Rights and Responsibilities of the Parties. L501 The Union recognizes that it is the function of the Board to manage the affairs of its school system and all rights shall remain exclusively with the Board, except as specifically limited by the provisions of this Collective Agreement. Without restricting the rights set out above, the Union recognizes the rights of the Board to hire, direct, and classify all Occasional Teachers and the right to discipline and discharge, for just cause, any Occasional Teacher subject to the right of an Occasional Teacher to lodge a grievance in a manner and to the extent herein provided. L502 JUST CAUSE
Rights and Responsibilities of the Parties. 3.1. The Bank is liable to:
3.1.1. Accept the Deposit and repay it, pay interest amounts as per the manner, size and terms set forth in this Agreement.
3.1.2. Ensure the confidentiality of the Deposit as prescribed by law.
3.1.3. Communicate with the Depositor as well as provide him/her upon his/her request with information subject to mandatory presentation to the Depositor as set forth in the Law of the Republic of Armenia on “Bank deposit attraction” in the manner stipulated in article 1.6 of this Agreement.
3.1.4. With periodicity of at least 30 days, provide the Depositor with a statement of the Depositor’s account in the manner stipulated in article 1.6 of this Agreement, except the cases when no debiting or crediting to such account occur within the reporting period.
3.1.5. Except for the frequency set by article 3.1.4, within a 5-day period after receipt of a request from the Depositor, provide him/her with a statement of account at a fee set in the Bank’s announced Fees and Commissions.
3.2. The Bank is entitled to:
3.2.1. Charge the Depositor fees for the Deposit acceptance and maintenance at sizes fixed in the Bank’s announced Fees and Commissions and information booklet.
3.2.2. Effect the placement of the Deposit, its repayment, and payment of interest amounts only upon presentation of an identification document by the Depositor.
3.2.3. Reject the power of attorney of other persons, should such not be composed in accordance with article 3.3.3 of this Agreement.
Rights and Responsibilities of the Parties. 3.1 The Client shall have the right for receiving the service described above in full. According to the AML policy the Company may call on Client to use the trading account as intended id est execution of three standard lots after every non trading operation
3.2 The Client shall have the right to demand from the Company to transfer all or a part of available funds to any account opened to his name, by sending to the Company a corresponding instruction for funds withdrawal according to procedures, adopted in the Company. The required formalities are described on the official web site xxxxx://xx-xxxxxx.xx (.com), in the personal area, in the section services and in FAQ as well.
3.3 The Client shall have the right for unlimited number of changes of password assigned to him during registration in order to maintain the desired confidentiality level.
3.4 The Client shall have the right to authorize any other person to manage funds on his account without notifying the Company about it. The Client shall understand that he is doing it at his own risk. The Company considers any instructions received with the access code attributes assigned to a certain Client as instruction received directly from the Client, and shall not be responsible for transfer of the right to manage the account to a third party by the Client.
3.5 The Client may not independently modify software components (change binary code) of the Client side of the trading platform, to scan ports of the server side of the trading platform, as well as make any malevolent action in order to create overload, failure or incorrect performance of the trading platform. In case of detected improper behavior of the Client, the Company shall have the right to refuse to provide the service to the Client up to blocking his account and forced closing of all open positions of the Client.
3.6 The Client shall provide accurate information on himself during registration of the account and conclusion of the Agreement.
3.7 Should any dispute arise in the process of trading, the Client shall immediately notify the Company about it in written form, having closed all opened positions beforehand.
3.8 The Company shall deposit the Client's funds to his trading account upon receipt (having recognized all necessary documents) or to send the funds back to the Client within five bank days.
3.9 The Company shall have the right to close all or a part of open positions (contracts) if the amount of floating losses exceeds 80% of the initi...
