Teacher Leaders Sample Clauses
Teacher Leaders. 8-2.1. Placement. Teacher leaders shall be placed in teacher positions with a value of 1.2, and all such salary is pensionable under Article 36-4.1.
Teacher Leaders. Each elementary school may select one (1) teacher to serve as a teacher leader from those who apply for this position to assist/lead in the areas of curriculum, instruction, assessment and professional development. Teacher leaders shall not be empowered to do staff evaluations or otherwise supervise staff. U-32 may select up to four (4) teachers from those who apply for this position. Teachers with a minimum of three (3) years of relevant teaching experience in the District may apply for such positions and will be selected by the Principal and the Director of Curriculum. Appointment of teacher leaders will be made on an annual basis. Individual contracts for teacher leaders shall be separate from their individual teaching contracts, and will include at least five (5), but not more than ten (10) additional work days to be scheduled outside of the regular school day/year (i.e. summer work, day before Town Meeting, Saturdays). Each teacher leader shall be eligible to receive per diem pay for each of the up to ten (10) additional days worked as teacher leaders. Such additional days will be scheduled jointly by the respective teacher leaders and the building principal in each district. Job descriptions for the position of Teacher Leader will be developed and agreed upon by an equal number of administrators and representatives of the Association.
Teacher Leaders. The District may create positions entitled “Teacher Leader”. The District will advertise the availability for these positions to the bargaining unit members, and compensation will be at the rate of five hundred dollars ($500.00) per day for between six (6) and ten (10) days per year, at the District’s discretion.
Teacher Leaders. Teacher Leaders are defined as those staff members responsible for a group of people in their curricular or grade level area. Titles for such positions include, but are not limited to: School PLC (Professional Learning Community) Leaders, PLC Facilitators, and Team PLC Leaders. Every effort will be made by administrators to use the same title for a position of equal responsibility from school to school to ensure consistency. Teacher Leaders will be paid a stipend as follows: Group 1: $ 750.00 Defined as Elementary and Middle School PLC Facilitators Group 2: $1,500.00 Defined as Middle and High School Team PLC Leaders
Teacher Leaders. The Superintendent or his/her designee’s appointment of Department Head (6-12), Directors (K-12), and Nurse Leader will be for either two or three-year terms, at the discretion of the Superintendent or designee. There is no limit to the number of terms served. This agreement does not constitute a waiver of any legal or contractual rights which teachers or the school district may have. If positions are modified or added as a result of the leadership study, those positions will be included or modified in this article accordingly. By June 1, each leader shall receive a summative evaluation annually for the leadership component of this position from the designated administrator, with input from members of the administrative council as appropriate. Unless otherwise noted, all references to a “rating” and “evaluation” in this Article refer to the overall rating of a summative evaluation. If the leader receives a rating of “Proficient” or “Exemplary”, the leader shall retain the leader position for the following year. If the leader receives a rating of “Needs Improvement” by March 1, the leader shall be placed on a one (1) year term, with a corrective action plan, for the following year. At the end of that one (1) year term, the school district may or may not reappoint the leader with notice by March 1, regardless of the evaluation rating. If notice is not provided by March 1, the leader shall be placed on another one (1) year term, with the same conditions. If the leader receives a rating of “Needs Improvement” after March 1 but on or before June 1, the leader will continue out the duration of the term. However, the school district may or may not reappoint the leader at the end of the term, provided the March 1st notification deadline is met the subsequent year, regardless of the evaluation rating. If the leader receives a rating of “Unsatisfactory” by March 1, the leader shall not be reappointed at the end of that current year. If the leader receives a rating of “Unsatisfactory” after March 1 but on or before June 1, the leader shall be placed on a one (1) year term, with a corrective action plan, for the following year. At the end of that one (1) year term, the school district may or may not reappoint the leader with notice by March 1 regardless of the evaluation rating.
Teacher Leaders. The District may create positions entitled “Teacher Leader”. Teacher Leaders include, but are not limited to: Grade Level Coordinators, Athletic Directors, and DEI Chair. The District will advertise the availability for these positions to the bargaining unit members, and compensation will be at an annual stipend of $6,500. Teacher Leaders shall be required to work between six (6) and ten (10) days per year, at the District’s discretion.
Teacher Leaders. Section 1: Teacher Leaders are defined as the Department Chairpersons, the Department Heads, the Program Coordinators, and the Grade Leaders.
Section 2: General Provisions
(a) Teacher Leaders are not administrators. They shall be considered support and resource personnel to members of their departments, programs and grade levels. Teacher Leaders will be responsible for the general improvement of their school, department, program or grade level(s) and for the planning and coordination of activities within the department, program or grade level(s). Teacher Leaders, in the interests of the school relative to their department, program or grade level(s), shall make informal observations of any personnel as well as supportive and constructive suggestions. Formal recommendations to dismiss teachers shall only be made to the Superintendent by administrators. This shall not be construed to mean that a Teacher Leader cannot bring to the attention of administrators observed strengths or weaknesses of any member of his/her department, program or grade level(s).
(b) Teacher Leaders shall not be required to perform more than two (2) teacher evaluations annually, under the oversight of the building administrator. The WWPS shall provide opportunities for evaluator training to all bargaining unit members who are appointed to Teacher Leader positions. Such training opportunities shall be reasonably scheduled to accommodate participation.
(c) Teacher Leaders shall not be assigned the following extra-duty assignments: homeroom assignment, bus duty, cafeteria duty, corridor and/or lavatory duty, early-morning duty, activity period supervision and detention subject to emergency needs determined by the building principal.
(d) Teacher Leaders will work one hundred eighty-six (186) days. These days shall be the one hundred eighty-two (182) days required of all teachers plus the four (4) week days before the opening of school for teachers or, in the alternative, days which are mutually agreeable among all parties concerned.
(e) Teacher Leaders shall be responsible for the facilitation, articulation, and coordination of activities in their department/area/grade level(s) as follows:
i. Department Chairpersons: Grades 9 - 12
ii. Department Heads: Grades 6 - 12
iii. Program Coordinators: Grades PK - 12
iv. Grade Leaders: Grades 5 - 8
(f) Teacher Leaders will be recompensed according to the number of department, program or grade level members on a ratio basis of the tenth (10th) salary ...
Teacher Leaders. 8-2.1. Teacher Leaders shall be placed in teacher positions with a value of 1.2, and all such salary is pensionable under Article 36-3.1 of this Agreement.
8-2.2. Teacher Leaders shall work an eight-hour work day exclusive of a forty-five- minute duty-free lunch period. The eight-hour work day shall include two ten-minute breaks. The “closed campus” option (i.e., taking the duty-free lunch period at the end of the work day) shall not apply to Teacher Leader positions.
8-2.3. If in any payroll period a Teacher Leader’s hours of work exceed eighty hours, the BOARD shall pay the Teacher Leader for the additional time at his or her hourly rate of pay.
8-2.4. The BOARD may reclassify Teacher Leader positions to regular teacher positions with a 1.0 value at the BOARD’s sole discretion at the conclusion of a school year.
Teacher Leaders. 1. Definition: Teacher Leaders are defined as the Department Chairpersons, the Department Heads, the Program Coordinators, and the Grade Leaders.
Teacher Leaders. Teacher Leaders shall be entitled to an additional three (3%) annual salary stipend and shall continue to receive any benefits they would otherwise be entitled to as a full-time employee of the District.