SEA Sample Clauses
SEA. “SEA” means state educational agency and includes each state’s education Superintendent.
SEA. An employee in a maintenance, vehicle service, or custodial classification shall be provided rain gear and suitable safety rubber boots. The employee is required to wear safety toe footwear at work that meets American National Standards Institute, Z41, I-75, C-75 and OSHA standards. METRO shall provide an employee in the Vehicle Service Detailer classification clean coveralls through a linen service.
SEA. Scheduled overtime shall be distributed and rotated by seniority as equally as is practicable among qualified volunteer employees in the bargaining unit chapter within each classification within each facility within each department. Scheduled overtime shall be defined as extra work planned at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance by METRO.
SEA. A. Workers in the Facilities Maintenance Department may be required to be placed in On Call Duty status if there are not sufficient volunteers. On Call Duty assignments shall be rotated by seniority. An employee may substitute another eligible employee for his/her On Call Duty assignment with three (3) days notice to the Department Manager.
SEA. An employee serving in a position that is eliminated through layoff shall have the right to bump into any previously served in classification series for which he/she meets the current employment standards, provided that he/she has greater seniority in METRO service than the employee being bumped. Such bumping rights shall apply to classifications with salary ranges equal to or lower than the classification from which the employee is being laid off.
SEA. Seniority for the purpose of layoff within a classification shall be defined in Section 17.1 as seniority in METRO service.
SEA. A full-time employee who works one-half (½) or more of his/her shift and a part-time employee who works two (2) hours or more between the hours of 6:00pm and 6:00am shall be paid a $0.90 differential effective June 20, 2013, and a $1.00 differential effective June 19, 2014 in addition to his/her base rate of pay for all work performed on such shift.
SEA. A. An employee's appointment date to his or her current class shall determine the employee's seniority for shift bidding. Two or more persons who begin work within the same classification on the same day shall have their shift-bidding seniority determined by the drawing of lots by Union representatives.
B. METRO shall prepare a list of all employees in the SEA Chapter in each classification by department whose working shifts are determined by seniority with their seniority status and submit these lists to the Union one (1) calendar week prior to each shift bid. The list shall indicate part-time and full-time classifications. The list shall be posted five (5) working days prior to each shift bid in all work sites where shifts are bid.
C. Bid selection sheets will be posted at least every four (4) months but not more often than every two (2) months except under emergency conditions. Whenever seniority relationships within a class in a department change, METRO shall conduct a shift bid upon request. The bid selection sheet will include the beginning and ending times for each shift and days off.
D. METRO shall maintain the right to alter or adjust the bid schedule on a temporary or emergency basis. METRO shall notify the employee as much in advance as possible of such change. Temporary schedule changes shall last no longer than seven (7) calendar days. Emergency changes can be extended beyond seven (7) calendar days upon mutual consent of the Union and METRO.
SEA. Stewards For the purpose of vacations and lay-off only, Stewards of the Association shall, for the term of their Stewardship, be granted top seniority on their respective shifts, and will remain on their shift during the lay-off.
A. Additional educational days, at the expense of the Association, may be taken when the dates are mutually agreed upon in advance.
A. Executive Officer, their job would be protected for the duration they are in office and their job will be staffed on a temporary basis.
SEA. K2: Programs and strategies that promote positive school engagement Idaho Standard 11: High Expectations Knowledge Standard 11.6: for individuals with exceptionalities Knowledge Standard 11.6: … understands the importance of collaboration and the critical role principals play in establishing high expectations for student learning. Knowledge Standard 11.8: … understands various intervention strategies to be implemented to close achievement gaps. Knowledge Standard 11.9: … understands multiple methods for monitoring and documenting instructional practices including behavioral supports. Knowledge Standard 11.10: … understands the importance of implementing a comprehensive approach to learning that integrates researched-based practices to address the whole child. EDLA 6608 – Systems thinking (lesson #4), leadership (lessons #2,3,4,5); EDLA 6609 – Leverage leadership (lesson #6); EDLA 6642 – Communicating with internal stakeholders (lesson #5); SPED 5550 – Implementing universal design for learning (UDL); Knowledge Standard 11.8: EDLA 6609 – Instructional levers (lesson #9); EDLA 6614 – Supervising the curriculum (lesson #6) EDLA 6615 – Instructional interventions (lessons 4,5,6,7)); EDLA 6642 – Communicating with internal stakeholders (lesson #5); SPED 5538 – Creating IEPs (lesson #10); SPED 5550 – Implementing universal design for learning (UDL); Knowledge Standard 11.9: … understands multiple methods for monitoring and documenting instructional practices including behavioral supports. Knowledge Standard 11.10: EDLA 6609 – Instructional levers (lesson #9); EDLA 6614 – Supervising the curriculum (lesson #6); SPED 5550 – Implementing universal design for learning (UDL);