TEACHING HOURS AND CONDITIONS. A. The Board and Association recognize the principle of a standard forty (40) hour work week. The Board will as far as possible, set forth work schedules and make professional assignments which can reasonably be completed within such standard work week. B. Unless arrangements are made with the Administration: 1. Elementary teachers shall be in their classrooms before the start of the student instructional day and middle school and high school teachers shall be in their classrooms five (5) minutes before the start of the student instructional day. 2. Middle school teachers shall be at school thirteen (13) minutes before the start of the student instructional day. 3. High school teachers shall be at school sixteen (16) minutes before the start of the student instructional day. 4. Elementary teachers shall remain at school until student dismissal. Middle school and high school teachers shall remain at school for five (5) minutes after student dismissal. 5. The length of the elementary teacher workday shall be seven (7) hours. The length of the secondary day shall be seven (7) hours. C. Failure to be on duty during the times specified in Paragraph B above shall be cause for disciplinary action. D. Teachers shall attend meetings and other assignments called or assigned by the Administration as a regular part of their teaching duties unless otherwise excused by the Administration. In emergency situations, teachers may be required to be on duty until dismissed by the Administration. Teachers shall be expected to attend one (1) open house each school year. Teachers who attend the open house may leave at any time after noon on a records day upon completion of grades and other records. E. Teachers shall be entitled to a thirty-minute (30), duty-free uninterrupted lunch period.
TEACHING HOURS AND CONDITIONS. 4.1 The teacher's normal teaching day (hours) in the Posen Consolidated School shall be as follows: 1. Teachers shall check in no later than 8 a.m. 2. Elementary teachers shall be at assigned place of duty at 8:00 a.m. Secondary Teachers shall be at assigned place of duty at 8:05 a.m. 3. Teachers will leave school no earlier than 3:15 p.m. (In no case shall teachers leave before all buses have left the school grounds.)
TEACHING HOURS AND CONDITIONS. A. The regular school day for teachers will be 7 hours, 45 minutes including lunch. On Fridays, and on days before holidays and vacations, teachers may leave 15 minutes after the end of the student day. There will be a common starting and ending time for all teachers in all buildings (7:30 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.). B. The normal weekly teaching load will not exceed 28.5 pupil contact hours per week. C. All teachers shall have a duty-free lunch of at least 35 minutes plus 5 minutes passing time (passing time does include the supervision of students). It is understood that teachers may be assigned to assist the Administration during lunchtime as part of their normal teaching assignment. D. All teachers shall have at least one preparation period per day or receive compensation for the same. During the preparation period the teacher will be engaged directly in work- related activities. The preparation period will be at least 45 minutes. Elementary teachers will have a minimum of 200 minutes of planning time each week during the student day. In the event that it is necessary for teacher(s) to teach an extra class assignment during their preparation period, volunteers shall be sought from the tenured teaching staff who are certified, qualified and available for the particular class to be taught. In the event that two or more volunteers are equally certified and qualified (as determined by the building administrator), assignments will be made in order of seniority. Such assignments shall be non-continuing. If the need for the teacher(s) to teach during their preparation period continues into another semester or school year, volunteers will again be sought and must reapply for the assignment. Non-tenured teachers shall only be considered for extra class assignment in the event that there are no certified, qualified, tenured teachers who volunteer for the assignment. Placement of a non-tenured teacher to an extra class assignment shall be made only after consultation with the GEA president. E. The parties recognize that adequate school facilities are desirable to enhance the high quality of education that is the goal of both the Board and the Association. 1. Because the pupil/teacher ratio is an important aspect of an effectual educational program, the Board will maintain a pupil/teacher ratio of less than 24 to 1. 2. The Board shall make available in each school housing 150 or more students lounge and lavatory facilities exclusively for teacher use and at least one (1) r...
TEACHING HOURS AND CONDITIONS. A. The Board and Association recognize the principle of a standard forty (40) hour work week. The Board will as far as possible, set forth work schedules and make professional assignments which can reasonably be completed within such standard work week. B. Unless arrangements are made with the Administration: 1. The length of the teacher workday shall be seven (7) hours and 10 minutes. 2. Teachers will receive one (1) additional personal day when assigned by administration to a new room during the Christmas or summer break and the move must be completed during break time. C. Teachers shall attend meetings and other assignments called or assigned by the Administration as a regular part of their teaching duties unless otherwise excused by the Administration. In emergency situations, teachers may be required to be on duty until dismissed by the Administration. Teachers shall be expected to attend one (1) open house each school year. Teachers who attend the open house may leave at any time after noon on a records day upon completion of grades and other records. D. Teachers shall be entitled to a thirty-minute (30), duty-free uninterrupted lunch period.
TEACHING HOURS AND CONDITIONS. 8 40 Hour Work Week 8 Reporting Times & Length of School Day 8 Obligation to Attend Meetings 9 Duty-Free Uninterrupted Lunch 9 Duty-Free Recess 9 Class Sizes 9 Grades K-2 10 Aide Service 10 Grades 3-5 10 Educational /Teaching Tools 10 Inclement Weather 10 Delayment of School 10 Key to Classroom 10 Tentative Class Lists 10 School Improvement Plans 11 Medically Fragile 11 Least Restrictive Environment 11 Mentors 11 Mentor Teaching Assignments 11 Mentor Assignments 12 Honorarium for Mentor - Appendix C 12 Responsibilities of the Mentor 12 ESEA/NCLB 12
TEACHING HOURS AND CONDITIONS. Sec t ion 1: Teache rs shall be required to be on duty for a period of not mure than seven (7) hours, except as specified in subsection (a) hereof. Said seven (7) hour period shall be dist~ibuted in accordance with general administrative rules establi~hed after consultation with teachers 1:1 a building or their representative. (a) Teachers shall be required, as a regular part of their 'teaching duties, to attend faculty meetings called by the administration, grade or department meetings, and parent-teacher meetings or conferences. (b) At the request of either party, consultations with regard to time apportionments shall be initiated.
TEACHING HOURS AND CONDITIONS. 1. Each teachers' normal workday shall be eight (8) hours inclusive of a one-half (1/2) hour duty-free lunch period. The normal work day will begin at least fifteen (15) minutes prior to the start of the instructional contact time with students. 2. The teacher may be excused at the discretion of the building administrator for medical/dental or business appointments. 3. If a teacher is assigned to teach an additional classroom of students, they shall be paid a stipend of per diem rate based on Appendix A. Step 9, BA+74. Partial days shall be prorated based on the above rate.


