Procedures for Recall Sample Clauses
Procedures for Recall. The procedures of this Section apply when notice of recall is sent to a Faculty Member at least sixty-one (61) days in advance of the beginning of the semester in which the vacancy is to be filled.
Procedures for Recall. A. Bargaining unit members will be recalled for open positions in reverse order to fill positions for which they are certificated/licensed.
B. Bargaining unit members placed on the reduction in force list and recalled to employment will carry their previous seniority and shall be placed on the appropriate step of the salary schedule.
C. No new bargaining unit members shall be employed by the Board while there are members on the reduction in force list who are certificated for any opening of a bargaining unit position.
D. Bargaining unit members may only be removed from the recall list by one of the following:
1. Acceptance of an offer of recall;
2. Refusal of an offer of recall;
3. Failure to respond to an offer of recall within five (5) days of notification or within five (5) days of the registered mail letter being posted;
4. The passage of two (2) years from the date of contract suspension; or
5. Resignation from employment with the District.
Procedures for Recall. An employee with seniority who is on layoff for less than eighteen (18) months, contingent on ability to perform the work, will be recalled to the same position from which laid off and will be given priority consideration for other regular job openings (1) in the same classification and clinical area from which the employee was laid off (2) in the Professional Development Framework classification in the clinical area from which the employee was laid off and (3) in the Professional Development Framework classification in other clinical areas within the University. However, prior to the application of (2) and (3) the University will place the employee in a regular opening in the employee's same classification and thereafter in other regular openings in other classifications in the same pay grade and then in each next succeeding lower pay grade, provided the employee has the required qualifications as defined in Article 27.76
Procedures for Recall. A laid-off employee shall have recall rights for ninety (90) calendar days following termination. Notice of recall to work shall be addressed to the employee’s last address appearing on the records of the school district, by certified mail. Within ten (10) calendar days from receipt of such notice of recall or within fifteen (15) calendar days of the date of the mailing, whichever shall first occur, the employee shall notify the director of the department involved, in writing, whether or not (s)he desires to return to the work involved in the recall. If (s)he fails to reply or indicates a desire not to return to such work, (s)he shall forfeit all rights to recall. If (s)he indicates a desire to return to the proposed assignment, (s)he must report to such work within ten (10) calendar days from the date the recall notice was received or the time period set forth in a written extensions signed by the director or designee of the department. If an employee terminates employment with the district for any reason and subsequently accepts an assignment to a position different than the position he or she held prior to the lay-off, the employee shall be subject to a new probationary period not to exceed six (6) months and shall sign an “at will” form provided by the district. Failure to return to work shall result in forfeiture of seniority and all rights to recall.
Procedures for Recall a. For the purposes of this section, classification shall be defined according to the following:
i. Secretarial/Clerical or Paraprofessional Classification
ii. Grade classification
iii. Full-time or Part-time
iv. Number of days assigned per year
b. When recalling laid off employees, the District shall consider seniority as one of the factors in determining which employees to recall to vacant positions. No other individual inside or outside of the bargaining unit may be hired in the laid off employee’s own job classification until the laid off employee is recalled back into a position within the employee’s own job classification.
c. The laid off employee may apply to a position in a job classification other than their own job classification. Acceptance of an appointment/transfer to a position outside the employee’s own job classification will constitute a waiver of their right to recall to a position within their own job classification.
d. Refusal to accept recall to a position within their own job classification will result in a loss of recall rights and seniority.
e. The District will automatically place laid off employees on the recall list for one year following layoff. In subsequent years, eligibility for recall shall be conditional upon annual written notice to the Employer of the laid off employee’s current residence and availability.
Procedures for Recall. An employee with seniority who is on layoff for less than eighteen (18) months, contingent on ability to perform the work, will be recalled to the same position from which laid off and will be given priority consideration for other regular job openings (1) in the same classification and clinical area from which the employee was laid off (2) in the Professional Development Framework classification in the clinical area from which the employee was laid off and (3) in the Professional Development Framework classification in other clinical areas within the University. However, prior to the application of (2) and (3) the University will place the employee in a regular opening in the employee's same classification and thereafter in other regular openings in other classifications in the same pay grade and then in each next succeeding lower pay grade, provided the employee has the required qualifications as defined in Article 27105.. 103 See Intent Note for Paragraph 260A 104 See Paragraphs 266, 282, 294.d & 652B.4 and Intent Notes for Paragraph 288 105 See Intent Note for Paragraph 264
Procedures for Recall i. When a recall position becomes available, the wage grade will be determined by the College.
ii. The College shall notify the Association and all eligible laid off employees of the recall position to be filled.
iii. The employees shall have five (5) business days in which to notify the College of their desire to be re-employed in the position(s).
iv. Any employee on layoff status, with recall rights, shall have first option for the position they held at the time of the layoff, should it become available within the 18 month layoff period.
v. If the incumbent employee is not available to accept the position, the most senior employee on the layoff list, who, at the time of layoff, was at or above the designated wage grade for the recall position will be offered the position.
vi. If the employee accepts the recall position, they will be removed from the layoff list and placed in the recall position.
vii. If the employee refuses the recall position, they will remain on the layoff list and the next most senior employee, who, at the time of layoff, was at or above the designated wage grade for the recall position, becomes eligible and will be offered the position, until the position is filled.
viii. If the College is unable to find an eligible laid off employee to fill a recall position, the position shall be subject to normal filling of vacancy procedures.
ix. The methods to be removed from the layoff list are:
a. Employee asks to be removed.
b. 18 month layoff period is exhausted.
c. Employee is placed into a position.
d. Employee is terminated due to unclaimed certified mail.
Procedures for Recall. A laid-off employee shall have recall rights for ninety (90) calendar days following termination. Notice of recall to work shall be addressed to the employee’s last address appearing on the records of the school district, by certified mail. Within ten
Procedures for Recall. Whenever a position is established or re-established, qualified employees who have been laid off within the previous nine months shall be notified in writing and shall be given preference for re-hire according to seniority.
Procedures for Recall i. When a recall position becomes available, the wage grade will be determined by the College.
ii. The College shall notify the Association and all eligible laid off employees of the recall position to be filled.
iii. The employees shall have five (5) business days in which to notify the College of their desire to be re-employed in the position(s).
iv. Any employee on layoff status, with recall rights, shall have first option for the position he/she held at the time of the layoff, should it become available within the 18 month layoff period.
v. If the incumbent employee is not available to accept the position, the most senior employee on the layoff list, who, at the time of layoff, was at or above the designated wage grade for the recall position will be offered the position.