Labor-Management Collaboration Committee. 1. The parties agree to maintain and expand the use of the Labor Management Collaboration Committee (LMCC), a district-level joint committee that provides for regular, on-going discussions and decision-making on matters germane to union-management relations and, when appropriate, to the continuous improvement of instruction and school system operations. Each party shall identify at least four representatives, and no more than six representatives, as permanent members of the committee.
2. The overall charge to the joint committee shall include but not be limited to the following: Interpreting and administering the implementation of the negotiated Agreement Addressing Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) implementation matters that impact existing collective bargaining language, and more generally, working conditions not specified in the Agreement Discussing any matters of mutual interest or concern and reaching tentative agreements on issues in a timely manner Reviewing and assessing the effectiveness of collaboration between MCPS and MCEA
3. Contract Waivers – Any school leadership team that desires to waive a portion or section of this collective bargaining agreement shall first meet with the MCEA President or his/her designee and the appropriate Associate Superintendent from the Office of School Support and Improvement to discuss what the interest is in requesting such a waiver. Following this meeting, if the leadership team is still interested in pursuing a waiver, it is expected to follow an interest- based decision-making process to discuss the waiver request: The issue should first be clearly articulated The interests of the parties should be discussed Those interests that are shared should be identified The team should discuss different options and determine which options address the issue and meet the shared interests The team should determine if they can reach agreement on one option, and if they can, they should communicate this waiver request to the other unit members in the school and share their intent to submit the request to the LMCC. The LMCC will ask representatives of the school leadership team to present their request at a LMCC meeting and describe why they believe it should be approved, the process that was followed, the interests that are being addressed, and the other options that were considered. The LMCC will deliberate following this presentation and may either make a decision at the time or request additional inform...
Labor-Management Collaboration Committee. 1. The parties agree to maintain and expand the use of the Labor Management Collaboration Committee (LMCC), a district-level joint committee that provides for regular, on-going discussions and decision-making on matters germane to union-management relations and, when appropriate, to the continuous improvement of instruction and school system operations. Each party shall identify at least four representatives, and no more than six representatives, as permanent members of the committee.
2. The overall charge to the joint committee shall include but not be limited to the following: • Interpreting and administering the implementation of the negotiated Agreement • Discussing any matters of mutual interest or concern and reaching tentative agreements on issues in a timely manner • Reviewing and assessing the effectiveness of collaboration between MCPS and MCEA • Establishing a process by which school-based collaborative decision-making teams could request contract waivers
3. The joint committee will have the following authorities:
a. To establish temporary joint committees to address particular issues. Such committees will report back to the LMCC. The LMCC shall be authorized to establish the membership charge and the tasks of these committees as well as discontinue the joint committees when their work is completed, task forces. The LMCC will review recommendations and implementation plans for final decisions.
b. To clarify language and meaning, correct contradictions or inconsistencies, and remove outdated language. Recommendations for such changes or corrections to the Agreement shall be subject to internal ratification and approval procedures of MCPS and MCEA.
c. To resolve problems arising out of the interpretation or implementation of collaborative agreements and decisions. Where resolution is not possible within the LMCC, the LMCC is authorized to involve a third party facilitator or other problem-solving process to help the parties reach agreement.
d. The committee will develop ground rules that will guide its deliberations.
4. The LMCC will consider the following collaborative venues determined by the parties to be of high priority.
Labor-Management Collaboration Committee. A. MICA and the Union are committed to an ongoing collaborative relationship that fosters effective ongoing communication, and addresses issues and concerns with solutions that are in the best interest of the parties. To that end, we agree to the creation of a joint labor- management collaboration committee.
B. The Committee shall consist of no more than five (5) representatives designated by the Union and five (5) representatives designated by MICA.
C. The Labor-Management Collaboration Committee shall consider and make recommendations on matters of general importance to the part-time faculty and MICA.
D. The Committee shall meet four (4) times each academic year. Additional meetings may be held by mutual agreement. Designated representatives of the Union and XXXX will suggest agenda items two (2) weeks prior to each meeting. The parties will designate their own representatives to the Committee.
X. XXXX shall retain the final authority with respect to adopting recommendations made by the Committee.
Labor-Management Collaboration Committee. X. XxXxxxxx College and the Union are committed to a collaborative relationship that fosters effective ongoing communication, and addresses issues and concerns with solutions that are in the best interest of the parties. To that end, the parties agree to the creation of a joint labor-management collaboration committee.
B. The committee shall consist of no more than three (3) representatives designated by the Union and three (3) representatives designated by the College. This does not require, however, that all three
Labor-Management Collaboration Committee. A. The University and the Union are committed to an ongoing collaborative relationship that fosters effective ongoing communication, and addresses issues and concerns with recommendations that are in the best interest of the parties. To that end, the parties agree to the creation of a Labor Management Collaboration Committee.
B. The Committee shall consist of no more than five (5) representatives designated by the Union and five (5) representatives designated by the University.
C. The Labor Management Collaboration Committee shall consider and make recommendations on matters of general importance to adjunct faculty members and the University based on mutual agreement.
D. The Committee shall meet at least one (1) time during each semester. Additional meetings may be held by mutual agreement. Designated representatives of the Union and the University will suggest agenda items two (2) weeks prior to each meeting.
