Temporary Work in a Higher Classification Sample Clauses

Temporary Work in a Higher Classification. An employee assigned to work temporarily in a higher classification will be paid on the classification rate scale applicable to the higher classification which gives the employee an increase of no less than $1.00 (one dollar) per hour.
Temporary Work in a Higher ClassificationAn employee who is temporarily assigned the duties and responsibilities of a higher level position shall be paid at a rate one step or a minimum of three percent (3%) above their current rate of pay, or at the entry rate of the higher job class, whichever is greater. Higher level positions are defined as Water Supply Operator, Lead Utility Maintenance Worker, Lead Maintenance Worker, Sewer Maintenance Worker, Facilities Operations Specialist, Lead Grounds Worker, Lead Mechanic and Lead Sanitation Worker. An employee who is temporarily assigned the duties and responsibilities of a Senior Maintenance Worker, Senior Utility Maintenance Worker or Senior Grounds Worker for more than five (5) consecutive workdays, shall be paid at a rate one step or a minimum of three percent (3%) above their current rate of pay, or at the DocuSign Envelope ID: 99766E11-34BF-4626-9D26-31F40243B952 entry rate of the higher job class, whichever is greater. Out of class pay will be paid for all hours worked in this capacity beginning day one (1). An employee who is temporarily assigned the duties and responsibilities of the Fleet Supervisor, Water/Sewer Operations Manager, Public Works Operations Manager or the Wastewater Operations Manager shall be paid at a rate of two steps or a minimum of six percent (6%) above their current rate of pay, or at the entry rate of the supervisor job class, whichever is greater. All of the following conditions must be met for an employee to receive the out of class pay: A. The position is currently vacant; OR, the employee normally filling the position is on authorized leave; OR, the employee normally assigned to the position has been temporarily relieved of their regular duties to complete a special project approved by their supervisor; OR, the workload has been temporarily increased; and B. The employee is formally assigned to perform, and actually performs, duties of the higher job class which are not within the normal duties of the employee’s regular job class. Formal assignment should normally include a written directive from the employee’s supervisor; and C. The employee is so assigned and actually works the assignment for a period of more than four (4) consecutive working hours. If the employee is so assigned and actually works the assignment for a period of more than eight (8) hours, the out-of-class pay shall be retroactive to the first hour of that specific assignment. The same employee shall not be assigned to the higher level duties for...
Temporary Work in a Higher Classification. 18 A. Work Out of Class:
Temporary Work in a Higher Classification. 15 A. Work Out of Class 16 1. Definition 21 2. Compensation for work out of class 27 3. Paid leave and work out of class 28 a. When an employee replaces another employee in a higher 29 classification during all hours worked in a FLSA work week or longer period of time, the 30 replacing employee will be paid the out of class rate for all hours in pay status on days in 31 which he or she was on leave for less than half a shift. 32 b. An employee using leave while working out of class will be paid 33 at his or her regular rate of pay for all hours in pay status on days in which he or she worked 34 half or less of his or her scheduled hours. 1 B. Temporary Appointments
Temporary Work in a Higher Classification. (Acting Pay)
Temporary Work in a Higher Classification. A. Work Out of Class 1. Definition
Temporary Work in a Higher Classification. An employee assigned to perform the major distinguishing duties of a higher classification and/or to replace another employee in a higher classification, and to perform a majority of the principal duties of that classification for a period of four (4) continuous hours in a single work shift shall receive a five percent increase from their base rate for all hours worked. An employee’s time spent taking meal and rest period will not be considered when calculating continuous hours. Any out of classification work lasting more than 5 continuous days must be documented in writing by the employee and supervisor. This premium does not apply in situations where the employee is performing higher level duties for the purpose of professional development where the employee has volunteered in writing. Compensation for the out of class pay shall occur no later than 30 working days, including COBEA paid holidays, after the original date that the out of class work began, and shall be retroactive back to the first qualified day of out of class work.
Temporary Work in a Higher ClassificationAn employee required to perform assignments that are outside of their job description and normally done by someone in a higher salary grade for more than twenty percent (20%) of their work week shall be paid the minimum salary for the higher salary grade for each such week or an additional three and a half percent (3.5%), whichever is higher. A temporary salary for temporary work in a higher classification shall last no longer than six (6) months unless Lambda Legal and the Union agree otherwise. Absent such agreement, an employee shall not be required to perform work assignments outside their job description and normally done by someone in a higher salary scale for longer than six (6) months without a promotion or job reclassification.
Temporary Work in a Higher ClassificationWhen an employee is temporarily assigned work in a higher classification to cover vacant regular positions or absences of other employees, such employee will receive pay at the higher classification, commencing on the first day, first hour. The rate paid shall represent an increase of ten percent (10%) over the current rate. The employee shall be paid at the first step of the higher classification or a rate that represents a minimum of ten percent (10%) over the current rate, whichever is greater.
Temporary Work in a Higher Classification. 19.1 In the event, an employee is required and assigned to work in a vacant higher classification position they shall receive a 5% increase in pay for all hours acting in the higher class position.