COMPASSIONATE LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 16.1 On request, an employee shall be granted up to five (5) days leave of absence, with pay, in the event of serious injury, major surgery, critical illness or other family emergency for the purpose of attending to the needs of a “near relative”, as defined in clause 16.2. Additional leave may be granted at the discretion of the Superintendent of Human Resources, or designate, should the circumstances warrant extra time.
16.2 For the purpose of this agreement, “near relative” shall be defined as the following relationships to the employee or the employee’s spouse including common-law spouse: • spouse, including common-law spouse • grandparent • parent, including legal guardians • brother • sister • child, including legal wards • grandchild • the respective spouses of all of the above • any other relative who has resided in the home for at least two years • such other person as the Superintendent of Human Resources, or designate may approve.
16.3 On request, an employee shall be granted a maximum of three (3) days leave of absence, with pay, to attend the funeral/memorial service of a “near relative”, as defined in clause 16.1, if the funeral/memorial service is in or near the city. An additional two (2) days shall be granted if further time is required for travel purposes.
16.4 Where an employee does not attend the funeral/memorial services of the “near relative”, as defined in clause 16.1, reasonable leave may be granted at the discretion of the Superintendent of Human Resources, or designate.
COMPASSIONATE LEAVE OF ABSENCE. Compassionate leave is leave which is granted to a Teacher because of a crisis in the immediate family or a personal crisis. A leave of this nature will usually cover extraordinary circumstances that are beyond the individual member’s control and which require that individual’s personal and immediate attention. Exclusive of absence due to sickness, the Employer through the Director of Education or designate may grant Compassionate leave up to a maximum of five (5) days with pay and benefits under Article VIII (Benefits) for any individual request. Compassionate leave may be received consecutively and in addition to the number of days granted in Section
COMPASSIONATE LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 20:01 a) An employee who notifies the Employer as soon as possible following a bereavement shall be granted up to five (5) days off, without loss of their regular earnings for their scheduled hours within fourteen (14) calendar days in conjunction with the day of the funeral of a member of their immediate family. Immediate family means spouse, common-law spouse, partner of same sex, child or step child and parents. Common law spouse is defined as a person living with the employee in a conjugal relationship for at least one (1) year. Up to three (3) days shall be granted off, without loss of their regular earnings for their scheduled hours within fourteen (14) calendar days in conjunction with the day of the funeral for other members of their family including step-parents, father in-law, mother in-law, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandparents, spouses grandparent, grandchild, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law. In the event that the burial does not occur at the time of the funeral, an employee may save one day (1) of bereavement leave entitlement for the purpose of attending the burial. Ft only b) If requested by the employee in writing, the Employer shall grant up to ten (10) additional days leave of absence without pay for travel time and/or other matters related to the estate of the deceased. Pt only c) If requested by the employee in writing, the Employer shall grant up to ten (10) additional calender days leave of absence without pay for travel time and/or other matters related to the estate of the deceased.
COMPASSIONATE LEAVE OF ABSENCE. All employees who meet the eligibility requirements for Compassionate Leave as per the Employment Standards Act shall be provided such leave.
COMPASSIONATE LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 10.1 Leave necessitated by the critical illness or death of a spouse or child shall be granted with full salary as follows:
10.1.1 Up to and including five school days for critical illness.
10.1.2 Leave granted under clause 10.1.1 will terminate in the event of death of the spouse or child and the teacher will then be eligible for leave under clause 10.1.3.
10.1.3 Up to and including 10 school days for death.
10.1.4 The days of absence referred to in clauses 10.1.1 and 10.1.3 must be taken during the time of the actual occurrence of the critical illness or death.
10.2 Leave necessitated by the critical illness or death of a parent, brother, sister, parent of a spouse, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchild or relative who is a member of the teacher's household shall be granted with full salary as follows:
10.2.1 Up to and including five school days for critical illness.
10.2.2 Leave granted under clause 10.2.1 will terminate in the event of death of the relative and the teacher will then be eligible for leave under clause 10.2.3.
10.2.3 Up to and including five school days for death.
10.2.4 The days of absence referred to in clauses 10.2.1 and 10.2.3 must be taken during the time of the actual occurrence of the critical illness or death.
10.2.5 Additional compassionate leave of absence, with full salary or with full salary less the cost of a substitute, due to unusual circumstances may be granted at the sole discretion of the Board, or its delegates, upon application by the teacher.
10.3 Temporary leave of absence for one full day with full salary shall be granted to attend the funeral of a grandparent, brother-in-law or sister-in-law if the funeral is on a school day.