E. The University shall retain the final authority with respect to adopting recommendations made by the Committee.
Labor-Management Collaboration Committee. A. The University and the Union are committed to an ongoing collaborative relationship that fosters effective ongoing communication, and addresses issues and concerns with recommendations that are in the best interest of the parties. To that end, the parties agree to the creation of a Labor Management Collaboration Committee.
B. The Committee shall consist of no more than five (5) representatives designated by the Union and five (5) representatives designated by the University.
C. The Labor Management Collaboration Committee shall consider and make recommendations on matters of general importance to adjunct faculty members and the University based on mutual agreement. The Committee shall address the following subjects during the term of this Agreement. The Committee shall begin meeting no later than March 2018 and shall complete its work by March 2020. The Committee shall make recommendations upon which future negotiations may be based.
D. The Committee shall conduct a survey of adjunct faculty to determine the extent to which they have other employment and access to benefits.
E. The Committee shall explore the possibility of creating a regular part-time faculty position or a similar part-time faculty appointment structure at the University, as well as alternative models of compensation and access to benefits for part-time faculty members who regularly teach at Georgetown and do not have other employment and access to benefits.
F. The Committee shall evaluate the extent to which one-year appointments are being offered and assess the value of the one-year appointments to adjunct faculty members and the University.
Labor-Management Collaboration Committee. 1. The parties agree to maintain and expand the use of the Labor Management Collaboration Committee (LMCC), a district-level joint committee that provides for regular, on-going discussions and decision-making on matters germane to union-management relations and, when appropriate, to the continuous improvement of instruction and school system operations. Each party shall identify at least four representatives, and no more than six representatives, as permanent members of the committee.
2. The overall charge to the joint committee shall include but not be limited to the following: Interpreting and administering the implementation of the negotiated Agreement Discussing any matters of mutual interest or concern and reaching tentative agreements on issues in a timely manner Reviewing and assessing the effectiveness of collaboration between MCPS and MCEA
Labor-Management Collaboration Committee. 1. The system-level Labor Management Collaboration Committee (LMCC) shall meet regularly to discuss and make decisions on matters germane to union-management relations and, when appropriate, to the continuous improvement of instruction and school system operations. Each party shall identify four to six representatives, as permanent members of the committee. Members of relevant subcommittees will be invited to attend LMCC meetings when appropriate.
2. The overall charge to the systemwide LMCC shall include but not be limited to the following:
a. Interpreting and administering the implementation of the negotiated Agreement
b. Addressing Blueprint for Maryland’s Future implementation matters that impact existing collective bargaining language, and, more generally, working conditions not specified in the Agreement
c. Discussing any matters of mutual interest or concern and reaching tentative agreements on issues in a timely manner
d. Reviewing and assessing the effectiveness of collaboration between MCPS and MCEA
e. Delegating to the appropriate area-specific labor management committee and/or collaborative body any matter of mutual concern to:
1) Collect constituent feedback
2) Make a report and recommendation to the LMCC that shall be adopted, rejected, or modified by the LMCC or remanded to the appropriate committee or body for further review.
f. Reviewing and assessing the effectiveness of all state and system-mandated assessments.
1) Based on the More Learning, Less Testing Act which became effective June 1, 2017, and upon ratification of the agreement, the LMCC shall begin creating a time impact statement for all assessments currently in use. The scope of school years to be included shall be determined by the LMCC.
2) The LMCC shall annually track and evaluate these real-time impacts and report the hours devoted to all aspects of mandated assessment administration to the staff from a representative, random sample of classrooms.
3) The Board and the Association agree to work together to reduce the amount of time diverted away from instruction.
Labor-Management Collaboration Committee. A. The College and the Union are committed to establishing and maintaining a collaborative relationship that fosters effective communication. To that end, the Parties agree to form a Labor-Management Collaboration Committee (the “Committee”).
B. The Committee shall consist of no more than five representatives designated by the Union and at least one representative designated by the College.
C. The Committee shall consider matters of general importance to the Union and the College including, but not limited to, issues such as Part-Time Faculty working conditions, health and safety, workload, and resources available to represented Part-Time Faculty.
D. The Committee shall meet at least one time in each of the Fall and Spring Semesters, at times and dates mutually agreeable to the Parties. Additional meetings may be held by mutual agreement.
Labor-Management Collaboration Committee. A. The College and the Union are committed to establishing and maintaining a collaborative relationship that fosters effective communication. To that end, the Parties agree to form a Labor-Management Collaboration Committee (the “Committee”).
B. The Committee shall consist of no more than five representatives designated by the Union and no more than five representatives designated by the College. Subject matter experts may be invited by the parties for specific topics.
C. The Committee shall meet every other month for a duration of no more than one hour, at the request of one of the parties unless the parties mutually agree to cancel the meeting and shall serve as a forum for discussion of all on-going issues related to the employees represented under this Agreement. This meeting may take place on work time. The Union shall prepare an agenda for the meeting and submit it to the College at least five business days prior to the meeting date. In the event that the agenda is not received by the College in that timeframe, the meeting will be canceled, unless the College has an agenda item that it would like to discuss. The Committee meetings will be scheduled when both Parties are available. Additional meetings or meetings of longer duration may occur as agreed to by the parties.