Optional Days Sample Clauses
Optional Days. For the 2015-16 and 2016-17 school years, all members who have a work year calendar of 185 days or less shall have the option of working additional hours, at their daily rate of pay, that are outside the school day/calendar year. Members may not use Personal Necessity or Sick time to account for these optional professional development hours. The additional hours must be used for professional development aligned to district/school priorities. These optional professional development hours will be scheduled as follows:
a. 2015-2016 Six hours of District sponsored professional development shall be paid at the member’s pro rata daily rate of pay. The focus will be on the development and implementation of practices that are responsive to the student needs (e.g. language development, differentiation, numeracy and literacy strategies, and classroom management). These hours will be funded in accordance with Educator Effectiveness Block Grant Funds. Dates and times TBD in consultation and collaboration with SJTA. b. 2016-2017 Day 1: August 15, 2016. Six hours of District sponsored professional development paid at the member’s pro rata daily rate of pay. Additional details shall be determined in consultation and collaboration with SJTA. This day will be funded in accordance with Educator Effectiveness Block Grand Funds. Day 2: All members at the Secondary level: November 10, 2016. Six hours of District sponsored professional development shall be paid at the member’s pro rata daily rate of pay. Additional details shall be determined in consultation and collaboration with SJTA. This day will be funded by Supplemental monies. All members at the elementary level: January 9, 2017. Six hours of District sponsored professional development shall be paid at the member’s pro rata daily rate of pay. Additional details shall be determined in consultation and collaboration with SJTA. This day will be funded by Supplemental monies. With regard to applicable ECE teachers and specialized groups: SJTA and the District will meet to determine professional development options no later than April 1, 2016.
Optional Days. 3.2.1 Seven (7) hours worked at the discretion of the employee to be used for teacher directed planning and preparation. These hours must be worked between August 17 and August 30 and outside scheduled mandatory day work hours on August 24, 25, 26 and 27. These hours will be time sheeted and compensated at the employee’s per diem rate
3.2.2 One (1) teacher directed day to be used for planning, grading, and report card preparation on which other staff responsibilities will not be scheduled. This day shall be scheduled on Monday, March 8 at the elementary school level and Monday, January 25 at the middle and high school levels.
3.2.3 One (1) building directed day on Monday, January 25 at the elementary school level and Monday, March 8 at the middle and high school levels.
Optional Days. Twelve (12) optional days will be distributed in installments over the contract year of the Agreement, and will be listed on a supplemental contract and compensated at the per diem rate of pay. These days are available to each employee covered by this bargained Agreement and will be used as authorized by the superintendent as stipulated in the individual employment contract. Verification of this optional time worked shall be made by affidavit and consistent with the terms of the employment agreement with the Auburn Association of Washington School Principals, optional days may be worked on Saturdays or Sundays. Optional time may include but is not limited to the following kinds of purposes:
a. Employee evaluation.
b. School accreditation.
c. School reform and pupil achievement.
d. Attendance at college-level courses or workshops related to areas of professional responsibility.
e. Staff and/or administrative meetings.
f. Issues related to the leadership and/or management of individual school buildings other than PTS, ASB, or athletic/activity responsibilities.
x. Xxxxx writing or state reporting.
h. Other purposes if approved by the superintendent. It is the responsibility of each principal to maintain records related to verification of time served and the task fulfilled for that time. In the event the appropriate document cannot be provided, adjustment to pay will occur.
Optional Days. Elementary Office Clinic Assistants will be assigned a 190‐day employee work year starting with the 2022‐2023 school year. Technology Resources Specialists may choose to work up to an additional five (5) days, paid via a time sheet. The dates for these days are to be mutually agreed upon with the building Principal. The duties for these days are at the direction of the building Principal.
