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TAKE HOME VEHICLES. A. Take home vehicles shall be provided to employees as set forth below. To qualify for a take home vehicle, the round trip distance between the employee’s place of residence and designated work location shall not exceed 100 miles, provided that employees currently receiving take home vehicles are exempt from this requirement. In addition, employees in any of the following categories who currently are provided take home vehicles shall continue to do so: Fire Marshal, Assistant Fire Marshal, Senior Fire Inspector, Fire Inspector, Training Chief, Training Captain, Administrative Captain, Paramedic Coordinator, and Support Services Captain. B. Take home vehicle assignments will remain in effect during the term of this Agreement for Fiscal Years 2017-20. An annual review may be conducted by the Fire Chief and any necessary adjustments to take home vehicles not listed in Subsection A. may be made effective the ensuing fiscal year upon mutual agreement.
TAKE HOME VEHICLES. A. All assigned police vehicles may be used off duty by all personnel for any police department related function as described herein. Examples of permissible off-duty police related use include but are not limited to the following: 1. Driving to (or from) the member's residence on the way to (or from) the station/tour of duty. 2. Servicing/maintenance of a vehicle. 3. Traveling to and from court. 4. Traveling to and from depositions including those with private attorneys who represent a defendant. 5. Picking up uniforms and/or other department equipment needed for duty. 6. Traveling to and from assigned departmental training or required educational programs. 7. Traveling to and from official functions (award ceremonies, funerals, etc.). 8. Traveling to and from the police station. 9. Other department authorized travel. 10. Transporting in-home family members to and from work, school or daycare while driving to and or from work. B. Off-duty use of assigned vehicles: 1. Vehicles that are assigned to sworn members residing within a 25-mile radius from the city limits or with a Lakeland physical address have the following privileges: a. Take-home vehicles may be used to drive to standard college and specialized training classes within the established radius. b. Members may utilize their assigned vehicles for personal use within the City of Lakeland city limits. c. Sworn members residing within the established radius may drive their assigned vehicle to approved secondary employment jobs that are being worked inside the City. City vehicles may not be driven or used in any manner during the course of approved secondary employment but must remain parked in a high-profile manner and remain unoccupied during the job. d. Within the twenty-five (25) mile radius, bargaining unit members' children and in-home family members may be transported when the bargaining unit member is traveling to and from work details within the twenty-five (25) mile radius. All other non-duty travel or transport of children, family members or civilian personnel will be prohibited. e. Sworn members are allowed to park their assigned vehicle at a public safety or emergency services facility (Fire station, Sheriff or Police station, EMS/Ambulance station) that is staffed twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The restrictions and guidelines are as follows: 1) The Public Safety or emergency services facility must be located within a 25-mile radius. 2) The Public Safety or emergency services ...
TAKE HOME VEHICLESSection 1. The parties acknowledge that the City has a current vehicle program under which certain unit employees are allowed limited off-duty use of a police department vehicle. Section 2. Assignment of said vehicles shall be conducted within the guidelines of General Order 48. (Will also include new members who have successfully completed FTO program). Section 3. The parties acknowledge that the use of take-home vehicles is limited to officers who live in Dade, Broward, or Palm Beach County. Any unit member who is currently assigned a take home vehicle who moves outside Dade, Broward, or Palm Beach County shall immediately forfeit the use of his/her take home vehicle. Any unit member who lives outside of Coral Springs or a contiguous City who is assigned a take home vehicle will be charged a monthly amount as follows (mileage calculated using Google Maps): 1. Distance from residence to Coral Springs Public Safety Building up to 15 miles - $25 2. Distance from residence to Coral Springs Public Safety Building between 16 and 29 miles - $45 3. Distance from residence to Coral Springs Public Safety Building between 30 and 44 miles - $70 4. Distance from residence to Coral Springs Public Safety Building over 44 miles - $100 It is the responsibility of the member to not only notify the Police Human Resources Unit of an address change but also notify the Police Human Resources Administrator via e- mail proactively if an address change impacts the monthly charges listed above. No retroactive refunds will be made. No charges will be made while the take-home vehicle is not available for more than two weeks (ex. Light duty, FMLA, extended Leave of absence). Members who choose not to participate in the take home vehicle program will not be required to pay the above charges. Section 4. Members living outside Coral Springs who are eligible for a take home vehicle will be authorized to use their vehicle: 1. To and from gym or other physical or mental wellness activity (within 5-mile radius of residence or within the jurisdictional boundaries of the City of Coral Springs).
