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WORKDAY AND WORK WEEK. 5.1.1 The work week for a classified employee shall normally be forty (40) hours. The workday shall normally be eight (8) hours. These provisions do not restrict the extension of a regular workday or workweek on an overtime basis when such is necessary to carry on the business of the District. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to bar the District from establishing a workday of less than eight (8) hours or a workweek of less than forty (40) hours for all or any of its classified positions. Any employee in the bargaining unit who is assigned to work a minimum of thirty (30) minutes per day in excess of his/her regular assignment for a period of twenty (20) consecutive days or more shall have his/her regular assignment adjusted upward to reflect the longer hours effective with the next pay period.
WORKDAY AND WORK WEEK. A. A workday shall consist of eight (8) hours during a scheduled work shift. Except to accommodate change of shifts or days off, a work week shall consist of five (5) workdays followed by two (2) consecutive days off. B. Should the Chief of Police decide to implement a four-ten schedule, such schedule will consist of four (4) ten-hour days, or eight (8) such days per pay period.
WORKDAY AND WORK WEEK. The normal work week for each classification covered by this MOU is specified in Appendix A and Appendix C. 1. For each employee whose normal workday is eight (8) hours per day, the normal work week shall be forty (40) hours, excluding overtime. 2. For each part-time employee, the workday and/or work week will be determined by the Agency/Department Head. The workday and/or work week will be a proration of time scheduled to work to the normal forty (40) hour work week base for the employee's classification enumerated in Appendix A and Appendix C. 3. For part-time and services-as-needed employees, the "work week base," as used herein, shall mean a number of hours in a work week which are equivalent to the full-time hours listed for classifications as enumerated in Appendix A and Appendix C.
WORKDAY AND WORK WEEK. 8.9.1 The maximum number of hours of regular employment of an employee is eight hours a day and 40 hours a week. However, the Governing Board may employ persons for lesser periods of time and may, through authorized administrators, order and authorize unit members to work in excess of eight hours in one day or 40 hours in one week. The district may direct a 4/40 workweek. 8.9.2 All unit members working more than four and one-half consecutive hours per day shall be entitled to an unpaid, uninterrupted lunch period of at least one-half hour. 8.9.3 All unit members working more than four consecutive hours per day shall be entitled to a paid, uninterrupted fifteen-minute rest period per each consecutive four-hour work period per day.
WORKDAY AND WORK WEEK. The Chief of Police shall not assign any patrol officer who may be on duty in the open air, on the streets or any public place, to more than one tour of duty. Such tour of duty shall not exceed eight consecutive hours and no patrol officer shall be assigned to more than 40 hours of duty during any seven consecutive day periods except in an emergency or for the purpose of changing tours of duty. The workweek shall begin on a Sunday and end the following Saturday.
WORKDAY AND WORK WEEK. The maximum number of hours of regular full-time employment of a unit member is eight (8) hours a day and forty (40) hours a week consisting of five (5) consecutive days. The normal work week starts on Monday at 12:01 a.m. and ends Sunday at 12:00 midnight. 8.1.1 Assignment of a different work week may be made by the District, and the District may employ persons for lesser periods of time (less than eight (8) hours per day or five (5) days per week) and may, through authorized administrators, order and authorize unit members to work in excess of eight (8) hours in one (1) day or forty
WORKDAY AND WORK WEEK. Maximum number of hours of regular, full-time employment of an employee is eight (8) hours a day and forty (40) hours per week, five (5) consecutive days, Monday through Friday. The minimum workweek for bargaining unit members shall normally be not less than ten
WORKDAY AND WORK WEEK. 1. Custodial Workers assigned to the day shift shall work eight (8) full hours. Custodial Workers assigned to a night crew (second [2nd] or third [3rd] shifts) shall work seven and one half (7 1/2) hours and receive a one half (1/2) hour per night paid dinner period. 2. Custodial Helpers and Laundry Workers assigned to the day shift shall work seven (7) full hours. Custodial Helpers assigned to a night crew (second [2nd] or third [3rd] shifts) shall work a thirty two and one half (32 112) hour net work week and receive a one half (112) hour per night paid dinner period. 3. Regular part-time employees shall work either three and one half (3 1/2) or four (4) hours per day depending on their respective building's work schedule. Custodial Workers assigned to a six and one half (6 Vi) hour shift will receive a one half (1/2) hour unpaid meal period. 4. The work week for all employees in determining overtime will cover the period from 12:01 a.m. Sunday to midnight the following Saturday. 5. Before an employee shall exceed forty (40) hours in a given week, the Superintendent or his representative must give prior approval. For the purpose of computing overtime compensation, employees who are on paid leave will be considered constructively present, with the following exception: Any employee that has utilized sick time on three (3) separate occasions in weeks in which overtime wages are earned in any given school year, said employee will not be allowed to use paid sick leave in the calculation of overtime wages for the remainder of that school year. 6. If an employee works in excess of forty (40) hours in any given week, that employee should receive one and one half (1 1/2) times his/her hourly rate for that overtime worked. 7. Any shift schedule changes during the summer and school breaks will be published to all members of the bargaining unit thirty (30) days in advance. Building checks - in accordance with Article II, Section 7 of the Head Custodian contract.
WORKDAY AND WORK WEEK. All L.S.A. members shall work a normal workday and work week, Monday through Friday, with changes subject to the approval of their Department Head.