SCHOOL’S RESPONSIBILITIES. School will provide information to Training Site concerning its curriculum. School will designate an appropriately qualified and credentialed faculty member to coordinate and act as the Liaison with Training Site. School will notify Training Site in writing of any change or proposed change of its Liaison.
SCHOOL’S RESPONSIBILITIES a) The School shall deliver all educational, related services, and equipment indicated on the student’s IEP, EP, or 504 Plan. The School shall also provide related services and equipment, e.g., speech/language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, counseling, assessment instruments, assistive technology devices, and therapeutic equipment.
b) The School shall make a continuum of alternative placements available to students with disabilities. Students with disabilities enrolled in the School will be educated in the least restrictive environment.
c) Upon receiving the application for enrollment of a student with a disability, the School will convene a meeting with individuals knowledgeable about the student to evaluate the student’s individual needs and determine whether the student can be provided a free, appropriate public education by the School. A student, whose needs cannot be adequately addressed at the School as determined by an IEP committee, will be appropriately referred; and the School staff will work together with the Sponsor’s personnel to ensure that the needs of the students are met. The School’s staff will work closely and as early as possible in the planning/development stages with the Sponsor’s staff to discuss the services needed for the student with disabilities.
d) The School will be guided by the Sponsor’s screening and referral process, as outlined in the Sponsor’s Special Programs and Procedures document and the Admissions Placement Manual and Forms, as may be revised at the Sponsor’s sole discretion with respect to referral of student’s initial evaluations, re-evaluations, transfers, staffing, IEPs, dismissals, reassignments, surrogate parents, procedural safeguards, and due process provisions.
e) The School may obtain independent evaluations of students at their expense. These evaluations may be considered in determining eligibility but will not necessarily substitute for an evaluation conducted by district personnel in a manner and timeframe consistent with that of all other schools in the district.
f) The School must hire an appropriate number of ESE certified teachers to provide ESE services. The Sponsor must be notified immediately by the School in the event that certified ESE teachers are no longer employed or providing services to ESE students as required in their IEPs.
g) The School will participate in all assessments, including alternate assessments for students as determined by the IEP committee.
h) The School mus...
SCHOOL’S RESPONSIBILITIES. School will provide information to the Hospital concerning its curriculum, and the professional and academic credentials of its faculty who will be involved in student clinical experiences under this Agreement. School will designate an appropriately qualified and credentialed faculty member to coordinate and act as the liaison with The Hospital. School will be responsible for instruction, and administration of the students’ academic educational programs. School will notify the Hospital in writing of any change or proposed change of its liaison. School will have the final responsibility for evaluating and grading students.
SCHOOL’S RESPONSIBILITIES. A. School will provide information to City concerning its curriculum and the professional and academic credentials of its faculty for the students at City. School will designate an appropriately qualified and credentialed faculty member to coordinate and act as the Liaison with City. School will be responsible for instruction and administration of the students’ academic education program. School will notify City in writing of any change or proposed change of its Liaison. School will have the final responsibility for grading students.
B. School’s faculty will meet with the City clinical education Supervisor Preceptors, if any, at the beginning and end of the clinical education program to discuss and evaluate the clinical education program. These meetings will take place in person if practicable, otherwise by telephone conference. School is responsible for arranging and planning the meetings.
C. School will provide the names and information pertaining to relevant education and training for all students enrolled in the clinical education program at least four weeks before the beginning date of the clinical education program. School is responsible for supplying any additional information required by City as set forth in this Agreement, prior to the arrival of students. School will notify City in writing of any change or proposed change in a student’s status.
D. School will obtain evidence of current immunizations against diphtheria, tetanus, measles (rubeola), mumps, rubella (or a positive rubella titer), and of hepatitis B immunity status, documented by a protective titer, for those students who will be in contact with patients/clients. For each student born after 1956, School will maintain on file records of positive titer or of post-1967 immunization for rubella and rubeola. At the time of immunization, students with no history of exposure to chickenpox will be advised to get an immune titer. School will require yearly PPD testing, or follow-up as recommended if the students are PPD-positive or have had BCG. School will provide information to City regarding student status concerning the above requirements.
E. School will assign the clinical education program ride site only those students who have satisfactorily completed the prerequisite didactic portion of the curriculum and who have evidence of completion of a CPR course based on American Heart Association or American Red Cross guidelines and related to the age group(s) with whom they will be working.
F. ...
SCHOOL’S RESPONSIBILITIES. A. School will provide information to Training Site concerning its curriculum and the professional and academic credentials of its faculty for the students at Training Site. School will designate an appropriately qualified and credentialed faculty member to coordinate and act as the Liaison with Training Site. School will be responsible for instruction and administration of the students’ academic education program. School will notify Training Site in writing of any change or proposed change of its Liaison. School will have the final responsibility for grading students.
B. School will assure that an instructor is present at Training Site at all times students are involved in patient care unless there is a mutually agreed upon exception. During such times instructor is not present in the Training Site, an instructor will be readily available by phone or beeper if needed. The responsibilities of the Training Site staff as preceptors when instructor is off campus will be mutually agreed upon.
