Trade Time Sample Clauses
Trade Time. The State will allow employees to trade work time for each other so long as:
a) It does not result in any additional financial burden to the Agency.
b) The person working the trade time is qualified to perform the duties of the position.
c) The practice of trading time does not affect an employee's training requirements or ability to do the work assigned to his position.
Trade Time. Employees are not eligible for “trade-time”. Employees that work beyond their regular work schedule will be compensated for the time in accordance with wage and hour regulations. Hours worked over the regular schedule must be pre-approved by the building administrator or department supervisor. Employees may occasionally flex their time within the regularly scheduled “work-week” upon receiving pre-approval by the building administrator or department supervisor. Refer to article on flexible scheduling for further reference.
Trade Time. By mutual agreement between an employee and the employee's supervisor, the workday may be temporarily adjusted within the work week only. The intent of this section is to cover unexpected or occasional changes in work hours to accommodate either individual employee needs or employer work needs. However, in no case will an employee be required by the employer to use trade time if required to work hours outside their normal schedule. In no case shall the number of hours in any workday exceed the employees' regular work shift by more than 2 hours without the payment of overtime.
Trade Time. Section 1. Employees in similar/same classifications may trade shift/work days, subject to the approval of the Fire Chief, provided;
A. Written request signed by the affected employee is submitted to the Fire Chief/designee at least five (5) calendar days in advance of the date requested, and
B. As a result of the trade, no overtime is created for/by the affected employee.
C. Shift Commanders may trade shift/work days with another Shift Commander and/or another full time Lieutenant or appointed OIC who is trained to fill the position.
D. Trades may not result in an employee to work in excess of forty-eight (48) hours consecutively as stated in Article 18/Section 2/C. The Fire Chief may, in special situations, waive the five (5) calendar day advance notice described above at his discretion.
Trade Time. Trade time is equal time exchanged within the same workweek. Trade time is available by mutual agreement of the supervisor or building administrator and the employee. Employees who are scheduled to take trade time but are unable to do so must notify their supervisor by the next business day and record the actual hours worked on a timesheet.
Trade Time. Employees may continue the present practice of trading time as administered by the Fire Chief. All trade times must be recorded with the Fire Department Administration in order for the trade to be honored.
Trade Time. Subject to prior supervisory approval, and if allowed (without additional pay) under the Fair Labor Standards Act, non-probationary employees within the same classification and shift, shall be allowed to voluntarily trade duty shifts. Supervisory approval shall not be unreasonably denied. The CITY shall not incur overtime solely as a result of the trade. Trades shall be in minimum increments of full shifts, and shall be on a temporary basis. Designated holidays shall be excluded. Written notification signed by both employees involved in the trade must be provided on a form supplied by the Omaha Police Department. All trades must be completed within the same calendar year. Trade time cannot be utilized more than four (4) times in a calendar year by any individual employee. At any time an employee leaves employment with the Police Department and becomes entitled to pay off of his accrued sick and/or annual leave, a determination shall be made by the CITY of whether that employee owes another employee trade time pay back. Should it be determined that the employee owes trade time it is understood that such amounts will be withheld and paid to the CITY. Employees shall, upon application for retirement, be required to sign an agreement reflecting the above.
Trade Time. Section 1 Exchange of duty shift will be permitted under the conditions of the following sections of this Article.
Section 2 All exchanges will be made by employees of the same rank and with the same qualifications. Consideration may be given by the District Chief to allow for a shift exchange, of personnel with unlike qualifications, if there are sufficient additionally qualified personnel assigned to the station where the duty exchange will occur. The City is not required to approve any shift exchange if it would require the reassignment of personnel from other stations. The purpose of a shift exchange is for the benefit of the affected employee and should not inconvenience others.
Section 3 All shift exchanges are done on a voluntary basis and solely at the employee’s option.
Section 4 The employees desiring the exchange will notify their company officer (or District Chief, through the Chain of Command, if company officers are exchanging) not less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the shift first affected by the exchange unless said exchange arises from an emergency circumstance.
Section 5 No personnel will be permitted to exchange more than two hundred eighty-eight (288) hours per year unless permitted by the employee’s District Chief and Fire Chief. All blank spaces on the exchange form (i.e., dates, signatures, etc.) must be filled in prior to approval by the company officer and District Chief.
Section 6 In no event are shift exchanges to be granted in order for an employee to make profit or for the purpose of assuming outside employment of any length or duration.
Section 7 All exchanges must be completed by both parties within six (6) months of the first exchange.
Section 8 Employees participating in the shift exchange will be covered by all applicable benefits while working the other persons shift; however, they will not receive additional wages for this time. The employees will receive their normal wages for their time worked by another.
Section 9 If the person agreeing to work for another employee comes ill or fails to appear for the exchange, his/her appropriate leave or wages will be charged. It is also understood that the person agreeing to report for duty in an exchange is totally responsible for appearing and performing the duties of the person who originally requested the exchange. Failure to fulfill the exchange may result in disciplinary action.
Section 10 Shift exchanges of duty will be for a minimum duration of one (1) hour and will ...
Trade Time.
A. Employees may trade time. Trade time will be considered time worked for FLSA purposes for the person receiving the trade, and not the employee actually working the trade day. The employee actually working the trade day is responsible for insuring they are present for the duty. Any utilization of sick or vacation leave will be charged to the employee expected to be working the trade day.
B. Employees working the trade day must be qualified to cover the shift; the employees involved in the trade shall provide notice to the Fire Chief or their designee, if requested.
Trade Time. Time worked as part of a trade does not count toward benefit accruals.