10.4 Where travel is necessary, the normal commercial traveling time will be added to the leave.
10.5 A teacher serving as a pallbearer, eulogist, unpaid soloist or unpaid accompanist shall be granted leave with full salary for up to one day once per
COMPASSIONATE LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 16:01 Compassionate leaves of absence will be granted by the Employer to permanent employees on the following basis:
(a) In the event of the death of a permanent employee’s spouse, common-law spouse, same-sex partner, child and step-child, the Employer, at the request of the employee, will grant a compassionate leave of absence without loss of pay for the purposes of attending the funeral or making the necessary arrangements therefore for a maximum period of four (4) scheduled working days surrounding the date of death or four (4) scheduled working days surrounding the date of the funeral, at the employee’s discretion. In the event of the death of a permanent employee's, mother, father, brother, sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, stepmother, stepfather, grandparent, grandchild, brother-in-law or sister-in-law, the Employer, at the request of the employee, will grant a compassionate leave of absence without loss of pay for the purposes of attending the funeral or making the necessary arrangements. Therefore for a maximum period of three (3) scheduled working days surrounding the date of death or three (3) scheduled working days surrounding the date of the funeral, at the employee’s discretion.
(b) In the event of the death of a permanent employee's aunt, uncle, niece, nephew or the spouse's grandparent, the Employer will, at the request of the employee, grant the day of the funeral as a compassionate leave of absence without loss of pay if the day of the funeral is in fact a scheduled working day for such permanent employee.
(c) In the event of the death of any employee, the Chairperson, or an employee designated by the Union, shall be given time off without loss of pay to a maximum of four (4) hours to attend the funeral.
(d) Where an employee who does not take or require the maximum time allowed for the compassionate leave of absence referred to in Article 16:01 (a) or (b) so requests, she shall be granted a compassionate leave of absence without loss of pay of one (1) day to attend a subsequent memorial or internment service.
(e) Where a death has occurred in the immediate family, as set out in (a) above while an employee is on vacation, he or she is entitled to request to have his or her vacation days rescheduled at a mutually agreeable time to a maximum of three (3) or four (4) days.
16:02 A request for a compassionate leave of absence shall be in writing but, because of the nature of the said leave of absence, such request may be submitted by the e...
COMPASSIONATE LEAVE OF ABSENCE. Compassionate leave is leave which is granted to a Teacher because of a crisis in the immediate family or a personal crisis. A leave of this nature will usually cover extraordinary circumstances that are beyond the individual member’s control and which require that individual’s personal and immediate attention.
COMPASSIONATE LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 12.1.1 Compassionate leaves of absence shall be specifically defined as permission for teachers to be absent from duty because of critical illness, critical accident, or illness or accident requiring emergency medical treatment or death of an immediate member of his/her family or because of a request to serve as a pallbearer.
12.1.2 For the purpose of this section a teacher's immediate family shall be interpreted as consisting of the following Group "A" Relationships Group "B" Relationships
12.1.3 The teacher shall apply through his/her supervisor to the superintendent for compassionate leave of absence. The application must identify the relationship of the family member, the nature of the affliction and the location to which the teacher is required to travel.
12.1.4 Compassionate leave of absence with full pay will be granted, in either full or half day portions, according to the following schedule:
COMPASSIONATE LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 16.1 Employees shall be granted a leave of absence in case of serious injury, major surgery, critical illness or death of a “near relative”. For the purpose of this agreement, “near relative” shal be defined as the following relationships to the employee or the employee’ s spouse including common-law spouse: - spouse, including common-law spouse - grandparent - parent, including legal guardians - brother - si ster - child, including legal wards - grandchild - the respective spouses of all of the above - any other relative who has resided in the home for at least two years - such other person as the Superintendent of Human Resources, or their designate, may approve.
16.2 On request, an employee shall be granted up to three (3) days leave of absence, with pay, in the event of serious injury, major surgery, critical illness or other family emergency for the purpose of attending to the needs of a “near relative”. An additional two (2) days, with pay, may be granted at the discretion of the Superintendent of Human Resources, or their designate, should the circumstances warrant extra time.
16.3 On request, an employee shall be granted a maximum of three (3) days leave of absence, with pay, to attend the funeral/memorial service of a “near relative”, if the funeral/memorial service is in or near the city. An addi tional two (2) days shall be granted if further time is required for travel purposes.
16.4 Where an employee does not attend the funeral/memorial service of the “near relative”, reasonable leave may be granted at the discretion of the Superintendent of Human Resources, or their designate.
COMPASSIONATE LEAVE OF ABSENCE. Employees may be allowed up to an annual maximum of three (3) days’ pay for compassionate family reasons which days of absence shall be deducted from their accumulated sick leave credits, subject to the provision that such compassionate leave is not otherwise provided. An Employee shall not be entitled to benefits under this section if they fail, upon request, to furnish his supervisor with reasonable proof of attendance at the function requiring such compassionate leave of absence.