Rights and Responsibilities of the Parties. 3.1 The Licensee is obliged: not to introduce any changes to the Work content after publishing without written consent of the Lisenser(s), including changes into the title, illustrations, explanations, comments, afterword and so on with the exception of cases stipulated by this Agreement; to publish the Work on the Journal website with the possibility to download the Work as a PDF file by the reader; to publish the Work on the websites of the Scientific Electronic Library xXXXXXXX.xx (xxxx://xxxxxxxx.xx) or other electronic libraries and databases and provide access to it for the users on the terms of this Agreement;
3.2 Licensee is entitled to: demand any necessary information about the Work and receive it; transform (convert) the Work (its electronic version) into the necessary format applicable for theme collections of the electronic resource bank. - create an online electronic version of the Work on the basis of the work presented in electronic form.
3.3 The Licenser(s) is obliged to: - immediately notify the Licensee of the transfer of exclusive rights to the Work, including its electronic versions, to a third party for the avoidance of claims under the terms of this Agreement; - if required by the Licensee, provide the necessary documents certifying the fact that this work is not a work for hire and does not fall under the List of state or commercial classified information and can be openly published.
3.4 The Licenser(s) is entitled to check the terms and conditions of using the Work.
3.5 The Licenser(s) also grants the Licensee the right to store and process the following personal data with no time restrictions: Name and surname; Place of work and job title, academic degree and title; Date of birth; Passport details; Residential address; E-mail. Personal information is provided for its storage, including it into analytical and statistical reporting, creating reasonable correlations between the subject of scientific work and personal information, determining the Journal impact factor, etc. By signing this Agreement, the Licensor consents to the processing of personal data only for the purposes specified in this Agreement and in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Rights and Responsibilities of the Parties. 2. KU shall undertake:
2.1. To provide Resident with accommodation in a KU dormitory (in compliance with Appendix No. 1 as integral part of the said Contract) for one academic year from …………………………. to on the basis of KU Xxxxxx‘s Order No………………………………………………
2.2. To maintain order and safety in the dormitory;
2.3. To issue a dormitory pass for getting into the dormitory;
2.4. To ensure the organization of the supply of electric power, heating, cold and hot water, and other utilities;
2.5. To give priority in extending the accommodation contract for residence in a KU dormitory to Resident who did not violate the internal dormitory rules and the provisions of the current Contract;
2.6. To provide Resident with another place of residence in the same or another dormitory, provided it is necessary to vacate a dormitory room or the dormitory due to good reasons (interior repairs, alterations, or reconstruction of the dormitory, as well as a more rational use of space (saving energy resources in case of a single resident in a room, etc.;
2.7. KU shall have the right to unilatterally terminate the Contract, provided Resident continually damages the dormitory room, the furniture and other assets in the room, uses the room for other than the intended purpose, or fails to comply with the financial or other obligations undertaken under the present Contract;
2.8. KU shall have the right to move Resident from one to another dormitory room either in the same or another house in the same area for valid reasons (such as repairs, breakdowns, or more rational use of space) without the consent of Resident, with 5 working days prior written notice;
2.9. KU shall have the right to debar Resident enjoying the status of a KU student from taking exams and /or from getting a diploma, provided Resident is indebted to KU for accommodation.
3. Resident shall undertake:
3.1. To move into the dormitory within 7 working days of signing the Contract;
3.2. Before moving into the dormitory, to pay an advance payment (a deposit) to be refunded to Resident after the expiry of the accomodation contract, provided Resident has no debts to KU and did not damage the University property. To present for dormitory administrator a receipt of payment for the first month of the current accommodation;
3.3. To observe the internal dormitory rules and the requirements of the present Contract; to ensure the rules are also observed by Resident‘s guests;
3.4. To properly use the room in the dormitory and to keep...
Rights and Responsibilities of the Parties. 1 The Rights and Responsibilities of the Patient or their Representative
Rights and Responsibilities of the Parties. 4.1 The rights and responsibilities of the parties are set out in the various Annexures to this agreement.
