Senegal. Senegal has an estimated population of 13.1 million; 44% of whom are under age 15. During the past decade, there has been some improvement in infant and maternal mortality rates, while the TFR, CPR, and unmet need for FP have only improved minimally. Maternal mortality ratios have fallen to an estimated 370 deaths per 100,000 live births—the second highest of the four countries studied. The TFR has remained relatively stagnant, around 5, while CPR for modern methods has slightly improved. PAC, including strengthening FP services at point of treatment, is a significant service delivery best practice to reducing maternal mortality and morbidity, early and short-spaced pregnancies, and unsafe abortion. Abortion is illegal in Senegal, except to save the mother’s life. Postabortion services are provided at health centers, regional and teaching hospitals, while FP is available at all levels of health care (Box 8).
Senegal. Franco-Canadian Trade Agreement of Exchange of most-favoured-nation treat•
Senegal. 1. Can you please share any success stories in the process of your preparation of and notification of indicative and definitive dates to avail yourself of the use of Section II Special and Differential Treatment? Did you face any challenges or difficulties? Were those difficulties resolved?
2. Did you receive support to prepare your notifications? If so, by whom? Was the support helpful?
3. In your view, which provisions of the Agreement have been easier to implement? Please explain.
4. In your view, which provisions of the Agreement have been more difficult to implement so far? What solutions proved useful in addressing the difficulties?
5. Have you notified longer time frames for the more difficult provisions to implement under categories B or C? Which provisions are notified for longer time frames? Which ones are under shorter time frames?
6. Overall, have your exporters and importers reported trade easing since the entry into force of the TFA in 2017? Have any benefits been particularly highlighted? Or remaining difficulties been identified? What are those benefits, and difficulties reported?
7. Would you like to see some improvements in the facilitation of your trade, in terms of exports into other markets, transparency of rules in those markets, the release of your goods in those other markets? Have there been problems with fees? Any problems with knowing about new rules in place for the entry of your goods into other markets? Any other issues?
8. What is, if any, your experience with mobilization of Aid for Trade for implementing category C provisions? Have you/are you due to obtain technical assistance identified as a requirement for implementing category C provisions? What are the major gaps in mobilization of technical assistance and capacity building and how can those be addressed in your view?
A. The Portail d'Informations Commerciales du Sénégal, PIC (Senegal Trade Information Portal), launched in June 2018: The PIC enables all the information related to international trade procedures to be pooled together (Article 1, TFA);
B. Optimization of the Privileged Partnership Framework to make the transition to the Authorized Economic Operators Programme (Article 7.7, TFA);
C. Project to strengthen organizational and institutional capacities for post-clearance audit; (Article 7.5, TFA);
D. Research project into fees and charges on imports and exports of goods in Senegal (Articles
6.1 and 6.2, TFA). In addition, the project to strengthen the capacitie...
Senegal. 1. When deciding on applications for licences to establish scheduled civil air services, the Governments of the Contracting Parties shall take into consideration the interest in the greatest possible freedom of air traffic.
2. When granting such licences, the Governments of the Contracting Parties shall accord each other most-favoured-nation treatment.
1. Nationals and industrial and commercial undertakings of one of the Contracting Parties shall not be subject in the territory of the other Contracting Party to taxes, duties and charges other or higher than those imposed on the nationals and industrial and commercial undertakings of the latter Party.
2. Nationals and industrial and commercial undertakings of one of the Contracting Parties who are liable to tax in the territory of the other Contracting Party shall benefit under the same conditions as nationals and industrial and commercial undertakings of the latter Party from any exemptions, deductions and reductions in taxes, duties or charges.
3. Each Contracting Party reserves the right to grant tax advantages on the basis of agreements on the abolition of double taxation.
Senegal. 182 Among the measures likely to be inconsistent with the obliga- tions summarised above are the application of amnesty laws, which preclude any criminal process, prescription that bars prosecution after a limited amount of time, or immunities or defences, which provide impunity for serious xxxxx- tions.183
Senegal. For Senegal, we have collected data from 691 participants, of which 485 (70.19%) are artisanal captains, vessel owners or both, 98 (14.18%) are processors and 108 are retailers (15.63%). In total, participants provided information on 623 artisanal fishing vessel which we collated separately in the vessel data base. The graph below shows the distribution of our vessel sample over gear types. Please note that the Senegalese survey was stratified both according to landing sites and gear types. 1,00 0,90 0,80 0,70 0,60 0,50 0,40 0,30 0,20 0,10 0,00 Fleuve Louga Xxxxx Nord Cap Vert Thies Sud Sine Saloum Total Purse Seines Passive Gillnets Encircling Nets Lines Traps and Pots Other Stratified sampling commands the use of weights in order to use the data on aggregate levels. In Senegal the weighting adjustment is based on two auxiliary variables: 1) the landing site and 2) the gear category. Population data on each of these variables is available in the official report of the Senegalese research facility "Centre de Recherches Océanographiques de Dakar-Thiaroye" (CRODT) (Thiao & Ngom- Sow 2015). The results of their 2014 vessel census are shown in the graph above. The auxiliary variables used from the survey data set are the location and the gear type of vessels 1-5 of each participants. Location strata are (with major fishing centers in brackets): Fleuve (St. Louis), Xxxxx Nord (Kayar), Thiès Sud (Mbour, Joal), Cap Vert (several in Dakar) and Sine Saloum (Foundiougne). Unfortunately, for a small part of observations south of Gambia in the region called Casamançe (Kafountine), no population data (neither reported nor expert knowledge) is available, such that we have to restrict the weighted analysis to observations to the North of Gambia. For analysis on location level, we can use the full dataset as we did not stratify for gear in Casamançe. Gear-strata in all other locations include: Purse seines, passive gillnets, encircling nets, lines, traps/ pots and other. We use the multilevel svyset command to apply weights in Stata. The corresponding Master-do-file provides the user with a choice between running summary statistics on the following datasets, which are available upon request: Overall (Northern) Dataset 383 If location south of Gambia or "None", observation was dropped 1st Weight: Landing Sites 2nd Weight: Gear Type Overall Dataset, gear only 449 Landing sites are not taken into account (no location based observations dropped) 1 Weighting process only, base...
