Union Dues and Agency Fee. A. All employees covered by this Agreement wishing to join the Union shall tender their membership dues to the Union by signing the Authorization for Payroll Deduction form provided by the Union.
B. The Board of Education agrees to deduct membership dues from the salaries of employees who are members of the Union and to provide any additional deductions mutually agreed upon as said employees individually and voluntarily authorize the Board to deduct, and to transmit the monies promptly to the designated financial officer of the Union. Such authorization shall be in writing in a form to be supplied by the Union.
C. The aggregate total of all such deductions shall be remitted biweekly to the designated financial officer together with a list of those from whom dues have been deducted.
D. The Union shall certify to the Board the current rate of membership dues to such organization, and shall notify the Board of any change in membership dues.
E. Dues deductions as authorized by individual members of the Union shall continue in effect from year to year for the life of this Agreement, unless revoked in writing. Any member of the Union desiring to have the Board discontinue deductions he/she has previously authorized shall do so by notifying the Director of Accounting in writing of said revocation. A copy of the written revocation shall be sent by the employee to the designated financial officer of the Union.
F. The Board agrees that it will not accord dues deductions rights to any employee organization claiming or seeking to represent employees covered by this Agreement other than the Board of Education Non Teaching Employees (BENTE) Union, Local 2419, New York Council 66, AFSCME, AFL-CIO.
G. The Board shall not be responsible for collecting any such dues not authorized to be deducted.
H. If any monies are deducted by the Board from the pay of members of the Union and turned over to said organization and those members do not owe said monies, the Union shall refund same to the members, and the Board shall not be liable for any refund.
I. The Board agrees to submit to the Union each month a list of new employees hired, their job classification, and work location.
J. Effective December 1, 1978 the Rochester City School District shall deduct from the wage or salary of employees in the bargaining unit who are not members of the BENTE/AFSCME Local 2419 the amount equivalent to the dues levied by the Union and shall transmit the sum so deducted to the Union, in accordan...
Union Dues and Agency Fee. Employees shall tender the initiation fee and monthly membership dues by signing the authorization of dues form. During the life of this Agreement and in accordance with the terms of the form of authorization of check-off of dues set forth, the City agrees to deduct Union membership dues, initiation fee, and agency fee, levied in accordance with the Constitution of the Union from the pay of each employee who executes or has executed such form. The City Treasurer shall remit the aggregate amount to the Treasurer of the Union along with a list of employees who have had said dues deducted. Such remittance shall be mademonthly. The City shall require as a condition of employment the payment of an agency fee in the same amount as Union dues by an employee who is not a member of the Union on or after the thirtieth (30th) day following the beginning of such employment or the effective date of this agreement, whichever is later. The City agrees that upon appropriate written authorization executed by such employee and will remit the monthly aggregate amount of such deductions to the Treasurer of the Union as part of this Agreement. Employees covered by this Agreement shall be furnished bi-weekly deduction slips showing the gross and net monies. The Union agrees to hold the City harmless for any act ion it takes in enforcing the agency fee and agrees to indemnify the City for any and all costs associated with such enforcement.
Union Dues and Agency Fee. The Committee will make payroll deductions for Union dues or agency service fees for swimming instructors who sign a payroll deduction authorization. All non-members shall pay an agency service fee in lieu of dues as a condition of employ- ment in the manner provided by law. The Union will indem- nify the Committee against any costs as damages by reason of implementing this section.
Union Dues and Agency Fee. 2.1 As long as the same is required by law, employees shall be required to pay a uniform amount of representation costs, whether or not they choose to become and remain members of the Union.
2.2 Agency fee deductions, and membership dues and assessments for those who choose to be Union members and have executed written authorization forms, shall be deducted bi-weekly and forwarded to the Union designee within thirty days following the month during which the deductions are made. In the event a Union member submits a written revocation of his dues deduction authorization to the District, such revocation shall be honored, but the District shall thereafter implement the required agency fee deduction.
2.3 Any employee may demand that he be refunded a pro-rata share of any Union expenditure in aid of activities or causes of a political or ideological nature which are only incidentally related to the terms and conditions of employment, and the Union shall maintain and implement a procedure which provides for any such refund which is requested.
2.4 The Union shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the District with respect to any claim rising out of the deductions and transmittal of fees and dues in accordance with the provisions of this Article.
2.5 The Union may change the amount of dues deducted upon written notice to the Board of Fire Commissioners. The new dues deduction will take effect during the pay period following receipt by the Board of Fire Commissioners of the written notice.
