Prices and payment terms Clauses Exemplaires

Prices and payment terms. (1) Sauf accord contraire, les commandes sont toujours facturées à des prix nets (auxquels est ajoutée la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée (TVA) prévue par la loi) applicables lors de la conclusion du contrat corres- pondant ; les prix s’entendent EXW (Incoterms 2010) (voir article 5 (1) des présentes CGV). Tous frais d’assurance, de transport et d’emballage (voir article 5 (2) des présentes CGV) et tous droits et taxes supplémentaires sont facturés en supplément, sauf accord con- traire.
Prices and payment terms. Participation prices for participating at the show, excluding tax, are set by the Organiser in the Registration Form. Bank charges are the responsibility of the Exhibitor. Invoicing is subject to VAT solely for Exhibitors with invoicing addresses in France at the rate and according to the rules in force in France at the time of participation in the Show and/or the date of payment(s). The Direct Exhibitor is solely liable to the Organiser for payments due as a result of: • Its own participation in the Show (registration fees, areas and aircraft, security deposits, eco-participation, outgoing inventory) as well as all other services linked with participation in the Show, • Orders placed by its representatives, employees, agents and service providers acting on its behalf and under its sole responsibility as regards the Show Sites allocated to it. Any delay in the partial or total payment of an invoice will entail the payment of a late penalty equivalent to three times the legal interest rate, and the payment of a fixed indemnity of €40 for collection costs, notwithstanding the Organiser's right to request additional compensation, with supporting documents, if collection costs exceed €40.
Prices and payment terms. Orders are invoiced at the prices and on the terms in force on the invoice date, as known to the contracting partner on the date of the order and confirmed by Agence Netter. Invoices are payable on the terms agreed between the parties or, if no terms have been agreed, within no more than 30 days, end of month, of the invoice date. The Customer must ensure that any bank transfer in settlement of an invoice issued by Agence Netter 1) is made from one of the Customer’s bank accounts, and 2) includes, as the payment reference, the reference number of the invoice issued. If an invoice issued by Agence Netter is paid by a third-party company (or third-party private individual) with no commercial ties with Agence Netter, the Customer undertakes to immediately submit to Agence Netter all relevant documents proving the legal and/or commercial relationship between the Customer and the private individual or legal entity making the payment. If that information is not provided, Agence Netter may reject the payment and apply Clause 5 of these T&Cs. The contracting partner undertakes not to use a complaint lodged against Agence Netter to postpone the payment of all or any part of any amount owed or to offset any amount. If the payment terms are breached for any reason whatsoever, Agence Netter may suspend or cancel all or any part of the orders in progress, cap credit lines, reduce payment times for future transactions and/or suspend or cancel future deliveries, without prejudice to any other available remedies. If any amount owed is not paid on time, Agence Netter shall automatically charge, by operation of law, late payment interest at 12% per annum on the total amount invoiced (notwithstanding any partial payment already made), without any need to complete any formalities or give prior formal notice, and without prejudice to any other action that may be taken to obtain compensation for the losses caused. Partial months will be treated as full months for the purposes of calculating the late payment interest owed. Likewise, all amounts owed by the defaulting contracting partner to Agence Netter will become immediately due and payable, with any late payment automatically cancelling all deferred payment terms for all future payments, regardless of any payment times previously agreed. If the creditworthiness of the contracting partner is impaired, Agence Netter may require guarantees to be provided to it or payments to be made immediately in full or by a sight bill before ...
Prices and payment terms. Prices shown are effective for the 2022 season. They correspond to one night and are quoted in euros, including VAT. The Services offered by the Service Provider are provided at the rates in force on the website or on any information medium provided by the Service Provider when the booking is made by the Client. The prices take into consideration any reductions that may be granted by the Service Provider on the website or on any information or communication medium. These prices are final and not revisable during their validity period, as provided for on the website, in the email or in the written proposal addressed to the Client. Beyond this validity period, the offer lapses and the Service Provider is no longer bound by the prices. They do not include processing and management fees, which are invoiced separately, under the conditions provided for on the website xxx.XXX or in the information (post, email, ...) communicated beforehand to the Client and calculated before the Booking is made. The Client must pay the total price, including these fees. For bookings made more than 30 days before the start of the holiday, the deposit of 30% of the total price of the facilities booked must be paid to the Camping La Plage des Templiers at the time of booking. The balance must be paid to the Service Provider no later than 30 days before the start of a holiday. For bookings made less than 30 days before the holiday start date, payment must be made in full at the time of booking with the Camping La Plage des Templiers (failing this the booking will be cancelled) In addition, the Service Provider reserves the right, in the event of non- compliance with the above-mentioned payment terms, to suspend or cancel the provision of the Services booked by the Client and/or to suspend the performance of its obligations after a formal notice to comply remains ineffective. The invoiced stays are never reimbursed. The decision by the camper to stay at the campsite fully implies that he accepts the terms of these regulations and undertakes to abide them. Any protests that may arise from this contract of lease are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the court of immovable property.
Prices and payment terms. Unless otherwise indicated, prices in our quotations are per thousand units. Buyer’s payment for Products must be received by BD within thirty (30) days of the date of invoice. Interest will be due on all past due amounts, without prior notice, at an annual rate equal to the refinancing rate of the ECB + 10 points, and upon notice to buyer, BD will, in addition to such interest, be entitled to collect liquidated damages in an amount equal to 18% of the past due amount, all without prejudice to BD’s right to recover all costs incurred to collect past due amounts. In the event that payment is not received when due, BD reserves the right to suspend or cancel any pending or future orders without prejudice to any other claims, and to require immediate payment of all other debts due or outstanding without prior formal notice. BD is entitled to require payment or satisfactory guarantees of payment prior to shipment, or to cancel remaining shipments under an order, in the event that buyer’s business or financial situation presents a serious risk of non-payment.
Prices and payment terms. 5.1. Sauf convention contraire, les prix s’entendent DDP lieu de livraison, emballage, taxes, assurance. frais de livraison et de transport compris, T.V.A. au taux légal en vigueur au jour de la commande en sus. Si le fournisseur réduit ses prix pour la marchandise entre la commande par Formel D et la livraison, Formel D peut exiger du fournisseur qu’il facture la marchandise aux tarifs en vigueur le jour de la livraison. Une augmentation de tarifs par rapport à la commande ne peut 5.1. Barring contrary agreement, prices shall be understood to be DDP place of delivery, including packaging, taxes, insurance, delivery and shipping costs, plus V.A.T. at the statutory rate in effect on the day of the order. If the supplier reduces its prices for the goods between the order by Formel D and the delivery, Formal D may demand that the supplier bill the goods at the rates in effect on the day of the delivery. An increase in rates compared to the order may not be billed to Formel D.
Prices and payment terms. The prices of the Products as specified in the Firm Order Acknowledgement are firm and final. The payment shall be made at 45 days end of month from the issue date of the invoice unless other payment terms are specified in the Firm Order Acknowledgement. Eurotradia reserves the right to demand any payment guarantees it deems necessary at any time during fulfilment of the order. Failing which, it reserves the right to immediately cancel all or part of the order in process without any right to compensation. Early payment does not give rise to any discount. Without prejudice to the retention of title clause (Art. 5), a late payment penalty will be charged on any late payment at the rate of one per cent (1%) per month late, without need for formal notice, as well as a flat-rate fee for recovery costs as stipulated on the invoice in accordance with current legislation. In case of payment outstanding for over sixty (60) days, and after formal notice thereof is served in any form whatsoever, Eurotradia may cancel the order in process without any right to compensation and render payable any invoices not yet due. Failing payment in full, the Buyer undertakes to return the Products at its own expense and pay for any repairs.
Prices and payment terms. Our rates are valid according to the conditions mentioned in our offers. Any amount due and unpaid at maturity door right interest at the rate of 1.25% per month.. The so-called interest being capitalized. In addition, a lump sum recovery of €40 fee will be due. The payment shall be made on the due date stated on the invoice date. SODEVA TDS does not discount on payment of its invoices in the event of advance payment practice. In the case of progress payments, non-payment by the client with a single maturity will allow SODEVA TDS to require immediate payment of the balance of the price of the relevant provision and all sums due in respect of all other supplies, even if they have not expired. It will be the same in the case of sale, transfer, delivery in pledge or contribution in the fund company of trade.
Prices and payment terms 

