SALARIES AND LONGEVITY. A. BASE WAGES – Conditions relative to and governing base wages and salaries are contained in Addendum B, which is attached and incorporated into this Agreement by this reference.
B. For the purposes of longevity only, time shall be computed from and start July 1, 1987, and the following schedule of benefits shall be paid to employees who accrue seniority in the time elements stipulated. Longevity Pay: Subsequent to the completion of five years of consecutive, full-time MPEA and MFPE employment, employees who otherwise qualify will receive supplemental longevity pay as provided in the following schedule: YEARS OF TENURE LONGEVITY PAY After 5 years through the end of the 10th year $ 20.00 per month After 11 years through the end of the 15th year $ 40.00 per month After 16 years through the end of the 20th year $ 60.00 per month After 21 years through the end of the 25th year $ 80.00 per month After 26 years $100.00 per month Earned longevity pay will be paid to eligible employees in a lump sum payment and included in their regular biweekly paycheck nearest to September 30th of each year. Longevity pay will be calculated as of the previous June 30th. The maximum payment is for twelve (12) months.
SALARIES AND LONGEVITY. 1. Salary guides for the calendar years July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024 are set forth in accordance with the following: a. Schedule A (Custodial Guide) 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024 Schedule B (Maintenance Guide) 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024 Schedule C (Head Custodian Guide) 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024
SALARIES AND LONGEVITY. A. Upon recommendation by the Superintendent or his/her designee, it is agreed that Administrative salaries will be increased by 3.15% in 2021-2022, 3.15% in 2022- 2023, and 3.15% in 2023-2024. For all members holding a doctorate degree, or upon achieving a doctorate degree in the future, shall receive a one-time payment of $1,500.00. Doctorate must be in the field of education or an educational related field as determined by the Superintendent.
B. An employee whose anniversary date of employment occurs on or before December 31st, of any year, shall be deemed to have been employed for a year as of July 1st, for that school year and be entitled to a full increment. The same rule applies to the additional cumulative payments as noted below. An employee whose anniversary date of employment occurs January 1st, or thereafter, of any year, shall not be deemed to have been employed for that school year, but rather the following July 1st and as of that date, be entitled to a full increment. The same rule applies to the additional cumulative payments as noted below.
C. After 10 years of service in the District - $1,000 After 15 years of service in the District - $1,500 After 20 years of service in the District - $2,000 Longevity amounts will be added to the base salary after the increment is calculated.
1. All employees carried on the County payroll as of December 31 of a calendar year covered by this contract shall be entitled to longevity payments as follows based upon their salary as of December 31st of the previous calendar year before Negotiated Wage Increases are applied:
a. Upon completion of 8 years of service and less than 15 years 4% of base salary.
b. Upon completion of 15 years of service and less than 20 years 6% of base salary.
c. Upon completion of 20 years of service and thereafter 8% of base salary.
SALARIES AND LONGEVITY. A. BASE WAGES - Conditions relative to and governing base wages and salaries are contained in Addendum B of this Agreement, which is attached and incorporated into this Agreement by this reference.
B. Employees are eligible for steps 5 and 6 if they are not above the midpoint of their salary range assignment when they have completed 8 years of employment for step 5 and 10 years of employment for step 6 as follows: Employees who remain in their original position with the City will progress through steps 1-6 calculated from their hire date. Lateral transfers, reclassifications, and promotions to a leadworker position do not affect the employee’s eligibility date for steps 5 and 6, as long as they do not exceed the midpoint. An employee who is promoted to a new position will be eligible for step 5 and 6 after he/she has been in the newly promoted position for 8 and 10 years respectively, as long as he/she does not exceed the midpoint. A re-hired employee’s previous time in the same position/classification will count toward the step progression only if the employee is separated from City employment for one year or less.
C. For the purposes of longevity only, time shall be computed and start July 1, 1987, and the following schedule of benefits shall be paid to employees who accrue seniority in the time elements stipulated. Longevity Pay: Subsequent to the completion of ten years of consecutive full time MPEA employment, employees who otherwise qualify will receive supplemental longevity pay as provided in the following schedule: YEARS OF TENURE LONGEVITY PAY ALLOWANCE After 10 years through the end of the 15th year $ 20.00 per month After 15 years through the end of the 20th year $ 40.00 per month After 20 years through the end of the 25th year $ 60.00 per month After 25 years through the end of the 30th year $ 80.00 per month After 30 years or more years $100.00 per month Longevity pay will be paid to the eligible employees in a lump sum amount once each year in December for any longevity pay earned as of the previous June 30th.
SALARIES AND LONGEVITY. A. Effective on and retroactive to January 1, 2013, all employees shall receive a wage increase of one and one half (1.5%) percent over their total 2012 base salary.
B. Effective January 1, 2014 all employees shall receive a wage increase of two (2%) percent over their 2013 base salary.
C. Effective January 1, 2015, all employees shall receive a wage increase of two (2%) percent over their 2014 base salary.
D. Effective January 1, 2016 all employees shall receive a wage increase of two (2.0%) percent over their total 2015 base salary.
E. Longevity of two (2%) percent shall be paid effective January 1, (of each year) on base salary for Communication Operators hired on or before December 31, 1997 and all employees hired on or before June 8, 1998 after obtaining five (5) years of service.
F. Minimum starting salaries for each position for those employees hired after the effective date of this contract together with the number of steps for each position to achieve maximum salary are set forth in Appendix B.
G. Communication Operators hired after January 1, 1991 and all other employees hired after January 1, 1994 will remain at Step I for one full year before proceeding to Step II on the anniversary of their date of hire. Each additional wage Step will be achieved on the anniversary date of hire until the employee is at the top of the range.
H. Communication Operators hired after December 31, 1997 and all other employees hired after June 8, 1998 shall not receive longevity pursuant to this article.
SALARIES AND LONGEVITY. A. The salaries and longevity system of all personnel covered by this agreement are set forth in the salary guide.
B. For the 2010-11 school year, all Supervisors shall remain on the same step on the guide as they were on during the 2009-2010 school year, and receive the same amount of longevity, if any, as they received in 2009-2010 school year. The effect of this understanding is that all wages and longevity are to be frozen for the 2010-11 school year.
C. Effective July 1, 2010, supervisors may opt to be paid over 24 equal payments. Those Supervisors who do not choose this option shall be paid in 21 payments according to the schedule previously in effect. . For the 2010-11 school year, those supervisors who opt for the 24 payments shall have their salary divided into 24 equal checks, and will receive one check on July 23, 2010, another on July 30,2010, and so on the fifteenth and thirtieth of each month through June 30, 2011. If by June 30, 2011, a successor contract to that which expires on that date has not been negotiated, the parties shall jointly determine the implementation of this Article for the future.”
SALARIES AND LONGEVITY. 4.1 Employees’ base hourly rates of pay shall be set forth in Appendix A. Employees will be paid on the 1st and 15th of the month with a pay calendar created annually for all employees by Administration toensure consistency and to lessen confusion on overtime hours worked.
SALARIES AND LONGEVITY. The salaries of all secretaries covered by this Agreement are set forth in Schedule A of this Agreement.