  • TEACHING HOURS AND TEACHING LOAD Section 1 Work Day For the applicable agreement period, the normal work day will be seven and one-quarter (7 ¼) hours including arrival time fifteen (15) minutes before and departure time (15) minutes after the students’ school day. The normal work day will include uninterrupted prep time. The Building Principal, as authorized by the Superintendent, upon request of a teacher or group of teachers, may waive the requirement to remain fifteen (15) minutes after the school day for a specific day or days. It is recognized; however, that the proper performance of their duties may, on occasion, require these persons to work longer than the normal work day, i.e. for conferences, faculty meetings, department meetings, etc. Therefore, “mandatory meetings will occur two times per month and be no longer than 90 minutes in length, inclusive of the additional 15 minutes beyond the scheduled student school day. A schedule of the meetings will be distributed by June 30th of the previous school year, but may be changed at the discretion of the Principal with 48 hours’ notice.” Teachers will also remain at school after the fifteen (15) minutes described above, during one (1) day each calendar week for such periods of time as is necessary to provide students extra help, and/or to meet with parents or guardians, concerning the progress of their children or wards. No teacher shall be required to work more than a normal seven and one- quarter (7 ¼) hour day, including fifteen (15) minutes before and (15) minutes after the students’ school day, which will include uninterrupted prep time; this provision does not apply to other contractually agreed upon time and meetings. Should state law require a longer instructional day, or more days, the teachers shall work the added time and the parties shall immediately commence impact bargaining on the issue. This article does not purport to cover the arrival and departure time of teachers involved in special assignments. Section 2 Other Personnel Personnel other than classroom teachers will work at their assigned tasks for the length of the regular teachers' work day. The exact daily schedule will be worked out on an individual basis between the Administration and the employee with notification to the Association. Instructional Coaches are required to work an additional five (5) days at their per diem rate, beyond the work year for a total of 189 days. These days will be determined prior to the start of the new school year and at the discretion of the Superintendent and the Chief Academic Officer.