Related to Prices and payment terms

  • Conditions générales La présente location est faite aux charges et conditions suivantes que le preneur s'oblige à exécuter :  n'occuper les lieux que bourgeoisement, l'exercice de toute profession étant interdite, le preneur reconnaissant que les locaux faisant l'objet du présent contrat ne lui sont loués qu'à titre de résidence provisoire et de plaisance ;  ne pouvoir sous louer les lieux loués ;  d'assurer le local qui lui est confié ou loué contre les risques locatifs, vol, incendie, dégât des eaux et les recours des voisins et faire assurer le mobilier donné en location.  Il doit donc vérifier si son contrat d’habitation principale prévoit l’extension villégiature (location de vacances). Dans l’hypothèse contraire, il doit souscrire l’extension nécessaire, tous vols, dans la période de location, étant à la charge du locataire. Le preneur ne pourra en aucun cas se prévaloir d’un quelconque droit de maintien dans les lieux à l’expiration de la période initialement prévue sur le contrat. Le preneur jouira de la location d’une manière paisible et en fera bon usage, conformément à la destination des lieux. Le preneur devra obligatoirement être majeur lors de la conclusion du contrat, et sera responsable des occupants de son chef. La location ne peut en aucun cas bénéficier à des tiers.

  • CONDITIONS FINANCIERES Les parties conviennent des conditions financières suivantes :

  • Définitions Le terme «