A. The COLT Wage Schedule in Appendix D-1 (FY2020 Wage Schedule) shall be in effect at the start of the first full pay period after July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020. The wage schedule shall be updated at the start of the first full pay period after July 1, 2019 to reflect the step and wage increase specified in 2 and 3 below.
1. Based on the market analysis related to job families used to create the University’s wage schedule for all hourly employees as a part of the Hourly Employees Classification and Compensation Program (HECCP), July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2015 the start rate for positions in the Clerical, Office, Laboratory and Technical Unit shall be step 1 on the Wage Schedule, except for those job families listed below. Determination of start steps for positions assigned to the Clerical, Office, Laboratory and Technical Unit for future contract period wage schedules will be contingent on future market study findings.
a. Start rates for the following job families shall be as indicated:
b. Child Care Step 3
c. Information Technology Step 2
2. Effective at the start of the first full pay period following July 1, 2019 the COLT Wage Schedule which was in effect on June 30, 2019 shall be increased by .5%.
3. Effective July 1, 2019, a unit member with satisfactory performance will be placed on the next higher step in the appropriate wage band of the FY2020 Wage Schedule.
4. Effective July 1, 2020, unit members will be placed on the COLT Wage Schedule in Xxxxxxxx X-0 on their current step.
5. A unit member who is denied step movement based upon unsatisfactory performance on their annual evaluation who then successfully completes a performance improvement plan shall receive the step increase upon completion of the plan and achieving satisfactory performance. The step increase shall be on the date of successful completion of the plan. The anniversary date for future step increases shall not change.
6. Except as permitted under this Article and changes as a result of HECCP, the assignment of wage grades to classifications which are included within the unit will not be altered for the duration of this Agreement.
7. The following conditions apply to all wage increases and the one-time payment described in A.2.:
a. A unit member must be actively employed as of the pay period in which an increase is processed to be eligible for the increase and any retroactive pay.
b. Unit members at the top step for the appropriate wage grade for their classification or whose hourly ...
WAGES AND OVERTIME. 1. The Police Unit Wage Schedule in Appendix C & D (“Police Unit Wage Schedule”) shall be in effect from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2023 as specified on the wage schedule. Based on the market analysis related to job families used to create the University’s wage schedule for all hourly employees as a part of HECCP, from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2023, the hire rate for all police unit positions shall be the hire rate designated on the Police Unit Wage Schedule in effect, unless otherwise provided in this Agreement. Determination of the hire rate for positions assigned to the Police unit for future contract period wage schedules will be contingent on future market study findings.
2. Effective the first day of the first full pay period following July 1, 2021, the following increases shall take effect (Appendix C):
a. A revised Police Unit Wage Schedule shall be implemented, reflecting $1.00 per hour increase for Security Guards, $2.00 per hour increase for Police Services Dispatchers, and $3.00 per hour increase for Police Officers, and every step in the wage schedule shall increase by an additional $1.00 per hours.
b. Police Officers who are at the hire rate of the wage schedule will not receive an increase until they have successfully completed the Maine Criminal Justice Academy Basic Police School and received certification as full-time law enforcement, in accordance with Section 4.a. below.
c. Unit members at the maximum (highest numbered) step for the appropriate wage band or whose hourly rate exceeds the maximum for the wage band shall receive an increase to their hourly rate consistent with Section 2.a. above.
3. Effective the first day of the first full pay period following July 1, 2022, the following increases shall take effect (Appendix D):
a. The wage scale shall be increased by 1%.
b. Unit members employed as of June 30, 2021, and whose hourly rate is below the top step for the wage band applicable to their classification will be placed on the next higher step in the appropriate wage band in the Police Unit Wage Schedule.
c. Unit members at the maximum (highest numbered) step for the appropriate wage band or whose hourly rate exceeds the maximum for the wage band shall receive 3% increase.
4. Unit members in Police Officer positions shall be placed on the Police Unit Wage Schedule for sworn positions as follows:
a. For new hires who have not completed the Maine Criminal Justice Academy Basic Police School and certification:
i. Upon initial appointmen...