  • TEACHING HOURS 1. A grade PPI-12 teacher's workday shall consist of not more than seven (7) hours and ten (10) minutes of formal responsibility. Hall duty may be included in the teacher's workday. Every effort will be made mutually by the Administration and the Association to deal with these duties in a most positive manner. The student day may be increased if necessary to meet the State time requirements for instructional hours. Within said time of formal responsibility, a teacher shall be entitled to the following: (a) A duty free lunch period no less than twenty-five (25) minutes to a maximum of thirty-five (35) minutes. (b) For a grade ECSE-5 grade teacher: a minimum of 250 minutes per week of time for preparation. Each preparation period to consist of a minimum of twenty-five (25) duty-free minutes. For a grade 6-12 teacher: a minimum of one preparation per day that shall be equivalent to a normal teaching period or an average of five normal teaching periods per week. (c) Cafeteria duty may be included in the teacher's workday. Every effort will be made to obtain volunteers for this duty, which will be in lieu of a class period. If no volunteer is available who can be scheduled, the administration may assign a teacher to such duties. No teacher may be involuntarily assigned these duties for more than one consecutive year. Every effort will be made mutually by the Administration and the Association to deal with these duties in a most positive manner. (d) Attendance at 6th grade camp shall be voluntary. 2. Before and/or after school, a grade ECSE-12 teacher shall be attending to his/her teaching duties in his/her building for up to thirty (30) minutes but not to exceed the workday of seven (7) hours and ten (10) minutes. At the beginning of each year, the administration at each level shall determine what portion of the above times will be used before and after school. Teacher input will be encouraged. It is expressly understood that an individual teacher's day may be adjusted to facilitate the administration of the individual building. Early leave may be granted at the discretion of the Administration. 3. The daily preparation period will first be used for such things as thorough preparations, conferences with parents, teachers, and administrators, I.E.P.T.'s, and special assistance to students. 4. Activities involving teachers beyond the scope of the formal teaching day shall be determined cooperatively between a faculty selected committee and the administration at that level. Teachers shall be given forty-eight (48) hour notice of such activities and shall be encouraged and expected by the Association to attend. Special teachers shall be encouraged to attend as their time and schedules allow. 5. In the event that it becomes necessary to determine a new building schedule, a committee will be formed, comprised of an equal number of administrators and teachers to examine alternative scheduling. A recommendation on the study will be presented to the superintendent. No recommendation will be made that would jeopardize accreditation. 6. A teacher’s building assignment shall be determined by where he/she is assigned for over half of his/her schedule. A teacher who has a split building assignment will have their workday schedule determined by the building administrators. A teacher who has a split building assignment will have a minimum of 30 minutes for travel. If the travel time encumbers the teacher’s preparation period or duty free lunch, or extends the teacher’s day beyond the contractual limits, then the teacher shall be paid for a minimum of thirty (30) minutes at the teacher’s per diem rate (unless this time is recouped through other minutes during the day).

  • TEACHING CONDITIONS The parties recognize that optimum school facilities for both student and teacher are desirable to insure the high quality of education that is the goal of both the Association and the Board. It is also acknowledged that the primary duty and responsibility of the teacher is to teach and that the organization of the school and school day should be directed toward ensuring that the energy of the teacher is primarily utilized to this end.


  • Standard Work Week The standard work week for full-time employees covered by this Agreement shall be forty (40) hours, exclusive of the time allotted for meal periods, consisting of five (5) consecutive work days followed by two (2) consecutive days off. The week shall commence with the shift that includes 12:01 A.M. Sunday of each calendar week and end at the start of the shift that includes 12:00 midnight the following Saturday. The Employer retains the right to modify the work schedules to meet operational needs.

  • Flexible Working Hours The Employer will, where operational requirements and efficiency of the service permit, authorize experiments with flexible working hours if the Employer is satisfied that an adequate number of Employees have requested and wish to participate in such an experiment.

