General Layoff Procedures Sample Clauses
General Layoff Procedures. 1. Layoff shall be statewide within a Department or layoff unit which existed on November 16, 1985, unless subsequently modified in secondary negotiations. Layoff units shall be defined in secondary negotiations upon request of either party.
2. Within a layoff unit, except where class clusters have been established by secondary negotiations, layoff shall be by Civil Service classification and level within a series by inverse seniority. Positions in a class series which contain automatic level changes shall be considered to be at the same class and level. Where clusters have been established through secondary negotiations layoff shall be by inverse seniority within the layoff unit and the cluster.
3. Seniority for purposes of layoff, bumping and recall shall be as defined in Article 11, Section A.
4. Excluded and non-exclusively represented employees as defined by the Civil Service Rules and Regulations shall be permitted to bump back into these Units under procedures outlined hereinafter.
a. All persons employed on January 13, 1983, shall retain full seniority based on their continuous service prior to that date.
b. All persons who moved from the rank and file to an excluded or non-exclusively represented position prior to January 13, 1983, shall retain all continuous service hours for purposes of seniority earned up to January 13, 1983, plus up to an additional 1,040 hours.
c. All persons who move from rank and file to an excluded or non-exclusively represented position after January 13, 1983, shall retain all continuous service hours for purposes of seniority earned up to the effective date of such appointment and thereafter up to 1,040 hours earned in such excluded position.
5. Seniority of excluded or non-exclusively represented employees for purposes of bumping into Human Services Bargaining Unit shall be computed as follows:
a. All persons employed on November 24, 1980, shall retain full seniority based on their continuous service prior to that date.
b. All persons who moved from the rank and file to an excluded or non-exclusively represented position prior to November 24, 1980, shall retain all continuous service hours for purposes of seniority earned up to November 24, 1980, plus up to an additional 1,040 hours.
c. All persons who moved from the rank and file to an excluded or non-exclusively represented position after November 24, 1980, shall retain all continuous service hours for purposes of seniority earned up to the effective date of such appo...
General Layoff Procedures. 1 An employee who has received written notice from the appointing authority of being at risk of layoff may request, in writing, consideration for a lateral or counterpart vacancy within their current agency. The employee shall be interviewed for the vacancy if they provide written documentation of their qualifications for the vacancy and provide a copy of the at risk notice if requested. WLEA will be notified of employees who have received written notice of being at risk of layoff.
General Layoff Procedures. 1. Layoff Unit shall be defined as Work Location as defined in Article
General Layoff Procedures. Effective January 1, 2019, assignment of staff, including layoff is a Prohibited Subject of Bargaining and as such is governed by Civil Service Rules and Regulations.
General Layoff Procedures. 8/2/1 When a layoff occurs, the following general rules shall apply:
A. Layoff shall be by employing unit within the bargaining unit.
B. Layoff shall be by class and subtitle as set forth in job specifications.
C. Employees within the layoff group shall be laid off by seniority with the least senior laid off first as defined in Article V, except that the Employer shall be permitted to exempt from the layoff process up to ten percent (10%) of the employees but not less than one (1) employee.
D. Employees with permanent status in class shall not be laid off while any limited term employees in the same classification, or original appointment employees serving a probationary period in the same classification, are continued in a bargaining unit position within the employing unit.
General Layoff Procedures. The Employer shall determine the location of positions and the number of 16 employees which are to be laid off by class/level. Preauthorized levels in a 17 class series shall be considered as one level. The Employer shall then 18 identify the least senior employee(s) at the work location where the layoff(s) 19 are to occur who will be laid off or given the option to exercise their bumping 20 rights as specified in Sections 5 and 6 of this Article. Layoff shall be within
General Layoff Procedures. 1 An employe who has received written notice from the appointing authority of being at risk of layoff may request, in writing, consideration for a lateral or counterpart vacancy within their current department or University of Wisconsin campus. The employe shall be interviewed for the vacancy if they provide written documentation of their qualifications for the vacancy and provide a copy of the at risk notice if requested. (See 7/9/1) AFSCME Council 24 will be notified of employes who have received written notice of being at risk of layoff.
General Layoff Procedures. 7 Section 6.3 Recall Of Laid-Off Employees 7 ARTICLE VII DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES 8 Section 7.1 Employee Discipline 8 Section 7.2 Right To Representation. 8
General Layoff Procedures. A. In the event of reduction of force, layoff shall be by employing unit within the bargaining unit. For purposes of this article, employing unit is defined as the facility for the Departments of Corrections and Human Services; the employing unit for the Department of Human Services, non-facility based nurse, and for all other agencies shall be defined by the Employer with reasonable notice to the Association.
B. When the number of positions is to be reduced in a classification in an employing unit, employees in the classification at the employing unit shall be laid off from the classification in reverse order of seniority and ability as defined in Article V, Seniority.
C. No certified or probationary employee within a position classification within the employing unit shall be laid off until any temporary, provisional or emergency employee or employees in a trainee position classification within the classification series within the employing unit is laid off first, unless such temporary employee is in a federally funded position. No certified employee within a position classification shall be laid off until all probationary employees with the same position classification within the employing unit are laid off.
D. An employee laid off as provided in sub-section B who does not choose layoff status may choose to be placed in an available permanent vacant position within the employing unit with the highest pay grade (not above the employee's present pay grade, and on the same shift as before layoff, if possible), that the employee's seniority and ability preference (as defined in Article V, Seniority) entitles the employee to.
General Layoff Procedures. The Employer shall determine the location of positions and the number 20 of employees which are to be laid off by class/level. Preauthorized 21 levels in a class series shall be considered as one level. The Employer 22 shall then identify the least senior employee(s) at the work location 23 where the layoff(s) are to occur who will be laid off or given the option to 24 exercise their bumping rights as specified in Sections 5 and 6 of this 25 Article. Layoff shall be within the Layoff Unit as listed in Section 1, H. 26 Within a Layoff Unit, layoff shall be by seniority as defined in Article 12, 27 Section 2. Employees shall be laid off in least seniority order.