Union Dues and Agency Fee.
2.1 In accordance with the provisions of General Law, Chapter 150E, Chapter 180, Section 17G, the Town agrees to deduct any agency fee, as a condition of employment, from the salary of every employee in the bargaining unit who has not executed an authorization for deduction in Union dues as provided in paragraph 1 of this Article. Each employee who elects not to join or maintain membership in the Union shall be required to pay as a condition of employment, beginning thirty (30) days following commencement of his/her employment, or thirty
Union Dues and Agency Fee. Delete first paragraph of Section B, in its entirety and replace strikethrough language with bold in paragraph two: “In consideration of the municipal employer's entering into this collective bargaining agreement, which agreement includes an union dues agency service fee provision, the Union hereby agrees to indemnify the said employer and hold it harmless from any and all claims, liabilities or cost of the employer which arise out of entering into or enforcement of said provision which arise out of the payroll deduction of union dues agency fees.”
Union Dues and Agency Fee. Section 1. Deductions Pursuant to the provisions of General Laws, Chapter 180, Section 17A, accepted by the CITY, UNION dues shall be deducted by the CITY monthly, except the months of July and August, from the salary of each employee who voluntarily executes and remits to the CITY a form of authorization for payroll deduction of UNION dues, initiation fee and assessments.
Section 2. Authorization Withdrawn Such authorization may be withdrawn by the employee by giving at least sixty (60) days' notice in writing to the CITY and by filing a copy thereof with the Treasurer of the UNION.
Union Dues and Agency Fee. The city agrees to deduct, Local 170 dues, initiation and uniformed assessments from the Local 170 Members who agree in writing to have their dues, initiation fees and other uniformed assessments deducted on the Thirtieth (30th) day following the beginning of such employment and to mail said dues with a list of names from whom dues have been deducted to Local 170. In accordance with M.G.L. 150E, The City agrees to deduct an agency fee from those who agree to pay such fee in writing from all employees who elect to remain non-members and mail said fee with a list of names from whom the fee has been deducted to Local 170. The Agency Fee for non-members shall be no less than 2.25% of their hourly wage, paid once a month. Employees covered by this Agreement shall be furnished bi-weekly deduction slips showing the gross and net monies. The Union agrees to hold the City harmless for any action it takes regarding the agency fee and agrees to indemnify the City for any and all costs associated with such enforcement.
Union Dues and Agency Fee. 2.1. The Union dues of employees covered by this Agreement will be deducted weekly by the Town from the wages of each employee covered by this Agreement who has signed an authorization form for the deduction of such dues and presented it to the Treasurer of the Town. The amount of such dues shall be in accordance with the Constitution of the Union, as certified to the Town Treasurer from time to time. The authorization of dues form on the following page shall be used. Dues deductions shall be made pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 180 § 17a.
2.2. This section intentionally left blank
2.3. The Town Treasurer shall transmit promptly each month to the Union Treasurer the deducted union dues and agency fees, together with a list of the employees from whose wages such Union dues and agency fees shall have been deducted, and the Town Treasurer shall require of the Union Treasurer such bond in such forms as may satisfy the Town Treasurer in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 150E, Section 12 of the Massachusetts General Laws.
2.4. The Union agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town for any damages which the Town is requested or ordered to pay by an administrative agency or court of competent jurisdiction as the result of the Town's compliance with this Article.
Union Dues and Agency Fee. 1. Upon the presentation of a signed authorization card by the employee covered by this agreement to the NHRA, the NHRA agrees to deduct the official dues or agency fee of the Union from the weekly wages of such employees covered by this agreement and pay the total amount of dues collected to the Treasurer of Local 1801 once a month along with a statement indicating who has paid dues or agency fee. The Treasurer of Local 1801 will keep NHRA informed of any change in the amount to be deducted.
2. Any employee covered by this agreement who chooses not to join the Union must, as a condition of employment with the NHRA, pay an agency fee to be determined by the Union in accordance with state and federal law. Such a fee is to be paid in the same manner as Union dues as provided in Section 1 above. Such a representation fee shall commence thirty (30) days from the date of eligibility to join the union or the effective date of this agreement, whichever is later.
3. If the employees have no check coming to them, or if their checks are not large enough to satisfy the dues or agency fee, then no deductions will be made for them. In no case will the NHRA attempt to collect fines or assessments for the Union beyond the regular dues or agency fee.
4. Should there be a dispute between an employee and the Union over the matter of an employee’s Union membership, the Union agrees to hold the NHRA harmless in any such dispute.