Absence for Union Business. SECTION 1. To the extent that the Company determines that force and service conditions permit, employees who are authorized representatives of the Union or a Local will be excused without pay upon request by the employee to his immediate supervisor, or granted leaves of absence without pay at the request of an authorized officer or representative of the Union to attend to the business of the Union or his Local in accordance with the following provisions of this Article:
Absence for Union Business. 6.01 To the extent that the Company determines that the requirements of the service permit, employees who are authorized representatives of the Union will be excused without pay or granted leaves of absence without pay, at the request of an authorized officer of the Union to attend to the business of the Union.
6.02 A Union shall make all requests for excused absences or leaves of absence as far in advance as possible and the Company shall act promptly upon each request. Excused absences granted to the union representative shall not exceed ninety (90) scheduled work days (to Union officers, namely, President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer of each Local and the Members of the executive Board of each Local, shall not exceed one hundred fifty (150) scheduled working days) in any calendar year and no single period of excused absence shall exceed thirty (30) continuous calendar days. Absence in excess of ninety (90) scheduled working days one hundred fifty (150) scheduled working days (for a Union officer or Member of the executive Board) in any calendar year will not be authorized except by a leave of absence to be applied for by the Union in writing. Each period of leave of absence granted hereunder shall not exceed one year nor be less than one month, provided that the total period of such leaves granted to any employee during his service life with the Company and its subsidiaries, NYNEX and its subsidiaries, and for the period prior to January 1, 1984, with any other former Xxxx System Company shall not exceed eighteen (18) years.
6.03 Meeting with Management (including time spent in collective bargaining) during a period of absence shall not be considered as breaking a continuous period of leave of absence and shall be included in the period of such leave. However, meeting with Management (including time spent in collective bargaining) during a period of excused absence shall not be considered as excused absence.
6.04 A Union representative upon return from an excused absence or leave of absence shall be reinstated to work generally similar to that in which he was engaged last prior to his absence, subject, however, to the provisions of this agreement relating to lay-offs. He shall be placed on the payroll at the rate received when such absence began, adjusted for any changes in wage level made during the period of absence. Adjustments shall also be made for any changes in location or position in accordance with existing practices and wage schedu...
Absence for Union Business. The Company, insofar as work schedules permit, agrees to grant to any employee who is an Officer or properly designated representative of the Union the necessary time off without pay to transact business of the Union, provided that the Company is given reasonable advance notice of such absence.
Absence for Union Business. The Employer agrees to grant the necessary time off, without discrimination or loss of seniority rights and without pay, to any employee designated by the Union to attend a labor convention or serve in any capacity on other official Union business, provided that written notice is given to the Employer by the Union, specifying length of time off. The Union agrees that in making its request for time off for Union activities, due consideration will be given to the number of employees affected in order that there shall be no disruption of the Employer’s operation due to lack of available employees. Any employee desiring leave of absence from his employment shall secure written permission from both the Union and Employer. The maximum leave of absence shall be for thirty (30) days and may be extended by mutual agreement for like periods, or as provided elsewhere in this contract. Permission for same must be secured from both the Union and the Employer. During the period of absence, the employee shall not engage in gainful employment unless mutually agreed to between the Union and the Employer. Failure to comply with this provision shall result in the complete loss of seniority rights and job for the employees involved. Inability to work because of proven sickness or injury shall not result in the loss of seniority rights.
Absence for Union Business. Employees accepting full-time positions as union representatives shall be given an automatic leave of absence without pay for the term of their office, or any renewal thereof, without loss of seniority rights and with the privilege of returning to their former position. Likewise, employees shall be granted short-term leaves of absence without pay for the purpose of attending Union conventions, meetings, etc., schedule permitting.
Absence for Union Business. Service and other business conditions permitting, any employee who is an authorized representative of the Union and whose Union assignment requires that he be absent from the Company will, upon request by the employee to his immediate supervisor be excused without pay. All requests for such excused absences shall be made as far in advance as possible and the Company shall act promptly upon each request. Such excused absences shall not exceed twenty (20) consecutive calendar days, or a total not to exceed sixty (60) working days in any calendar year. It is understood that the above limitations shall be exclusive of time spent in collective bargaining and grievance handling. No more than one (1) employee from any one departmental work group or five (5) employees in total shall, at any one time, be excused, unless in special cases, other arrangements are made and agreed upon between the Company and the Union a reasonable period in advance.
Absence for Union Business. To the extent that the Company determines that the needs of the business permit, employees who are authorized representatives of the Union will be excused or granted leaves of absence without pay, at the request of an authorized officer of the Union, to attend to the business of the Union. The Union shall make all requests for excused absences or leaves of absence as far in advance as possible and the Company shall act promptly upon each request. Excused absence shall not exceed fifty (50) days per calendar year, excluding days for bargaining with Dex One Service, Inc..
Absence for Union Business. 6.01 To the extent that the Company determines that the requirements of the service permit, employees who are authorized representatives
6.02 A Union shall make all requests for excused absences or leaves of absence as far in advance as possible and the Company shall act
6.03 Meetings with Management (including time spent in collective bargaining) during a period of leave of absence shall not be
6.04 A union representative upon return from an excused absence or leave of absence shall be reinstated at work generally similar to that
6.05 A union representative shall be allowed full credit for periods of leave of absence not in excess of eighteen (18) years in the
6.06 If a union representative is absent attending to the business of the Union to such an extent that the Company pays less than 50% of his
Absence for Union Business. SECTION 1. At the discretion of the Associate Vice President for Human Resources or his/her designee, employees who are authorized representatives of the Union shall be excused without pay at the request of an authorized officer of the Union to attend to the business of the Union. (Such time off shall not exceed thirty <30> working days per calendar year).
SECTION 2. Union business time off will not be chargeable and shall not apply to any employee in connection with the processing of a grievance, Labor/ Management negotiations or a Labor/Management meeting.
SECTION 3. For the purpose of this Article, authorized representatives are defined as Executive Board Member, Chief Xxxxxxx, or Xxxxxxx.
SECTION 4. Under normal circumstances time off for five (5) working days or more will require twenty-one (21) days notification. Any time off less than five (5) working days under normal circumstances will require two (2) working days notification.
Absence for Union Business. Service and other business conditions permitting, any employee who is an authorized representative of the Union and whose Union assignment requires that he be absent from the Company will, upon request by the employee to his immediate supervisor (outside the Bargaining Unit) be excused without pay. All requests for excused absences shall be made as far in advance as possible and the Company shall act promptly upon each request. Such excused absences shall not exceed twenty-five (25) consecutive calendar days, or a total of forty-five (45) working days in any calendar year; except in the case of the Local Union President when such excused absences shall not exceed a total of sixty (60) working days in any calendar year. No more than two (2) employees in total shall, at any one time, be excused, unless in special cases, other arrangements are made and agreed upon between the Company and Union a reasonable period in advance.