WAGES AND OVERTIME. 1. a) Based on the market analysis related to job families used to create the University’s wage schedule for all hourly employees as a part of the Hourly Employees Classification and Compensation Program (HECCP), from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2021 the start rate for positions in the Service and Maintenance Unit shall be step 1 on the Wage Schedule, except for those job families listed below. Determination of start steps for positions assigned to the Service and Maintenance unit for future contract period wage schedules will be contingent on future market study findings.
a. Start rates for the following job families shall be as indicated:
b. Electrical Step 5
c. Equipment Operation Step 3 d. Facilities Maintenance Step 2 e. Mechanical Trades Step 3 f. Structural Trades Step 2
WAGES AND OVERTIME. A. +$0.50 per hour salary increase for Vehicle Operator with CDL, Vehicle Operator without CDL, and Vehicle Attendant effective: 9/1/2019.
B. +$0.50 per hour salary increase for Vehicle Operator with CDL, Vehicle Operator without CDL, and Vehicle Attendant effective: 9/1/2020.
C. The employees' respective wage rates shall be as follows:
D. The Board shall make a good faith effort to distribute the opportunities to work overtime as equally as possible to all qualified employees observing seniority whenever appropriate.
E. Employees who are temporarily assigned by the Supervisor of Transportation Services to drive a vehicle that requires operation by a CDL-licensed driver will be compensated as follows:
1. Employees normally assigned to the Vehicle Operator with CDL classification will be compensated at their regular rate.
2. Employees normally assigned to the Vehicle Operator without CDL classification will be compensated on the Vehicle Operator with CDL wage schedule at their current step.
3. Employees normally assigned to the Vehicle Attendant classification will be compensated on the Vehicle Operator with CDL wage schedule at step 0.
F. Vehicle Attendants who are temporarily assigned to drive a vehicle that does not require operation by a CDL-licensed driver will be compensated on the Vehicle Operator without CDL wage schedule at their current step.
G. Employees who are assigned by the Supervisor of Transportation Services to be an On-the-Bus Instructor (OBI) will be compensated at $21.00 per hour for all hours worked as OBI September 1, 2018. OBI rate to include agreed upon $0.50 per hour increase each year of the Agreement.
WAGES AND OVERTIME. A. 1. Effective 11:59 pm on June 30, 2003 all employees who are employed by the University on June 30, 2003 shall have their hourly rate increased by 2.5%.
WAGES AND OVERTIME. WATCH TURNOVER KEY BOXES AND KEY EXCHANGE Effective July 1, 2019, the wage rates for each classification covered by this Agreement shall include a three and one-half percent (3.5%) increase. Effective July 1, 2020, the wage rates for each classification covered by this Agreement shall include an additional three and one-half (3.5%) increase. The wage tables below reflect the wage rates for the term of this Agreement.
WAGES AND OVERTIME. (a) Effective September 1, 1959, the weekly wage of managers shall be increased $------------------- per week. Effective March 1, 1961, the weekly wage of managers shall be increased $------------------- per week. In addition, their commissions on their respective sales per week shall be the same as the then current commissions being paid to full time shoe sales clerks hereunder. They shall also be paid the current commissions being paid to managers on store volume at the time of the execution of this agreement.
WAGES AND OVERTIME. 10 General 10 Section 4-1. Wages 10 Section 4-2. Pay Period 10 Section 4-3. Custodial and Bus Aide Longevity Pay 10 Section 4-4. Extracurricular Activity 10 Section 4-5. Payroll Adjustment 10 Overtime 11 Section 4-6. Overtime Wages 11 Section 4-7. Overtime Rate 11 Section 4-8. Factor Custodian Overtime 11 Section 4-9. Custodial Overtime 11 Section 4-10. Opportunities for Overtime 11 Section 4-11. Overtime Authorization 11 Section 4-12. After-School Activity and Payment 11 Section 4-13. Wage Increases 11 Section 4-14. Pension Pickup 12 Section 4-15. Bucket Number 12
1. Vehicle Operators with CDL & Permanent Substitute 28 2. Vehicle Attendant 28 3. Vehicle Operator without CDL 29 ARTICLE 16 INSURANCE 300