Senegal. Franco-Canadian Trade Agreement of Exchange of most-favoured-nation treat- 1933 applied to Senegal. GAT T effective June 20, 1960. ment. SOUTH AFRICA Trade Agreement signed Aug. 20,1932; in Exchange of British preferential rates on force Oct. 13, 1932. scheduled items. May be terminated on six months notice. Exchange of notes Aug. 2-31, 1935; effec- Exchange of most-favoured-nation treat- tive retroactively from July 1, 1935. GAT T effective June 14, 1948. ment. May be terminated on six months notice. SPAIN AND SPANISH Since Aug. 1,1928, Canada has adhered to Exchange of most-favoured-nation treat- POSSESSIONS. U.K.-Spain Treaty of Commerce of Oct. 31, 1922. ment. May be terminated on three months notice. Trade Agreement signed May 26, 1954. Supplements and amends U.K.-Spain provisionally in effect July 1, 1954, de- finitively in force on ratification June 30, 1955. GAT T effective Aug. 29, 1963. Treaty of Commerce. Remains in effect for three years from ratification, and thereafter unless terminated on three months notice. SWEDEN. , U.K.-Sweden Convention of Commerce Exchange of most-favoured-nation treat- and Navigation of Mar. 18, 1826 applies to Canada. GAT T effective May 1, 1950. ment. Declaration of Nov. 27, 1911 provides means for separate termina- tion by the Dominions on one years notice. SWITZERLAND., U.K.-Switzerland Treaty of Friendship^ Exchange of most-favoured-nation treat- Commerce and Reciprocal Establish- ment of Sept. 6,1855 applies to Canada, By exchange of notes Liechtenstein in- cluded under terms of this Agreement, effective July 14, 1947. Switzerland has acceded to GAT T pro- visionally. ment. Convention of Mar. 30, 1914 provides means for separate termina- tion by the Dominions on one years notice. SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC. Special Arrangement by Order in Council Canada grants most-favoured-nation tariff rates as long as Syria accords reciprocal treatment.
Senegal. In 1995 the Senegalese government adopted an adjustment programme for the agricultural sector. The strategy to increase agricultural productivity was to promote the exports for groundnut, cotton, fruit and vegetables. The state withdrew from the provision of agricultural services, now provided by the private sector. It is worth mentioning that by 1999 there was still no official list of authorised and prohibited pesticides in Senegal. High-yielding hybrid vegetable varieties were introduced after liberalisation. But the higher yields come at a cost, as they are more expensive and more susceptible to pests and diseases. Despite rising pesticide prices, pesticide consumption increased, particularly in vegetable production, and increasing numbers of smallholders seek access to pesticides. Senegalese cotton farmers reported using four products on cotton and five products on food crops. The majority of farmers stated that they had increased the volume of applied pesticides. Active ingredients comprised endosulfan, fentitrothion and carbofuran, all having proven adverse impacts on birds. It is also worth mentioning that many cotton insecticides end up on food staples, as they are sold illicitly by cotton farmers to vegetable growers. Senegalese vegetable farmers reported using 25 different products. Active ingredients comprised endosulfan, malathion, parathion, diazinon, chlorpyrifos, carbofuran, and lindan, all having proven adverse impacts on birds. With increasing and more severe pest attacks, farmers were obliged to increase the amounts of pesticides applied on their crops (Xxxxxxxxxx 2003 a et. al).
Senegal. In Senegal 60% of the total physicians in the country are located in the Dakar (Capital) region, which is mostly urban and constitutes 23% of the total Senegalese population. On the contrary, the Kaolack region, which is mostly rural and among poorest regions in the Senegal, is served by mere 3% of total physicians, although 11% of the total population is located in this region. (Xxxx, Codjia, Xxxx, & Xxxxxxxx, 2010). Honda et al. noted that insecurities regarding the absence of permanent contracts, shortage and/or unavailability of equipment in the health facilities, and absence of career development opportunities are among the key factors contributing to poor rural physician retention in Senegal. (Honda et al., 2019).
Senegal. In the following a brief first analysis is given of how changes might affect stakeholders in Senegal. Changes in solid waste treatment modes