Extra Duty Assignment Sample Clauses

Extra Duty Assignment. The attached extra duty assignment index (Appendix B) is based on the school system's base salary in effect in September of any year covered by this Contract. The Association and the Board mutually agree to "hold harmless" the other party from any legal actions which may find this extra-duty salary schedule contrary to Federal law and guidelines.
Extra Duty Assignment. No mealtime supervision will be required of an elementary classroom bargaining unit member prior to the start of the teacher workday. Elementary teachers will not be required to do lunchtime supervision.
Extra Duty Assignment. Association members assigned to an extra duty assignment such as a Movie Detail shall be paid at an hourly rate in accordance with the currently budgeted City Fee Schedule for a minimum of four (4) hours per assignment. The current rate for Fiscal Year 2020/2021 is $100.00 per hour.
Extra Duty Assignment. Extra duty may be requested by Professional Employees in Xxxxxxxx Public Schools regardless of building assignment. Such requests shall be submitted on the district form (See Appendix F) to the appropriate building administrator or their designee. Selection for duty shall be made by the building administrator or their designee to which the duty pertains. All requests will be given fair consideration. Extra duty assignments, not covered under the additional assignment schedule, shall be compensated at the rate of $13.00 per hour for non-curricular activities, subject to prior approval by the principal or their designee. Such compensation shall be used only for supervision of students and/or student related activities. Professional work outside the professional duty day shall be compensated at the rate of $21.00 per hour, with prior approval by the Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning or their designee. Professional Employees who are assigned by the principal as a substitute for another Professional Employee during their planning period shall be compensated at the rate of $21.00 per hour or the prorated amount thereof. If a Professional Employee is assigned students from another class when a substitute is not available, the Professional Employee will be compensated at the daily substitute rate, prorated based upon the percentage of the class assigned.
Extra Duty Assignment. (1) Employees may be offered “extra duty” time by the MPRB, or others under the authority of the MPRB, which may be in addition to the normal monthly schedule. Such assignments shall be made available to Minneapolis Park Police employees first on a voluntary basis. If there are not enough volunteers, the Employer may offer work to Minneapolis Police Officers and if the extra duty assignments remain unfilled, then assign Minneapolis Park Police to work Extra Duty assignments by inverse seniority. (2) Effective the date of all parties signing this contract an employee who works an Extra Duty assignment will be compensated by job type and for hours worked. Employees undertaking patrol officer-type extra duty assignments will be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1 ½) times the current top step Park Police Patrol Officer hourly rate of pay, including the current top longevity step. This will be referred to as “Extra Duty – Base Premium.” Employees undertaking supervisory extra duty assignments will be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1 ½) times the current Park Police top Sergeant pay, including the top longevity step. This will be referred to as “Extra Duty – Coordinator Premium.” MPRB staff with responsibility for coordinating external events will determine when it is appropriate to assign supervisors to an assignment. (3) Any officer of any rank from either the Minneapolis Park Police Department or the City of Minneapolis Police Department will be paid a minimum of four (4) hours. (4) Employees working Extra Duty on most holidays will be paid the regular Extra Duty rates (either Base Premium or Coordinator Premium, depending on the nature of the work assignment). On Independence Day and Thanksgiving, Employees engaged in Extra Duty work will be paid special rates. For those working in officer roles, the compensation will be calculated at two and a quarter (2.25) times the current rate of pay at the top ranking Park Police Patrol Officer (including the current top longevity step). This will be referred to as “Extra Duty-Holiday Premium.” For those working in coordinator roles, the compensation will be calculated at two and a quarter (2.25) times the top step of Park Police Sergeant (including the current top longevity step). This will be referred to as “Extra Duty – Holiday Coordinator.” Should the MPRB charge the event sponsor a rate of 2. 25, or any other multiple of straight time for an officer' s time on holidays other than Thanksgiving or Indepe...
Extra Duty Assignment. The payments for extra-curricular assignments shall be according to “Extra-Curricular Compensation Schedule.” A. Credit for coaching/activity directing shall be allowed for experience outside of the School District. B. Each director/coach shall be paid as found on the table entitled “Extra-Curricular Compensation” based on the number of years of experience. In the event a director/coach of any extra-curricular activity is unable to perform said assigned duties, as determined by a medical doctor, for that current school year, according to the activity season structure, the director/coach will be compensated as follows: A. If the illness/condition/injury occurs prior to the season’s start, no compensation will be paid for services not rendered by the director/coach, B. If the illness/condition/injury occurs during the first 1/2 of the season, the director/coach will be paid 1/2 of the compensation as set forth in the extracurricular compensation schedule, C. If the illness/condition/injury occurs during the last 1/2 of the season, the director/coach will be paid full compensation as set forth in the extra-curricular compensation schedule. A certification of illness/condition/injury by the attending physician may be requested by either party to determine the ability or inability to perform said duties. This certification should be requested within 10 school days after an injury or illness occurs. In the event a director/coach desires to be released from an extra duty assignment, a formal request shall be made by the director/coach for release in writing to the Superintendent. The district will post the potential vacancy based on the requests for release, thus allowing an opportunity for another employee to request an assignment. The administration will make every reasonable effort to find a suitable replacement from the existing employees or from applicants who will be joining the staff for the following year. All positions for which release has been requested shall be advertised with all positions in the district. When a suitable replacement is found, the director/coach request for release will be granted. If a replacement is not found by the deadline for contracts to be received, then the director/coach will be offered a contract which may include the extra duty assignment. This policy does not negate the possibility that the assignment may be removed from the employee contract after offering of contracts should a suitable replacement be located after the d...
Extra Duty Assignment. In addition to a teacher's regular or normal duties, the School District assigns the teacher's extra duty assignments with pay subject to acceptance by the teacher. The EMLF, having negotiated for compensation for extra duty assignments, recognizes a corresponding obligation on its part and on the teacher's in its appropriate unit to accept assignments for extra duties for which compensation is paid. The EMLF will cooperate with the School District to provide suitable and qualified teachers for such duty assignments.
Extra Duty Assignment. 8.3.1 All teachers will have an equal opportunity to apply for each extra pay position. The administration will retain the right to make final selections of extra pay personnel from among the applicants, based upon experience, training, expertise and the desire to provide the best educational experience for the student.
Extra Duty Assignment. I am interested in the following assignments, which include:
Extra Duty Assignment. See attached schedule