Optional Days. 22 Each regularly-contracted full-time certificated employee shall be entitled to seven (7) optional 23 days at seven (7) hours of per diem rate, based on the employee’s placement on the combined 24 salary schedule (base + personal responsible stipend), days as follows: 25 Two (12) Building-based days (14 hours) 26 Three (3) District-based days (21 hours) 27 Two (2) Individually-directed days (14 hours) 28 Optional days may be worked exclusive of meals, breaks and sign-in procedures as applicable. 29 Professional Development offered by the District will provide for clock hours whenever clock 30 hours can be given pursuant to OSPI guidelines. 31 Regularly contracted employees who work less than full time shall be entitled to a prorated
Optional Days. In addition to work days granted to employees elsewhere in this Agreement and with 27 the approval of the building principal and superintendent, one optional day will be paid at each 28 employee's per diem rate and shall be granted to each employee on a supplemental contract. Payment 29 shall be from other than state allocation funds. 31 The optional paid day will be used with prior building principal and superintendent approval for the following 32 purpose: In-service on non-contract days or outside the normal work day. 34 Additional optional day(s) may be offered each year by the District, under the following conditions:
36 a. The building principal, after receiving approval by the superintendent, may recommend a 37 project or purpose for the optional day(s) or portions thereof to be used by each employee. If 38 the employee does not elect to participate, he/she will not be eligible for such additional optional 39 paid day(s). 40 41 b. Other projects or purposes directly related to employment. 42
Optional Days. Supplemental Professional Development Time (SPDT) –, In consideration for employees’ participation in a variety of professional development opportunities beyond the contracted work year and supplemental assignments, each employee shall receive the equivalent of two (2.0 days) of compensation at their per diem rate of pay for employee-initiated professional development activities. The District shall compile a menu of professional development offerings to be available locally, to include curriculum-based staff development, professional enhancement and growth, and building-based programs. Employees participating in the Professional Growth Option Track may utilize three (3) days release time to complete Professional Growth Option activities in addition to their Supplemental Professional Development Time as provided for in this section. (See section 8.6.2)
Optional Days. Subject to availability of levy equalization funds, employees will have the opportunity to work optional days that are in addition to the regular base contract. Optional days will be compensated at the employee's per diem rate. Documentation must be submitted for each optional day using an Optional Day Pay Request form. The length of an optional day shall be equivalent to the length of the employee's regular contract day. Days shall be claimed in half or full day increments. A total of four (4) optional days shall be available, subject to the availability of funds: Two (2) days for District and Building meetings and related activities immediately preceding the first student attendance day and a third (3rd) day for District and Building meetings and related activities on the October statewide in-service day. For the 2013- 14 school year, the District shall schedule the third (3rd) day in increments on designated dates, as mutually agreed to by the District and Association. One (1) day will be a Teacher Optional day. This day may be used for approved activities directly related to the employee's contracted duties or services, which are not part of the basic education program required by Article IX, Section 3 of the State constitution, as per RCW 28A.400.200. The completion of teacher option days must be documented on the revised Optional Day Pay Request form(s) hereto attached and submitted to the building principal within thirty (30) days of the activity. In addition, teachers who have transitioned to the Classroom Teacher Evaluation Process shall receive, on a one-time basis, an additional District-directed optional day in the year they transition, which may be provided in hourly increments, for the purpose of professional development training related to the evaluation process. (Article IV, Section
3.1 of the Agreement) Optional days must be used between August 15 prior to the beginning of the school year and August 14 following the end of the school year. Prior approval for inservice days must be obtained from the building principal by June 30 for inservice optional days used between July 1 and August 14 (refer to Appendix B).
Optional Days. Supplemental Professional Development Time (SPDT) –, In consideration for employees’ participation in a variety of professional development opportunities beyond the contracted work year and supplemental assignments, each employee shall receive the equivalent of two (2.0 days) of compensation at their per diem rate of pay for employee-initiated professional development activities. The District shall compile a menu of professional development offerings to be available locally, to include curriculum-based staff development, professional enhancement and growth, and building-based programs.
Optional Days. Employees will have optional days to be worked during the school year that will be allocated and administered as follows (see chart below for number per year):
1. Three of the optional days, worked in full-day increments, worked in full-day increments, will be set dates on the school calendar. Two of the days will be worked prior to the first student attendance day. One of which will be at the principal’s direction. The third optional day will occur following the last student day to be used exclusively at the employee’s discretion in completing end-of-school responsibilities.
2. The remainder optional days may be used as “floaters” and are completely at the discretion of the member.
3. Employees new to the District will have three (3) mandatory days prior to the opening of school in the fall in lieu of three of the optional days described above, and will be worked at the District’s direction. All optional days must be used between and inclusive of the weeks that precede and follow the first and last student day, and will be paid at per diem. All optional days, excluding floater hours, must be worked while the building principal/supervisor is on duty. Floater hours shall be verified to the building administrator by e-mail, voice-mail or written note at the time the hours are worked when prior notification is not feasible. The previously agreed-to form will be used to record the optional work days. Payment for these days will be evenly distributed over the length of each employee’s contract for each fiscal year. Employees will sign and date the previously agreed-to form and submit by June 30th of each year verifying the optional days were worked. Hours will be worked and recorded in no less than hourly increments.