JOINT TRAINING COMMITTEE. The purpose of the Joint Training Committee is to oversee the training program at the Goderich Mine. The Joint Training Committee will monitor, track and assess the departmental training programs to ensure the training programs are current, consistent, relevant, effective and progressive. The Joint Training Committee will make recommendations on training issues.
a) A Joint Training Committee will be maintained and co-chaired by the Company’s Environment Health & Safety Manager and a bargaining unit member selected by the Local Union. The parties agree that the Union may select someone other than the bargaining unit trainer in the Training Department for this position. The Committee will have training representatives as listed below to VXSSRUW DQG DVVLVW LQ WKH LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ RI VSHFL¿F DUHDV RI H[SHUWLVH: 0LQLQJ 6XUIDFH 2SHUDWLRQV & +RLVWLQJ 0DLQWHQDQFH (VXUIDFH & XQGHUJURXQG) (OHFWULFDO
b) The Company and the Union shall select their representatives. The employee members will represent the employees of the area of expertise from which they were selected.
c) Each training representative will meet with the appropriate Department Superintendent quarterly to discuss training requirements and training related issues. The Superintendent will forward a report summarizing the meeting and forecasted training requirements to the Environment Health & Safety Manager. The Union and Company Co-Chairs will be copied on this report.
d) The Co-Chairs will meet as required and upon request to review the above reports which collectively represent the training requirements for the entire site. Subsequently, the Environment Health & Safety Manager will compile the training requirements and publish a report summarizing the training completed the previous month as well as planned future training.
e) Semi annually the Environment Health & Safety Manager will create and publish a draft plan to meet the training needs requested by the Department Superintendents. Subsequently, the Co- Chairs, Superintendents, and training representatives will meet to review the training results of the previous quarter and discuss the planned activity for the upcoming quarter. At the conclusion of this meeting, the Environment Health & 6DIHW\ 0DQDJHU ZLOO ¿QDOL]H DQG implement the quarterly training plan.
JOINT TRAINING COMMITTEE. The Employer and Union agree that advances in technology require a forum to discuss and resolve issues related to the training of Employees covered by this Agreement. To that end, the parties hereby establish a Joint Training Committee. The Committee will research and develop training programs which are of mutual benefits to the Employer and Union. The Committee members will be selected on an ad hoc basis and will meet and confer at a time mutually agreeable to both parties.
JOINT TRAINING COMMITTEE. The Company and the Union agree to establish a joint Training Committee to determine the need for training employees. The Committee shall consist of two (2) Company representatives and two (2) Union members who shall meet on a quarterly basis or more if deemed necessary by the Committee. The Training Committee will be established within ninety (90) days after the ratification of this Collective Agreement.
JOINT TRAINING COMMITTEE. 11 The Company and the Union are committed to ensuring that employees have opportunities to 12 improve their skills and are prepared for changing technologies. The parties agree to a Joint 13 Training Committee. The Committee will have an equal number of representatives, including a co- 14 chair, from each party. The Committee will have no bargaining authority. The Committee will 15 monitor and explore developments in the areas of education and training, skill utilization and 16 application, and career development as those link to emerging technologies. The Committee will 17 consider the possibility of utilizing third-party training providers jointly selected by the Company 18 and the Union.
JOINT TRAINING COMMITTEE. The Company and the Union are committed to ensuring that 30 employees have opportunities to improve their skills and are prepared for changing technologies.
A. A joint committee composed of three members from the Bargaining Unit and three members from the Employer shall be established.
B. A secretary shall be requested to attend Committee meetings for recording purposes and shall have no vote of say during the meeting.
C. The Committee shall establish guidelines governing its administrative procedure as are required.
JOINT TRAINING COMMITTEE. A. For purposes of improving the quality of performance, a joint Employer-Association Training Committee shall be established; said Committee to be comprised of two (2) members – one
(1) selected by and representing the Association, and one (1) selected by and representing White Pine County Sheriff’s Office Management.
B. The responsibilities of this Training Committee shall be to review and recommend to the Sheriff and the County available in-service training courses, seminars, etc., and to determine what educational courses or degrees shall qualify for supplemental pay.
C. Any rejection of a Committee recommendation by the Sheriff shall be based on substantive justification and, if rejected, may be appealed to the County Commission for final determination.
D. Any employee in the Department who has completed work on and received an Associate's Degree from an accredited college or university or a Nevada Peace Officers Standards and Training (P.O.S.T) Intermediate Certificate shall receive a sum of $300.00 per year, in addition to his/her annualsalary.
E. Any employee who has completed work on and received a Bachelor's Degree or higher from an accredited college or university, or a Nevada Peace Officers Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) Advanced Certificate shall receive a sum of $1000.00 per year, in addition to his/her annual salary.
F. Any employee who has completed work on and received a Master's Degree or higher from an accredited college or university, shall receive a sum of $1500.00 per year, in addition to his/her annual salary.
G. No individual may receive compensation under more than one of the above subsections D, E, or F at any time.
H. Payment shall be made each year to the employees who qualify on the paycheck that includes payment for September 15.
JOINT TRAINING COMMITTEE. The employer agrees to the establishment of a joint training committee consisting of an equal number of management and employee representatives. The union shall elect the committee members representing the union. This committee will formulate and regulate training programs to best meet the future production requirements of the employer.
(a) The Union and the Employer agree to a Joint Training Committee that will be established by the Joint Labour-Management Committee which will make recommendations to the Employer on:
(1) in-service training needs, programs and training assistance with respect to equipment operation;
(2) training programs for employees affected by technological change, affected by new methods of operation and/or wishing to improve their qualifications in order to prepare for promotional advancement for vacancies or new positions being planned.
(b) The Committee will present a recommended training plan to the Employer on an annual basis, not later than April 1st of each year. Such plan will take into consideration an assessment of the training needs for the members of the bargaining unit which shall be reviewed by the Committee during the previous year.
(c) The Joint Training Committee will consist of two representatives as appointed by the Union and two representatives as appointed by the Employer. The Committee shall be chaired alternately by the Employer and union representatives. Committee members should suffer no loss in pay due to their participation on the Committee.
JOINT TRAINING COMMITTEE. The Union and Company agree to form a joint training committee to study changing skill requirements and look at the training needs of the Employer and employees.