Rights and Responsibilities of the Parties. 5.1 The Participant has the right to:
5.1.1 Carry out electronic registration for the Race in accordance with the Regulations posted on the Organizer's website xxxxxxx.xxx
5.1.2 In case of payment of the registration fee and admission to the Race, receive the participant's start package at the time specified by the Race Regulations.
5.2 The Organizer has the right:
5.2.1 Require the Participant to comply with all rules contained in this public contract-offer and the relevant Regulations on the race.
5.2.2 Require the Race Participant to fully agree with the terms of this agreement when registering and paying the registration fee. If the Race Participant refuses to agree with terms of this agreement, to refuse the person who applied to register for the Race.
5.2.3 Deny the Participant admission to the Race, if the conditions stipulated in the Regulations and this Offer Agreement are not met. Without any compensation or liability, use photo, audio and / or video materials with the participation of the Race Participant in promotional, advertising and other publications in printing, on radio, television, on the Internet and other sources without limiting the terms and places of use of these materials, as well as the right to edit such materials and transfer them to third parties.
5.3 The participant is obliged to:
5.3.1 Agree to the terms of this agreement. In case of disagreement, registration as a Race Participant is not carried out. If the Race Participant has paid the registration fee, he has accepted all the terms of this agreement.
5.3.2 Read the terms of the public-offer agreement in detail, Regulations of the Race on the personalized page of the Race on the Organizer's website xxxxxxx.xxx and comply with all of their provisions.
5.3.3 In case of absence of detection, non - finding at self search documents on the specified website of the Organize, contact the organizer, only after familiarization with these documents proceeds to registration for the Race. The Organizer is not responsible for the actions of the Race Participant, which were made as a result of the Race Participant's incorrect understanding of the meaning of the text of the submitted documents.
5.3.4 Review and accept the amount of your registration fee before payment.
5.3.5 Read and, if necessary, accept the amount of an additional service in the form of a transport before paying for it.
5.3.6 Pay in full the registration fee and additional service (if necessary) using the payment methods...
Rights and Responsibilities of the Parties. 5.1. The parties are required to duly execute all the responsibilities undertaken under this agreement. Therefore, each party has right to require execution of undertaken responsibilities.
5.2. The parties are responsible to keep each other's business reputation and keep business information confidential.
5.3. The Borrower is required to duly cover all liabilities undertaken under this agreement, repay the taken loan and interest accumulated on it.
5.4. After the Lender makes a written requirement, the Borrower should present within 5 business days all information and documents required by the lender concerning his business activity. Borrower should also provide adequate conditions for the lender to get any information required for implementing this agreement.
5.5. The Borrower should notify the lender about: ‐ Potential changes in financial or property conditions or those factors that may lead to such changes ‐ Change of living place or business location and the date of such change.
5.6. The Lender claims and ensures that: ‐In case if dispute arises between the parties, unpaid accumulated interest will be deemed as liability; ‐Putting and implementation of the given agreement does not violate terms of the Lender’s charter documentation or any other transaction to which the borrower is a party; ‐the Borrower will not refrain from implementing all undertaken obligations or will not transfer his responsibilities to a third party without getting preliminary written consent from the Lender; ‐The Borrower is not engaged in any court proceeding that may endanger its property and/or assets.
5.7. While this agreement remains in force, the Borrower has no right to undertake any other credit liabilities from third parties (physical or legal) without first informing the Lender in advance.
5.8. The Lender has right to conduct periodic monitoring of the borrower’s business activity, control financial status of the borrower and check for changes in loan provisioning. The frequency of monitoring and number of visits is determined by the lender without giving prior notification to the borrower.
5.9. During credit relationship, the borrower takes responsibility to provide adequate conditions and opportunity to lender representatives for conducting financial monitoring of the loan.
5.10. The Lender takes responsibility to provide Borrower with full and clear information on the loan, inform about all potential fees and charges, and clarify the Lender’s social responsibility ...
Rights and Responsibilities of the Parties. 1 The Third Party and the Patient or their Representative’s Rights and Responsibilities