C. School’s faculty will meet with the Training Site practicum/clinical education Supervisor and Preceptors, if any, at the beginning and end of the practicum/clinical education program to discuss and evaluate the practicum/clinical education program. These meetings will take place in person if practicable, otherwise by telephone conference. School is responsible for arranging and planning the meetings.
D. School will provide the names and information pertaining to relevant education and training for all students enrolled in the practicum/clinical education program before the beginning date of the practicum/clinical education program. School is responsible for supplying any additional information required by Training Site as set forth in this Agreement, prior to the arrival of students. School will notify Training Site in writing of any change or proposed change in a student’s status.
E. School will obtain evidence of current immunizations against diphtheria, tetanus, measles (rubeola), mumps, rubella (or a positive rubella titer), and of hepatitis B immunization status for those students who will be in contact with patients/clients. For each student born after 1956, School will maintain on file records of positive titer or of post-1967 immunization for rubella and rubeola. At the time of immunization, students with no history of exposure to chicken pox will be advised to get an immune titer. School will require yearly PPD testing or follow-up as recommended if the studen...
SCHOOL’S RESPONSIBILITIES. The School will provide on-site work space, internet access, and office related functions including print, copy, and fax capability to the LCSC Service provider as needed to complete his/her work. The School agrees to make its employees available as needed by LCSC to provide the Service and assign a main contact person for LCSC staff, and to house and maintain according to Exhibit A technology services documentation.
SCHOOL’S RESPONSIBILITIES. School will provide information to Training Site concerning its curriculum and the professional and academic credentials of its faculty for the students at Training Site. School’s Manager of Experiential Learning, identified in Section 37 of this Agreement, will act as the Liaison with Training Site. School will notify Training Site in writing of any change or proposed change of its Liaison. School will be responsible for instruction and administration of the students’ academic education program. School will have the final responsibility for grading students.
SCHOOL’S RESPONSIBILITIES. A. Coordinate with Facility to assign Students and plan the clinical training program. Only Students who meet the School’s criteria for eligibility, which must be Facility-approved, shall be referred to the Facility.
B. Educate Students about clinical safety, including OSHA blood borne pathogens standards, and tuberculosis transmission prevention prior to their clinical rotation.
C. Notify Facility if any Students fail to meet education and/or training requirements.
D. Obtain written documentation from Students and staff prior to referring them to Facility:
(1) A negative TB skin test within the past year or, in the event of a positive TB skin test, a chest x-ray within the past three (3) years; OR provide evidence of no TB disease per negative result of interferon-gamma release assay blood test (T-Spot or Quantiferon Gold) within twelve (12) months of student activity at facility;
(2) A completed series of Hepatitis-B vaccine, having begun the series, or informed refusal of the vaccine;
(3) Any other appropriate immunizations requested by Facility; and
(4) Documentation for legally-required testing requirements noted. See Addendum 3.
E. Ensure that Students are aware of the Substance Policy. See Addendum 4.
F. Provide the Facility with a copy of each Student’s completed (1) Substance Policy Consent Form (See Addendum 4) and (2) Background Consent Form (See Addendum 5). The School may instruct the Student to provide the forms to the Facility; however the completed forms and results must be on file at the Facility before any Student is referred to the Facility.
G. Ensure that the following background checks have been completed before referring Students to Facility (See Face Sheet to determine who will be responsible for the cost and actual performance of the background checks):
(1) Office of Inspector General (“OIG”) List of Excluded Individuals/Entities School shall not refer Students who have been suspended or disbarred from any applicable federal payer program. Appropriate screening tools include the Excluded Party Search System, or approved software programs, and certain internet sites.
(2) License or Certification School shall not refer Students whose medical licenses or certifications have ever been suspended, revoked, terminated, or otherwise modified as to rights and privileges. If such sanctions resulted from controlled substance use, and the Students have successfully completed a rehabilitation program, School may refer them so long as they underg...
SCHOOL’S RESPONSIBILITIES. A. Student Information: School shall send to Hospital the name of proposed students to be enrolled in the program. Hospital shall obtain further contact information from approved students or faculty. Hospital shall regard all student information as confidential.
B. Schedule of Assignments: School shall notify Hospital of its planned student schedules and assignments including, but not limited to, student’s name and contact information, level of academic preparation, and length and dates of hospital experiences prior to planned hospital experience.
SCHOOL’S RESPONSIBILITIES. In exchange for Colgate performing the Program-related activities set forth in Section 2, School will do the following:
a. Distribute and gather all Colgate required forms, including the parent/guardian consent forms, provided by Colgate;
b. Post flyers and other promotional material announcing the scheduled dental screenings or virtual visits;
c. Provide students with a safe setting to receive dental screenings;
d. Identify elementary schools, children’s centers and/or Head Start programs to participate in BSBF activities;
e. Provide a list of site contacts at the School;
f. Provide a list of eligible students to receive dental screenings;
g. Assist in assuring confirmation to screen at least 100 students at the School;
h. Provide a mutually acceptable place to allow Colgate or its agents to park the Colgate BSBF mobile van unit to provide students with the dental screenings (van dimensions are 36 ft. L x 15 ft. H x 14 ft. W); and
i. Assist in identifying staff and parents to help as liaisons/volunteers during the Colgate BSBF mobile van visit at the agreed upon site.