EQUIPMENT USE AND MAINTENANCE. Employees are expected to use and care for Department equipment in a manner most likely to ensure good working order and appearance. This means employees will be expected to:
A. Keep vehicles free of contraband, evidence, and debris.
B. Keep fuel tank no less than one-half full at end of shift.
C. Conduct circle checks of vehicle/equipment before and after shift and report damage or deficiencies to supervisor on appropriate form.
D. Lock vehicle when leaving it in public areas unless officer safety dictates otherwise.
E. Return equipment used to its proper location.
F. Report all lost, stolen or damaged departmental equipment while it is in possession.
EQUIPMENT USE AND MAINTENANCE. Lessee is solely responsible for the selection, installation, operation and maintenance of the Equipment and all costs related thereto, including shipping charges. Lessee shall at all times operate and maintain the Equipment in good working order, repair, condition and appearance, and in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and recommendations. On reasonable prior notice to Lessee, Lessor and Lessor's agents shall have the right, during Lessee's normal business hours, to enter the premises where the Equipment is located for the purpose of inspecting the Equipment and observing its use. If Lessor shall have provided to Lessee any tags or identifying labels, Lessee shall, at its expense, affix and maintain in a prominent position on each item of Equipment such tags or labels to indicate Lessor's ownership of the Equipment. Except in the case of PC Equipment and Software, Lessee shall, at its expense, enter into and maintain and enforce at all times during the Total Term of each Lease a maintenance agreement to service and maintain the related Equipment, upon terms and with a provider reasonably acceptable to Lessor.
EQUIPMENT USE AND MAINTENANCE. Maintain equipment in a manner most likely to assure safe working order and good appearance. Keep vehicles free of trash and unnecessary items. Insure maintenance checks per guidelines as assigned. Report damage to any Department equipment observed to immediate supervisor. Return equipment, tools, etc., to their proper place. Notify Engineer of removal of any equipment or tools from apparatus. Must maintain a current appropriate California driver license with endorsements.
EQUIPMENT USE AND MAINTENANCE. Lessee is solely responsible for the selection, installation, operation and maintenance of the Equipment and all costs related thereto, including shipping charges. Lessee shall at all times operate and maintain the Equipment in good operating order, repair, condition and appearance, normal wear and tear excepted, and in accordance with its manufacturer's specifications and recommendations. On reasonable prior notice to Lessee, Lessor and Lessor's agents shall have the right, during Lessee's business hours, to enter the premises where the Equipment is located for the purpose of inspecting the Equipment and observing its use. Lessee shall, at its expense, affix and maintain in a prominent position on each item of Equipment any tags or identifying labels provided by Lessor to indicate Lessor's ownership of the Equipment. Lessee shall, at its expense, enter into, maintain and enforce at all times a maintenance agreement to service and maintain the Equipment, upon terms and with a provider acceptable to Lessor.
EQUIPMENT USE AND MAINTENANCE. Customer will keep and maintain the Equipment in good working order at its own expense. Customer will use the Equipment for its intended business purposes only and will comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Customer will not move the Equipment to a new location without Alteva’s consent.
EQUIPMENT USE AND MAINTENANCE. Employees are expected to use and care for Department equipment in a manner most likely to ensure good working order and appearance. This means employees will be expected to:
A. Keep area free of contraband, evidence, and debris.
B. Return equipment used to its proper location.
C. Report all lost, stolen or damaged departmental equipment while it is in possession. I. PRODUCTIVITY
A. Level of activity should be comparable to peers in like conditions, taking into consideration such influences as work schedule, including days off, special enforcement activities, training assignments, number of hours actually worked, etc.
B. Duties include but are not limited to:
1. All complaint-based reports, arrest reports, and other necessary reports, including correspondence, are processed and delivered to the Shasta County District Attorney’s Office or Court Offices prior to any mandated deadline.
2. All reports, supplements, and crime complaint applications are completed in accordance with Department time requirements.
3. Ensure that all necessary documents are attached to the Court/District Attorney Office copies.
4. Follow-up required by the court officer is completed in a timely manner.
EQUIPMENT USE AND MAINTENANCE. Employees are expected to use and care for Department equipment in a manner most likely to ensure good working order and appearance. This means employees will be expected to:
A. Employees are expected to use and care for department equipment in a manner most likely to ensure good working order and appearance.
B. Report damage to any departmental equipment while it is in possession.
C. Complete a malfunction report each time equipment breaks down. Place a call for service if the equipment is needed immediately or leave the malfunction report for day shift records personnel to arrange for repairs. I. PRODUCTIVITY
A. Adhere to current laws, regulations, and codes covering the handling, receipt, storage, maintenance, and release of property and evidence.
B. Level of activity should be comparable to peers in like conditions, taking into consideration such influences as work schedule, including days off, special enforcement activities, training assignments, number of hours actually worked, etc.
C. Employees are responsible for:
1. Maintaining property records automated and manual with 95 percent accuracy and 100 percent accuracy after audit.
2. Preserving evidentiary integrity.
3. Assuring a continual chain of evidence.
4. Arrange for destruction of weapons, and drugs.
5. Arrange for miscellaneous auctions.
D. Employees are expected to work cooperatively with other Department personnel to achieve the overall goals of the department.
EQUIPMENT USE AND MAINTENANCE. Employees are expected to use and care for Department equipment in a manner most likely to ensure good working order and appearance. This means employees will be expected to:
A. Employees are expected to use and care for Department equipment in a manner most likely to ensure good working order and appearance.
