Collection Days and Hours. All collections by Contractor shall be made between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on weekdays, unless the City authorizes a temporary extension of hours and/or weekend collection as noted otherwise in this Contract. Saturday collection shall not be made before 8:00 a.m. and Sunday collection shall not be made before 9:00 a.m. If complaints are received from Residential Customers that the Contractor violates the provision of the City's noise code, the Contractor shall reroute or otherwise mitigate the noise complaint(s) to the City’s satisfaction. The Contractor shall provide a written explanation to the City of its reroute or mitigation of the noise complaint(s). Collection of Garbage, Recyclables, and Compostables shall occur on the same regularly scheduled day of the week for Single-family Residence Customers. Collection of Garbage, Recyclables, and Compostables for Multifamily and Commercial Customers can be scheduled on different days for each material. Collection for each Customer’s material stream should be made as close to a consistent time as possible. All times listed in this Contract are Pacific Time unless otherwise stated. Collection before or after times specified in this section shall be cause for performance fees.
Collection Days and Hours. A. For each Solid Waste account, collection of Solid Waste, Yard Waste, and Recyclable Materials shall occur on the same day. The days for collection of residential and commercial materials in the City shall be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. inclusive, and Saturday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.; provided, however, that collection in downtown commercial zones of the City may commence at 4:00
Collection Days and Hours a. The Contractor shall be required to establish and maintain a collection schedule based on the following days and hours as established within Draft Service Agreement provided in Attachment 1:
Collection Days and Hours. 3.1 Collection shall be provided once a month on Wednesday to each of four (4) zones as shown in the map in Exhibit A – Collection Zone Map. Changes to the collection days, collection hours and collection routes require mutual agreement between the Township and the Contractor. Any long-term changes must be affirmed through a notification to the County signed by Contractor and Township documenting the change within thirty days of implementation.
Collection Days and Hours. A. Residential Scavengers: Each scavenger which is allowed to operate pursuant to the terms of a residential scavenger license shall remove the garbage, and any other matter enumerated in section 4-10-1 of this chapter, from the residential dwellings in all zoning districts of the city on Wednesday of each week between the hours of six thirty o'clock (6:30) A.M. and six o'clock (6:00) P.M. Removal of garbage, or any other matter enumerated in section 4-10-1 of this chapter, is not to be permitted on any other day of the week, or time, in the above enumerated zones by such scavenger without a special permit having been first issued by the mayor, upon application by the scavenger and for good cause shown.
Collection Days and Hours. To preserve peace and quiet, Solid Waste shall only be Collected between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Saturday Collection is permitted for “Summer Saturday Collection” and for Holiday Collection makeup. If the regularly scheduled Collection day falls on New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, or Christmas Day, Collection days for the remainder of that week shall all be postponed one (1) Collection day. Hauler may not make exceptions to these Collection days and times without advanced written approval from City.