ASSIGNMENTS AND PROMOTIONS. 12.01 In all cases of temporary and permanent transfers, assignments or promotion to a bargaining unit nursing position, the following criteria for selection shall be considered:
(a) skills, ability, experience and qualifications
(b) seniority Where the qualifications of factor a) are relatively equal, factor b) shall govern.
ASSIGNMENTS AND PROMOTIONS. 12.01 In all cases of definite and indefinite assignments or promotion to a bargaining unit nursing position, the following criteria for selection shall be considered:
(a) Skill, ability, experience and qualifications
(b) Seniority Where the qualifications of factor (a) are relatively equal, factor (b) shall govern.
(a) All promotions, assignments, and transfers within the bargaining unit shall be on a trial basis. The promoted/assigned/transferred nurse will be given a trial period of eighty (80) working days in which to demonstrate their ability to perform the new task to the satisfaction of the Employer. Should such nurse fail to succeed during the above mentioned trial period, the Employer will reinstate the nurse in their former position without loss of seniority.
(b) All applications shall be made using the employer’s online application process before the expiration of the posting period. A nurse may make a written request for reassignment by advising the Employer and filing a Request for Transfer form indicating their name, qualifications, experience, present position, seniority and position(s) applied for. A request for transfer shall become active as of the date it is received by the Employer and shall remain so until December 31 following. Such requests will be considered as applications for posted vacancies and subsequent vacancies created by the filling of a posted vacancy. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified.
ASSIGNMENTS AND PROMOTIONS. 7.01 Assignments. Assignments within the bargaining unit excluding assignments made to accommodate temporarily disabled employees, will be based on such factors as ability, efficiency, quality of prior service, results of written and/or oral examinations when applicable, physical fitness, promise of
ASSIGNMENTS AND PROMOTIONS. 9.1 No employee of the Police Department shall be assigned to any other division of the Police Department until the employee completes two (2) years of service in the Patrol Division as a Patrol Officer. This section may be waived but only upon mutual agreement between the Town and the Union, and said waiver shall be without precedent. However, any full-time employee with specific skills or expertise may be temporarily assigned to an investigation, where the skill or expertise is relevant, to assist the normally assigned personnel. The provisions of Sec. 9.5 of this Agreement will apply to such temporary assignments.
9.2 No employee of the Police Department shall be eligible for promotion to the rank of Detective until the employee has completed three (3) full years of service in the Police Department.
9.3 No employee of the Police Department shall be eligible for promotion to the rank of Sergeant until the employee has completed four (4) full years of service in the Police Department.
9.4 No employee of the Police Department shall be eligible for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant until the employee has completed two (2) full years of service in the rank of Sergeant in the Police Department.
9.5 The Chief or designee shall determine when to initiate a promotional exam process. Initiation of this process may or may not coincide with an existing vacancy that the Town intends to fill. Individuals who meet or will meet the eligibility criteria within one (1) year of the date of the written exam are eligible to participate in the process. Employees shall be required to pass each component of the examination process in order to move to the next step in the process. Promotional lists promulgated by the Board of Police Commissioners shall have a duration of one (1) year from date of the meeting at which list was determined. When an unexpired promotional list is in effect at the time of a vacancy that the Town intends to fill, said promotional list will be used to fill such vacancy. The Board of Police Commissioners shall not rank candidates, but shall promulgate an alphabetical list of eligible employees.
9.6 Employees assigned to a task force will be governed by the Waterford Police Department Task Force Personnel Policy and abide by all Department Rules and Regulations and shall be covered by the provisions of this Agreement.
ASSIGNMENTS AND PROMOTIONS. A) Area of Assignment - All persons appointed to positions within this bargaining unit shall be required to take and pass the applicable Civil Service Examination for that classification. All appointments and promotions shall be in accordance with Civil Service eligibility criteria. The District reserves the right to reassign employee within the same title.
ASSIGNMENTS AND PROMOTIONS. SECTION A. The City, in the exercise of its management rights, shall have the right to assign work to Lieutenants including the Administrative Lieutenant.
ASSIGNMENTS AND PROMOTIONS. 11 Section 7.01 Permanent Vacancy 11 Section 7.02 Posting 11 Section 7.03 Selection 11 Section 7.04 Temporary Assignment 11 Section 7.05 Seniority Protection for Promoted Employees 12 Section 7.06 Promotion of Maintenance Workers 12 ARTICLE VIII DISCIPLINE AND DISCHARGE 12 Section 8.01 Discipline and Discharge 12
ASSIGNMENTS AND PROMOTIONS. 7.01 Assignments. Assignments within the bargaining unit excluding assignments made to accommodate temporarily disabled employees, will be based on such factors as ability, efficiency, quality of prior service, results of written and/or oral examinations when applicable, physical fitness, promise of continued development, education and background and seniority. The parties understand that an opportunity for such assignment is intended to be an employment incentive, to recognize individual efficiency and ability and to xxxxxx government service as a career. Upon written request, candidates seeking assignments or transfers within the bargaining unit who are not selected for such assignment shall be provided a brief written evaluation of their qualifications for the assignment including areas where improvement is needed. Such written response shall become a part of the employee's official record and shall not be subject to Article X, Grievance Procedure.
ASSIGNMENTS AND PROMOTIONS. A. All teachers shall be given written notice of their salary schedules, intended building, grade and room assignments for the forthcoming year not later than May 30. The Association shall be notified of all appointments at the time contracted.
B. No later than May 1st of each school year, the Superintendent shall deliver to the Association and post in all school buildings a list of the known vacancies which shall occur during the following school year. Teachers who desire a change in grade and/or subject assignment or who desire to transfer to another building may file a written statement of such desire with the Superintendent. Such statement shall include the grade and/or subject to which the teacher desires to be transferred, in order of preference. Such requests for transfers and assignments for the following year shall be submitted not later than May 15. As soon as practical, and no later than May 30, the Superintendent shall post in each school and deliver to the Association a system wide schedule showing the names of all teachers who have been reassigned or transferred and the nature of such reassignments or transfers.
C. Notice of involuntary transfers or reassignments shall be given to teachers as soon as practicable, and except in cases of emergency, not later than May 30.
D. All vacancies in promotional positions, including specialists and/ or special project teachers, pupil personnel workers and positions in programs funded by the Federal Government shall be publicized as per Article XXVIII