TAKE HOME VEHICLESThe Employer will provide Take Home Vehicles for Officers who meet other criteria as outlined in General Order 426. Due to the current inventory of vehicles, this program will of necessity be phased in over some period of time. All Officers must successfully complete their probation period to be eligible for participation in the Take Home Vehicle Program. Officers who do not have take home vehicles and who have completed probation will receive an annual vehicle allowance of $3,000, paid not later than the second pay period of August of each year.
TAKE HOME VEHICLES. The Chief of Police may assign specific vehicles for 24-hour use, i.e., take home vehicles, by specified employees. This assignment may be terminated at any time at the discretion of the Chief. (a) Upon posting of detective positions for employee application, it will be clear as to the status of the assignment of a take home vehicle and the use thereof by that position assignment. (b) Employees as of July 1, 2011 who are assigned a take home vehicle will be grandfathered and allowed to continue to use a take home vehicle during the remainder of their current detective assignment.
TAKE HOME VEHICLESThe Employer will provide each sworn bargaining unit member a vehicle that is appropriate for the employee’s duty assignment based on vehicle availability. Off-duty usage, other than for commuting purposes or as specifically approved by the Superintendent or his designee, will not be permitted. This section will not be construed to limit the Employer’s right to restrict or eliminate off-duty or commuting vehicle use for a specific employee for disciplinary or performance reasons.
TAKE HOME VEHICLES. In the sole discretion of the Chief of Police or designee, and based on availability, sworn law enforcement officers may be assigned take home vehicles for the purposes of travel to and from work. The bargaining unit member will not live in excess of thirty-five (35) air miles from UFPD Main Station in order to be eligible for a take home vehicle. UFPD vehicles shall be utilized in accordance with applicable UFPD directives governing vehicle usage. Issued take home vehicles may be re-assigned or taken out of service at the sole discretion of the Chief of Police. In addition, this take-home vehicle program may be discontinued at any time in the sole discretion of the Chief of Police.
TAKE HOME VEHICLESCity will implement the Assigned Vehicle Policy. City shall have the right to adopt an Administrative Regulation regarding Take Home Vehicles and will meet and confer over the identified impacts on the adoption of the Administrative Regulation.
TAKE HOME VEHICLES. All officers serving in special units (i.e. Special Investigation, Curtail Auto Theft, Narcotics Enforcement Team) as of July 1, 1997, continue to have take home vehicle with business and commute privilege while they are in a special unit. For all future special units appointments, a take home vehicle shall only be allowed for special unit officers who reside in an area bounded by I-94 from I-96 to X-00, X-00 xxxx xx Xxxx Xxxx, Xxxxx to 00 Xxxx Xxxx, 00 Xxxx Xxxx west to Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx west to Telegraph, and Telegraph south to I-96, then east to I-94. ARTICLE XXXII - GENERAL (Continued)
TAKE HOME VEHICLESSection 1 All bargaining unit members who live in Xxxxxx County, St Lucie County or within fifteen miles of the land area from the Xxxxxx County line shall be eligible for take home vehicles upon the successful completion of their field training period. The assignment of the vehicles shall be made based upon availability and duty assignment. Section 2 The Sheriff shall establish rules and procedures for the use and assignment of vehicles. The Sheriff may retrieve a vehicle from any employee who is out of work due to a worker’s compensation injury, sick leave or vacation.