B. Report damage to any Departmental equipment while it is in possession.
C. Complete a malfunction report each time equipment breaks down. Place a call for service if the equipment is needed immediately or leave the malfunction report for day shift records personnel to arrange for repairs. DATE: TO: FROM: Evaluation Period to I have reviewed the most recent performance evaluation for this employee and have determined that: The employee has reached the highest step in their classification, The last performance review on file is not older than 15 months, The last performance review rated the employee at Ameets job standards” or better, There are no significant changes in duties, This simplified version may only be used every other year. Therefore, this memo will serve in lieu of the annual performance evaluation for this evaluation period. The current performance evaluation and this alternative procedure have been discussed with the employee and the employee is in agreement. It is understood that the standard performance evaluation will be completed at the end of the next evaluation period. Employee Date Supervisor Date Department Director Date Comments Section I. POLICY Section II. MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBILITIES Section III. TRAINING Section IV. SUBSTANCES FOR WHICH TESTING WILL OCCUR Section V. SUBSTANCE TESTING PROCEDURES Section VI. REHABILITATION Section VII. DISCIPLINARY ACTION Section VIII. MEDICAL REVIEW OFFICER Section IX. CONFIDENTIALITY Section X. SEVERABILITY Attachment “A” CUT-OFF LEVELS FOR SUBSTANCE ABUSE TESTING Attachment “B” RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MEDICAL REVIEW OFFICER Attachment “C” CONSENT FORM TO DRUG TESTING
A. POLICY PHILOSOPHY Police department employees represent the City to the general public in highly visible and often stressful situations. As a result, police officers must make critical decisions that affect both public safety and the safety of fellow employees. Because the role of law enforcement is so crucial to the general welfare of the community, it is held to a higher standard of scrutiny and conduct than the general public. This is particularly important in the use of alcohol or drug...
EQUIPMENT USE AND MAINTENANCE. Employees are expected to use and care for Department equipment in a manner most likely to ensure good working order and appearance. This means employees will be expected to:
A. Keep vehicles free of contraband, evidence, and debris.
B. Keep fuel tank no less than one-half full at end of shift.
C. Conduct circle checks of vehicle before and after shift and report damage or deficiencies to supervisor on appropriate form.
D. Lock vehicle when leaving it in public areas unless officer safety dictates otherwise.
E. Return equipment used to its proper location.
F. Report all lost, stolen or damaged departmental equipment while it is in possession.
1. All pertinent blocks on the face page of the report shall be filled in.
2. RP/Victim information on the face sheet shall include the following information if available: Last name, first name, middle name, AKA’s if any, sex/race, DOB, current street address, current home phone and current business phone if any.
3. Witness information shall include the following information if available: Last name, first name, middle name, AKA’s if any, sex/race, DOB, current street address, current home phone, and current business phone number if available.
4. Suspect information shall contain the following information if available: Last name, first name, middle name, AKA’s if any, sex/race, DOB, height, weight, hair color and length, eye color, distinguishing features to include but not limited to marks/scars and tattoos, driver’s license number, social security number, clothing description if applicable, last known address, home phone and business phone if available. In cases such as Missing Persons or Runaway Juveniles where victim information is critical, the following should be included on the face page and supply the same information as is required for a suspect lead:
5. The elements of the crime being investigated must be clearly established and documented in the report. If the crime is a specific intent crime, the specific intent must be established and documented in the report.
6. A complete and thorough statement must be obtained from every RP, victim, witness, and suspect which is contacted. Attempts should be made to contact those involved parties who are not present at the time. If contact is not made, a notation should be included in the report that an attempt was made to contact that person and the reason for the lack of contact (i.e., suspect unable to be located).
7. An attempt must be made to look for and collect a...
EQUIPMENT USE AND MAINTENANCE. Employees are expected to use and care for Department equipment in a manner most likely to ensure good working order and appearance. This means employees will be expected to:
A. Keep vehicles free of contraband, evidence, and debris.
B. Keep fuel tank no less than one-half full at end of shift.
C. Conduct circle checks of vehicle/equipment before and after shift and report damage or deficiencies to supervisor on appropriate form.
D. Lock vehicle when leaving it in public areas unless officer safety dictates otherwise.
E. Return equipment used to its proper location.
F. Report all lost, stolen or damaged departmental equipment while it is in possession.
G. Keep assigned radio or pager/cell phone charged and in good working order. I. PRODUCTIVITY
A. Adhere to current laws, regulations, and codes covering the collection, preservation, handling, receipt, storage, and release of property and evidence.
B. Level of activity should be comparable to peers in like conditions, taking into consideration such influences as work schedule, including days off, special enforcement activities, training assignments, number of hours actually worked, etc.
C. Employees are responsible for:
1) Performing technical tasks in the collection and preservation of evidence at a crime scene such as lifting fingerprints, collecting body fluids and clothing, dislodging bullets, and making plaster impressions; packaging evidence for s storage; ensures proper procedures are followed and photographing a wide variety of situations to ensure proper documentation of the crime scene.
2) Preparing reports, diagrams, notes and records of crime scenes and evidence collected.
3) Testifying in court regarding the crime scene and the evidence collected.
4) Performing duties related to others areas of civilian police activities as necessary.
5) Reporting to crime scenes to collect evidence on a 24-hour basis as needed.
6) Performing related duties as assigned.
D. Employees are expected to work cooperatively with other department personnel to achieve the overall goals of the department.