subject to all laws of the land including Canadian immigration regulations and subject also to any consensus arrived at among Canadian universities pertaining to priority consideration for Canadian applicants. Subject to the foregoing, the following procedure shall be used in making full-time academic appointments:
Procedures for Appointment a) The Xxxx and Unit Administrator will establish the initial duties of the position, the qualifications and criteria required.
b) Upon approval that the position be filled, the Xxxx or designate, shall then engage in the procedure set out below:
i) the position shall normally be advertised on the University Website and may also be advertised on a broader scale and/or in discipline specific publications, journals, or forums as required. The relevant criteria for selection shall be available to applicants on the University Website;
ii) the Employer will assess applications, and establish a short list for interview;
iii) the Xxxx or designate will recommend the selected candidate, in writing, to the President or his or her delegate, accompanied by supporting material and the recommended terms;
iv) if the President/delegate agrees to support the recommendation, the President, in consultation with the Xxxx or University Administrator, will determine the details of the offer of employment ( job title, salary, and other conditions of employment);
v) as soon as the President/delegate has been informed that the proposed terms are (or are likely to be) acceptable to the preferred candidate, he/she will take the decision if within their authority or forward it to the Board for approval.
Procedures for Appointment. (a) All offersof employment are conditional.
(b) Notwithstanding 11.10 (e), the Employer shall mail Offers of Employment by the following dates: 15 July for the Fall term, 15 November for the Winter term, and 15 March for the Spring/SummerIntersessions. Candidates shall inform the University, in writing, promptly after receipt of their appointment letter/contract and advise whether or not they accept the position. The Employer shall forward a copy of the letter of acceptance to the Association within fiv)e (5 working days of receipt of the letter.
(c) An employment contract to instruct o-ncampus, Fall or Winter,three- (3) or six- (6) credit- hour coursesshall if possible begin two (2) weeks prior to the start of the first scheduled class.
(d) Where aletter/contract of appointment has been accepte/sdigned by the applicant and the course is subsequently cancelled by the University, the applicant shall be paid a cancellation stipend of two hundred dollars ($200) if the cancellation occurs withtiwno (2) weeks prior to thestart of class during the academic year.