  • GENERAL WORKING CONDITIONS Section 18-1. Employment begins and ends at each project site. Section 18-2. The selection of craft foremen and/or general foremen and the number of foremen required shall be entirely the responsibility of the Employer, it being understood that in the selection of such foremen and/or general foremen the Employer will give primary consideration to the qualified individuals available in the local area. After giving such consideration, the Employer may select such individuals from other areas. All foremen shall take orders from the designated Employer representatives. Craft foremen shall be designated working foremen at the request of the Employer. Section 18-3. There shall be no limit on production by employees nor restrictions on the full use of tools or equipment. Employees using tools shall perform any of the work of the trade and shall work under the direction of the craft foremen. There shall be no restrictions on efficient use of manpower other than as may be required by safety regulations. Section 18-4. Employees shall be at their place of work at the starting time and shall remain at their place of work performing their assigned functions under the supervision of the Employer until quitting time. The parties reaffirm their policy of a fair day’s work for a fair day’s wage. Section 18-5. All equipment assigned to a project shall be under the control of the Employer. The Employer shall have the right to determine how many pieces of equipment an individual employee shall operate. In an emergency, foremen shall operate any equipment assigned by the Employer, and there shall be no restriction on foremen in the use of the tools of his or her craft in such emergency. The foremen shall be from the craft normally operating the equipment. In accordance with currently recognized craft jurisdiction, the Employer shall determine the assignment of employees to start, stop, and maintain small portable construction equipment. Such work may be assigned to craft employees within a reasonable distance of their primary duties or an employee may be assigned full time to start, stop and maintain the Employer’s small, portable equipment on the job site. There shall be no over xxxxxxx of this type of equipment. The number of employees assigned to rigging and scaffolding operations shall be at the sole discretion of the Employer. The ratio of journeyperson to welders shall be determined solely by the Employer. Section 18-6. The Employer may utilize the most efficient methods or techniques of construction, tools or other labor saving devices to accomplish the work. Practices not a part of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, stand by crews and feather bedding practices will not be recognized. Section 18-7. It is recognized that specialized or unusual equipment may be installed and/ or serviced by individuals who have special training, skill, or qualifications and are not covered by this Agreement. Testing, inspection, or service performed on plant equipment under warranty may be performed by the vendor’s personnel. Section 18-8. Neither the Union nor its local unions shall coerce or in any way interfere with the Owner’s personnel, operation or facilities at the plant site. The Owner’s right to contract directly with other companies for work at the plant site shall not be limited, and the Union shall cooperate and not interfere with the Employer’s operations. Section 18-9. It is agreed that overtime is undesirable and not in the best interest of the industry or the employees; therefore, except in unusual circumstances, overtime will not be worked. Where unusual circumstances do exist, however, the Employer will have the right to assign specific employees and/or crews to perform such overtime work as is necessary to accomplish the job. Section 18-10. There will be no rest periods, organized coffee breaks or other non-working time established during working hours. Section 18-11. Individual seniority shall not be recognized or applied to employees working on projects under this Agreement. Section 18-12. The Employer shall establish such reasonable project rules as the Employer deems appropriate. These rules will be reviewed at the pre-job conference and posted at the project site by the Employer, and may be amended thereafter as necessary.

  • Safe Working Conditions The Employer undertakes to maintain office furniture, equipment, etc., in a practical and safe condition in order to avoid injury to employees or damage to their attire. Employees, for their part and in their own interest, are expected to advise the Employer of any such potentially injurious equipment.

  • Teaching Load 11-1 The parties recognize that the number of students, the number of preparations, and the amount of planning time are related to student performance. 11-2 CLASS SIZE 11-2-1 The parties recognize that class size is related to economics and that reduction of class size is faced with fiscal constraints. The parties further recognize that it is not feasible at this time to set general numerical limitations upon class size because of physical space available, special programs, special student needs, attendance area variances, differences in scheduling systems, busing, and because of other variable causes affecting class size. Nevertheless, the parties shall make reasonable effort to maintain class size at reasonable, workable, and educationally effective levels in all situations. 11-3 TEACHER LOAD 11-3-1 Teaching load shall be defined as the number of separate class preparations that a teacher has per school day as delineated in the course description guide.

  • Work Week The work week will begin at 12:00 a.m. on Sunday and end at 11:59 p.m. the following Saturday.