Health Care Committee. A Health Insurance Committee shall be established and maintained with at least three (3) representatives appointed by the Association and three (3) representatives appointed by the Superintendent. The purpose of the Committee shall be to make recommendations designed to optimize the quality of health care available to District employees and improve cost effectiveness of the health insurance program. Committee members shall review data, work with the District insurance consultant, collaborate on making recommendations for changes in plan design, review bids by insurance companies, and ultimately consider recommending plan changes to their respective constituencies. The Committee is not empowered to unilaterally make changes in health care benefits without ratification by the Association and approval by the Board. The creation of the Committee does not diminish or in any way reduce the Board’s and Association’s rights or responsibilities.
Health Care Committee. The board and the union have a mutual interest in ensuring that employees and their families have the best benefits possible for the dollars spent on health care. Therefore, the insurance committee comprised of representatives from all bargaining units and representatives for the finance department will meet at least quarterly to examine our health care plans to determine how to maximize cost efficiency and have a healthy workforce. The committee shall also investigate plan options and designs, and recommend any changes to be negotiated before the end of the current contract cycle.
Health Care Committee. The Health Care Committee will periodically review the financial position of the City of Naples Health Care Plan and to make recommendations as to Health Plan coverage, deductibles and co-payment amounts. The Human Resources Director or designee shall serve as the chairperson of the committee. Committee membership shall consist of the Human Resources Generalist (Benefits), Risk Manager, one OPEIU/GSAF bargaining unit member, and one additional member of each bargaining unit who participates in the City health insurance program may take part on the committee. The City reserves the ultimate right to decide on self-insurance, insurance carriers, plan specifications, and the nature and scope of insurance coverage.
Health Care Committee. The parties hereby establish a joint committee for the purpose of investigating health care cost containment issues which shall continue during the term of this Agreement. The Committee shall be subject to the following provisions:
Health Care Committee. The Health Care Committee shall be composed of four representatives appointed by the President, the President/designee and the Vice-President, four representatives of the Board and a representative from the other employee groups. To the extent possible, Members of the parties bargaining teams should be included on the committee. The committee shall be charged with the following responsibilities: reviewing insurance costs, reviewing plan design, exploring program additions and/or modifications, examining utilization patterns, cost containment options, and reviewing any coverage issues that a Member may experience, the development of a wellness program and any other issue the committee deems necessary to enhance the insurance program. The insurance committee shall meet quarterly or at the request of any Member of the committee. At the start of each school year the Association President and Chief Talent Officer will establish the meeting dates for the year. Cancellation of said meetings will occur only by mutual agreement of the President and Chief Talent Officer. Committee Members shall be paid the curriculum rate for meetings occurring outside the school day. The Chief Talent Officer shall serve as chair of the committee and shall record and publish minutes of all meetings. A quorum is five Members of the committee. All decisions of the committee shall be achieved by consensus, i.e. a majority of the committee Members present shall agree with the decision. The committee shall regularly be provided with insurance data, including enrollment levels, claims paid versus premiums and such other data as deemed necessary to facilitate the committee's decisions. In addition to representatives from the contracted health insurance companies and the Board’s insurance broker, the Board and the Association may have a consultant of its choice attend any committee meeting provided that advance notice is provided to the other party. In addition, the committee shall be authorized to utilize the services of any consultant/advisor, subject to prior approval from the Board for any associated costs. Any changes or modification in coverage and program design, shall not be implemented until approved by the Association and the Board. If both parties do not approve the committee's recommended changes, then the plan will continue unchanged for the succeeding benefit year. Each year the work of the committee shall include a review of the anticipated premium levels for the succeeding b...
Health Care Committee. A health care committee will be created for the purposes of reviewing usage, studying cost containment programs and options for health plan coverage (medical, dental, vision, and prescription), and recommending changes to the plan and benefit levels. Once created, the Union agrees to participate in the committee. The first order of the committee shall be to establish ground rules and the parties recognize that no ground rule can supersede or conflict with the provisions herein. The committee shall consist of one (1) representative from the recognized bargaining units, (1) non-bargaining employee, and up to four (4) administrators/department heads selected by the Mayor/designee. One of the administrators shall be the Compliance Standards Officer/designee, whether a plan participant or not. Each representative must be an active participant in a City provided group health care plan except as otherwise provided herein. The Mayor/designee, plus one staff representative from each certified Union may attend all or some of the committee meetings for informational purposes, but shall not be a voting member. Additionally, the City’s health care consultant and labor relations consultant of the City may also be requested to attend for informational purposes only. The health care committee shall have the authority to recommend alterations to the plan(s) and benefit levels and/or to recommend adjustments to coverage levels for the next plan year through a majority vote. Recommendations will be in compliance with the ACA regarding coverage levels and will be submitted to the Mayor in writing at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the end of the applicable plan year, except where the deadline is extended in conjunction with the City’s health care consultant and the applicable plan provider. Specifically, the committee may recommend any of the following options:
Health Care Committee a. The parties agree to establish a standing health care committee (hereafter referred to as the HCC). The purpose of the HCC is to gather and review information related to health insurance coverage and utilization and make recommendations to the negotiating teams regarding the effective management of health insurance costs and the improvement of employee health status. Information relative to these tasks include health plan certificates and riders, health plan funding information, health insurance consultant/agent and health plan procurement information, health plan performance reports, health risk programs of the District and health plans, and aggregate health risk appraisal/assessment information. All recommendations of the HCC shall be transmitted to the Board and each party of the HCC for further consideration.
Health Care Committee. The Municipality shall establish a Health Care Committee for the Municipality of Anchorage Health Benefit Plans. The Union shall have a representative of its choosing on the Committee. The Committee shall be comprised of represented, non- represented/executive Municipal representatives. The Committee shall meet regularly, as determined by the Committee. Written agendas will be jointly prepared in advance by the staff representatives on the Committee. The Committee shall have a mission to promote health value, consumer awareness and recommended plan designs and savings. Recommendations shall be forwarded to the Association and the Director. ARTICLE XIX
Health Care Committee. The Union will select no more than six (6) representatives to be present and participate in all City of Dayton Healthcare Committee meetings to review and recommend health care insurance in the upcoming contract years. The Health Care Committee will meet as often as necessary to facilitate in a timely fashion all information and cost as needed for this task in an effort to maximize the value to employees and cost effectiveness of Health and Dental Care Plan redesign.
Health Care Committee. The Association may include two (2) of its members on the County Joint Insurance Committee.